Chemistry of ores and metals

Ore An ore is a special type of rock that contains a large enough amount of a particular mineral (usually a Metal) to make it economically practical to extract that mineral from the surrounding rock. Not all Minerals are found in a large enough amount in one location to make it worth it to remove the ore … Read more

Quick Revision: Audit and accounting

Audit and accounting: Auditing is defined as the systematic and independent assessment and examination of data, statement, records, operations and performance, financial or otherwise of an enterprise.   Objectives of Auditing: PRIMARY OBJECTIVE Examining the system of Internal check Checking arithmetical accuracy of books of accounts Verifying the authenticity and validity of transactions. Checking the … Read more

RAS MAINS REVISION: Part III Auditing and Accounting

RAS MAINS REVISION: Part III Auditing and Accounting Social Audit:    It is a tool through which government department can plan, manage and measure non-financial activities and monitor both internal and external consequences of the department social and commercial operation. OR Social Audit is an independent evaluation of the performance of an organisation as it relates … Read more

APPSC Group 1 Prelims updated Notes- Latest Syllabus

PSC Notes team is pleased to provide the updated syllabus notes for APPSC Group 1 Prelims exam according to the latest syllabus furnished by APPSC. 1. Events of National and International importance. 2. Current affairs – International, National and Regional. 3. Indian Polity and Governance; Constitutional issues, public policy formulation and implementation, Governance Reforms and … Read more

RAS(RTS) Exam Prelims Test Series for General Studies

RAS Pre Exam solved Paper 2013 RAS Pre Exam solved Paper 2010 RAS Pre Exam solved Paper 2008 RAS Pre Exam solved Paper 2007 RAS Pre Exam solved Paper 2003 RAS Pre Exam solved Paper 1998 RAS Pre Exam solved Paper 1996 RAS Pre Exam solved Paper 1995 RAS Pre Exam solved Paper 1993 Question Bank as Online Tests Test :-Indian Constitution, Political System … Read more