Population policies and issues

India was the first nation to launched a family planning programme in 1952. Though the birth rate started decreasing, it was accompanied by a sharp decrease in death rate, leading to an overall increase in Population.The early concept of population policy covered both mortality and fertility and did not exclusively focus on fertility. There was … Read more

Population and associated issues

  India is the second most populous country in the world next only to China. On March 1, 2011 the total Population of India was at 1.247 billion. This accounted for 17.5% of the world’s total population. In other words, about every sixth person in the world there is an Indian. China, the most populous country … Read more

Vital statistics of Birth and Death

                 Health Status of the country The  health  of  a  nation  is  an  essential  component  of  development,  vital  to  the  nation‟s  economic Growth and internal stability. Assuming the minimum level of health care to the  Population  is  a  critical  constituent  of  the  development  process.  Many  countries  in  the  course of development  gone through what is … Read more

Human Characteristics – Population, Census, Population Growth. Density and Distribution. Birth rate, Mortality rate, Infant Mortality rate, Migration, Literacy

Census Of India : Economic and Social features Rural and urban Population Altogether, 833.5 million persons live in rural area as per Census 2011, which was more than two-third of the total population, while 377.1 million persons live in urban areas. Urban proportion has gone up from 17.3 per cent in 1951 to 31.2 per … Read more

Vital Statics Of Birth And Death

                  Health Status of the country   The  health  of  a  nation  is  an  essential  component  of  development,  vital  to  the   nation‟s economic Growth and internal stability. Assuming the minimum level of health care to the Population  is  a  critical  constituent  of  the  development  process. First,  India  has  to  complete  its  unfinished … Read more

Emergence of Religious Movements (Jainism, Buddhism and other sects)

Jainism Originated in India thousands of years ago and is thought to have heavily influenced the two other main belief systems of the region at that time: Buddhism. The religion centres on the progress of one’s soul towards a divine consciousness through self-reformation, wisdom and self-control and pacifism towards all living creatures. There are two … Read more

Difference Between Nationality and Citizenship

Difference Between Nationality and Citizenship Nationality and citizenship are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually have different meanings. Nationality refers to a person’s legal status as a member of a particular country. Citizenship, on the other hand, refers to a person’s rights and responsibilities as a member of a particular country. … Read more

Citizenship by Birth

Citizenship by Birth Citizenship by birth is the acquisition of citizenship at the moment of birth. It is a fundamental principle of international law that a person is a citizen of the state in which they are born, unless they have been granted citizenship by another state. There are two main types of citizenship by … Read more