Agro Based Industries

SEED Industry India is the fifth largest seed market across the globe. It is expected to grow at more than 15% during 2017–2022, and can reach a value of more than US$ 7 Billion by 2022. The seed market is majorly contributed by non-vegetable seeds such as corn, Cotton, paddy, wheat, sorghum, sunflower and Millets. … Read more

Blue Revolution

Blue Revolution The Blue Revolution is a term used to describe the potential for Sustainable Development of the world’s oceans. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including aquaculture, marine conversion. Marine RENEWABLE ENERGY has the potential to provide a significant amount of clean energy, and can help to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. … Read more

Agriculture Allied Sectors

Agriculture Allied Sectors Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy, employing over 50% of the country’s workforce. However, the sector is facing a number of challenges, including low productivity, high input costs, and Climate Change. To address these challenges, the government has launched a number of initiatives, such as the Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee … Read more


Fisheries What is Fisheries? Overfishing Pollution Climate Change What is Fisheries? Fisheries is the science and practice of catching and harvesting fish and other aquatic animals. It is a major economic activity in many parts of the world, and it provides food for millions of people. Fisheries can be divided into two main categories: capture … Read more

Classification Based on Economic Importance

Classification Based on Economic Importance The classification of economic activities is a complex and ever-changing process. The way in which economic activities are classified can have a significant impact on the way in which economic data is collected, analyzed, and reported. There are a number of different ways in which economic activities can be classified. … Read more

Farming Systems

Farming Systems Introduction Farming systems are the ways in which people grow crops and raise LivestockLivestock. They vary depending on the climate, SoilSoil, water availability, and other factors. There are many different types of farming systems, but they can be broadly divided into two categories: subsistence farming and commercial farming. Subsistence farming is a type … Read more

Wetland Farming

Wetland Farming Types of Wetlands Suitable Crops Water Management SoilSoil Adaptation Nutrient Management in Wetlands Pest and Disease Control Ecological Considerations Economic Benefits Types of Wetlands Wetland farming takes place in various naturally or artificially flooded areas: Freshwater Marshes: Shallow areas with emergent vegetation, ideal for crops like rice and cranberries. Bogs: Primarily peat-forming wetlands with specific … Read more

Specialized Farming

Specialized Farming Specialized farming is a type of agriculture that focuses on the production of a single crop or LivestockLivestock product. This type of farming is often used to produce high-value crops or Livestock that can be sold for a premium price. Specialized farming can be more profitable than traditional farming, but it also requires … Read more

Fish Meal

Fish Meal Fish meal is a high-protein, low-carbohydrate feed ingredient used in aquaculture and animal feed. It is made from the dried, ground bodies of small fish, such as anchovies, menhaden, and sardines. Fish meal is a valuable source of essential amino acids, such as lysine and methionine, which are not produced by plants. It … Read more