The Dravida Movement

The Dravida Movement The Dravida movement was basically for the demand of Dravinadu. DravidaNadu, is the name of a hypothetical “sovereign state” demanded by Justice Party led by E. V. Ramasamy and the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) led by C. N. Annadurai for the speakers of the Dravidian languages in South Asia. Initially, the demand … Read more

Charvaka School or Lokayata Philosophy

Charvaka School or Lokayata Philosophy Introduction The Charvaka school, also known as Lokayata, is a materialist school of Indian philosophy that flourished in the 6th century BCE. The Charvakas rejected the authority of the Vedas and other religious texts, and they advocated for a hedonistic lifestyle based on the pursuit of pleasure. History The Charvaka … Read more