Human health and diseases

Human Health and diseases According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), health is defined as: Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being and not merely absence of disease or infirmity. Good health of an individual is important in order to ensure happiness and our ability to work. There are many … Read more


Age Problems   Important Formulas on “Problems on Ages”:   If the current age is x, then ntimes the age is nx. If the current age is x, then age nyears later/hence = x+ n. If the current age is x, then age nyears ago = x– n. The ages in a ratio a: bwill be ax and bx. 5. If the current age is x, then 1 of the age is … Read more


What is Alkaptonuria? Alkaptonuria is a rare genetic disorder that affects the body’s ability to break down a substance called homogentisic acid. This causes homogentisic acid to build up in the body, leading to a number of health problems, including arthritis, black urine, and ochronosis (a darkening of the skin and connective tissues). How is … Read more