Canadian pacific, Cape of of Good Hope water way

Canadian Pacific Railway The Canadian Pacific Railway company was incorporated in 1881. Its original purpose was the construction of a transcontinental railway, a promise to British Columbia upon its entry into Confederation. The railway — completed in 1885 — connected Eastern Canada to BC and played an important role in the development of the nation. … Read more

Oceans And Continents

 Introduction to Continents and Ocean Basins Continents and ocean basins being fundamental relief features of the globe are considered as ‘relief features of the first order’. It is, therefore, desirable to inquire into their mode of possible origin and evolu­tion. Different views, concepts, hypotheses and theo­ries regarding the origin of the continents and … Read more

Canaries Current

The Canaries Current is a warm ocean current that flows northward along the western coast of Africa. It is a branch of the North Atlantic Gyre, and it is part of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. The Canaries Current is a major factor in the climate of Europe, and it is also important for FisheriesFisheries … Read more