Microorganisms: Common bacteria, virus

Microorganisms Microscopic organisms, commonly known as microorganisms or microbes, are found all around us and even inside our bodies. The category ‘Microbes’ includes a massive range of organisms including bacteria, Fungi, viruses, algae, archaea and protozoa. Some of these, such as bacteria and fungi, are well known, but others such as archaea much less so. … Read more

Organism and Types of organisms

  Each organism is different from other organisms. The total number of species living on the planet is imprecisely known and published estimates vary from 12 million to over 100 million. This is because there are large numbers of species yet undiscovered and undescribed, and there is not always agreement on whether certain organisms should … Read more


 Microorganisms Microscopic organisms, commonly known as microorganisms or microbes, are found all around us and even inside our bodies. The category ‘Microbes’ includes a massive range of organisms including bacteria, Fungi, viruses, algae, archaea and protozoa. Some of these, such as bacteria and fungi, are well known, but others such as archaea much … Read more

Marine Organisms

Here is a list of subtopics about marine organisms: Algae Animals Bacteria Bioluminescence Coral reefs Deep sea creatures Fish Marine mammals Marine plants Marine reptiles Mollusks Plankton Seabirds Seaweeds Sponges Worms I hope this is helpful! Marine organisms are the plants and animals that live in the ocean. They are a diverse group of creatures, … Read more