Kerala Government Schemes

Kerala Government Schemes Insurance Scheme (Savalambam) for Disabled People in Kerala: This is the insurance scheme named Savalambam for the disabled person in Kerala. The main purpose of the scheme is to take care of disabled person and include them into the mainstream Society. As centre as well as State Government has taken many initiative … Read more

Main Features of budgets of West Bengal

Main Features of budgets of West Bengal :- In Feb 2017 West Bengal Finance Minister Amit Mitra presented tax-free Budget even as the redemption of market loans is set to peak at the beginning of the next financial year, further constraining the state’s weak finances. Budget provides value-added tax (VAT) relief to small businesses and … Read more

Tamil Nadu: Government Schemes and Projects

Tamil Nadu: Government Schemes and Projects Schemes of Tamilnadu Government Tamil Nadu state is the second largest contributor to the Indian GDP and the second most industrialized state in India. Good Foreign Direct Investment and boost domestic investment in businesses, Tamil Nadu government has announced various subsidies and schemes. Capital Subsidy:- All Micro Manufacturing units … Read more

Main Features of budget of Tamil Nadu

Main Features of budget of Tamil Nadu Tamilnadu  is second largest economy after Maharashtra with Dollar 220 billion  gross state domestic product. Per capita GDP of Tamil Nadu was $2,200(- Rs.1,43,547 at current prices (2015 – 16) ) in the year 2014–15, the third highest in India. Tamil Nadu is an innovation – based economy with a … Read more

Main Features of Budget of Goa

Main Features of Budget of Goa The GSDP at constant (2011-12) prices for the year 2015-16 (Quick Estimates) is estimated at above 37,520 crore as against 34611 crore in the year 2014-15 thereby reflecting a Growth of 8.41 percent as against 9.64% in 2014-15. Growth rate projected an 11% growth in the GSDP(Gross state domestic … Read more

Goa : Schemes and Projects

Goa : Schemes and Projects State Government has proposed various schemes to provide welfare to all the communities so as to provide inclusive development of all. Goa’s per capita income was RS 2,71,793, which was one of the highest among all states. So there is no benefit of growing without the welfare of all the … Read more

Women, Minorities, Backward classes, Differently-abled persons, and children in India.

Women, Minorities, Backward classes, Differently-abled persons, and children in India Women, minorities, backword classes, differentially abled people and children are the vulnerable section of the Society. Women due to tradition and patriarchy (male sex considered to be superior to female in society) Disabled due to their physical and mental inability to perform activities like other … Read more

Social Exclusion and Vulnerable Groups: Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes, Minorities, Women, Children, Aged and Disabled

Table of Content Caste System Issues Related to Women Gender Discrimination Low status of women Dowry System Sati practice Issues related to Youth Issues related to Minority Issues related to Tribal Issues related to Farmers Issues related to Labourers Issues related to Professionals Issues related to Person with Disablity Substance Abuse and Addiction Communalism Illiteracy … Read more

Main Features Of Budgets Of Telangna

  Main Features Of Budgets Of Telangna Telangana presented a tax-free, revenue surplus budget for 2017-18, proposing an expenditure of Rs 1,49,446 crore, an increase of 14.59 percent over the previous year. The budget estimates for 2017-18 indicate a revenue surplus of Rs 4,571 crore and a Fiscal Deficit of Rs 26,096 crore. The development … Read more

Programmes and Schemes- Government Welfare Schemes for SC/ST/Backward Class/Minorities/Disabled Persons, Destitute, Women, Children, Old Age People, Farmers & Labourers.

  Crop Insurance Scheme CM Jan AwasYojna Rajasthan Startup Policy Resurgent Rajasthan PARTNERSHIP Summit 2015 Bhamshah Health Insurance Scheme 2015 Rajasthan Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSMEs) Policy 2015 Smart City Programme-2015 AMRUT Mission- 2015 Rajasthan Mineral Policy-2015 Rajasthan Agro-Processing and Agri-Marketing Promotion Policy, 2015 Rajasthan Biotechnology Policy 2015 Rajasthan Amendment in Wind Power Policy … Read more