ssues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Education and Human Resource

Education, Social Change And Modernisation: Education has been accepted as one major agency of socialization, and teachers and educational institutions as socializing agents. In describing education as an instrument of social change, three things are important: the agents of change, the content of change, and the social background of those who are sought to be … Read more

Bt cotton and Bt brinjal

INFRASTRUCTURE. The hope was that the introduction of Bt Cotton would largely take care of the main pest problems and reduce the use of pesticides. The use of BT cotton in India has raised a lot of controversy even before its official introduction in India. It all began when Monsanto partnered up with an Indian … Read more

Introduction to Global Positioning System (GPS)

The Global Positioning System consists of 24 satellites, that circle the globe once every 12 hours, to provide worldwide position, time and velocity information. GPS makes it possible to precisely identify locations on the earth by measuring distance from the satellites. GPS allows you to record or create locations from places on the earth and … Read more

International Booster- Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) and India

Regional Comprehensive Economic PARTNERSHIP (RCEP) and India Fifteen countries have formed the world’s largest trading bloc, covering nearly a third of the global economy.  The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is made up of 10 Southeast Asian countries, as well as South Korea, China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.  The pact is seen as an … Read more

Employment Trend

 JOB CREATION   As outlined in the NITI Aayog’s Action Agenda, India suffers more from the problem of underemployment (i.e. low-productivity, low-wage jobs) than Unemployment as for example: In 2011-12, agriculture engaged nearly 50% of the workforce but contributed 15% to GDP In 2010-11, within manufacturing, small firms employed 72% but output was … Read more

Central And State Government Privileges

 Central and State Government Privileges Section 123 of the Indian Evidence Act Evidence as to affairs of State:  No one shall be permitted to give any evidence derived from unpublished official records relating to any affairs of State, except with the permission of the officer at the head of the department concerned, who … Read more

Welfare Of Disabled

     Welfare of Disabled, Aged and Others: Enactments, Policies, Institutions and Schemes   Vulnerable groups are those groups of Society which would be susceptible under any unfavourable situations such as where the adults are not capable to provide a satisfactory living for the household due to Health issues like disability, illness, age … Read more


QUICK REVISION: NANOTECH AND ITS APPLICATION   Definition:Nanoscience and Nanotechnology involves the concept of manipulating the extremely small things at nanoscale. At nanoscale things behave differently and this properties can be utilised across various fields of science like chemistry, biology, medicine, physics and material science.   APPLICATION OF NANO ON Health SECTOR: Repairing of damaged … Read more