
 BEHAVIOR   MEETING LIFE CHALLENGES : STRESS   Stress: – The pattern of responses an organism makes to stimulus event that disturbs the equilibrium and exceeds a person’s ability to cope.   NATURE OF STRESS   Stress is not a factor that resides in the individual or the Environment, instead it is embedded … Read more

Psychology Stress Management

 Psychology Stress management Stress arises when individuals perceive a discrepancy between the physical or psychological demands of a situation and the Resources of his or her biological, psychological or social systems. There are many ways of coping with stress. Their effectiveness depends on the type of stressor, the particular individual, and the circumstances. … Read more


Government of India is committed to the goal of ‘Health for All’  The obligation of the Government to ensure the highest possible health status of India’s Population and access to quality health care has been recognized by a number of key policy documents.Health care system supplement in improving the health of individuals, particularly those belonging … Read more