6.The Mauryas

   Foundation of the Mauryan Empire: The foundation of the Maurya Empire in 321 B.C. by Chandragupta Maurya was a unique event in history. Particularly in view of the fact that it was found shortly after Alexander’s victorious campaigns in North-West India during 327 B.C. – 325 B.C. There … Read more

5.the Rise Of Magadha Kingdom

   In the sixth country B.C. North India was divided into sixteen kingdoms out of which Avanti, Vatsa, Kosala and Magadha rose into prominence by aggrandizing upon other weaker states.These four states involved themselves in internecine quarrel in which Magadha emerged as the most powerful state and acquired mastery in the political domain … Read more


  Foundation of the Mauryan Empire: The foundation of the Maurya Empire in 321 B.C. by Chandragupta Maurya was a unique event in history. Particularly in view of the fact that it was found shortly after Alexander’s victorious campaigns in North-West India during 327 B.C. – 325 B.C. There is no unanimity with regard to … Read more

Religious Movements and religious philosophy in Ancient and Medieval India

Religious Movements and religious philosophy in Ancient and Medieval India is an open ended topic and as mentioned in RAS Mains updated syllabus we have bifurcated the topic to cover the topic in entity for RAS Mains exam. Hinduism-as-a-federation-of-various-sects-shaiva-vaishnava-and-shakta/”>Hindu Sects: Hinduism as a federation of various sects – Shaiva, Vaishnava and Shakta Nature and scope … Read more

The Rise of the Magadhan empire

  In the sixth country B.C. North India was divided into sixteen kingdoms out of which Avanti, Vatsa, Kosala and Magadha rose into prominence by aggrandizing upon other weaker states.These four states involved themselves in internecine quarrel in which Magadha emerged as the most powerful state and acquired mastery in the political domain of India. … Read more

Important Ancient Terms for RAS/RTS (Rajasthan) Prelims and Mains Examination

Lohit Ayas Copper Syam Ayas Iron Vanik Traders Gramini Village Head Bhagadugha Tax collector Sthapati Chief Judge Takshan Carpenter Niska Unit of currency Satamana Unit of currency Pana Term used for coin Shresthi Guilds Vihara Buddhist Monastery Chaitya Sacred Enclosure Pradeshika Head of District Administration Nagarka City administration Jesthaka Chief of a Guild Prathamakulika Chief … Read more

Test 1 :-Indian History-Ancient Period

[WATU 2] , The history of India is long and complex, dating back to the Indus Valley Civilization. This civilization flourished in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent from about 2600 to 1900 BCE. The Indus Valley people were skilled farmers, traders, and craftsmen. They built large cities with well-planned streets and Drainage Systems. … Read more

Ashoka Inscriptions

div class=w-full text-token-text-primary data-testid=conversation-turn-37> Unraveling the Legacy of Ashoka Inscriptions: A Glimpse in to Ancient wisdom Ashoka Inscriptions, also known as Ashoka Edicts, are a remarkable collection of inscriptions attributed to Emperor Ashoka, one of the most influential rulers of ancient India. These inscriptions, carved on rocks, pillars, and cave walls, provide invaluable insights into … Read more

Other prominent personalities Associated with Buddhism

Other prominent personalities Associated with Buddhism Buddhism is a religion that originated in India over 2,500 years ago. It is one of the world’s major religions, with over 500 million followers. Buddhism is based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who is also known as the Buddha. The Buddha was a prince who renounced his … Read more