Punjab Wild life

Punjab Wild life Punjab is one of the smallest states of India with an area of 50,362 sq.km. It is primarily an agrarian state with 84% area under intensive cultivation.  Over time, partitioning of the original area of Punjab into various states and diversion of large areas of forestland for non-Forestry purposes such as agriculture … Read more

Wildlife of India

  Wildlife means all the Flora and Fauna, which are not domesticated by humans. It includes animals, birds,Plants,insects and Microorganisms. With large regional variations in physiographic,Climate,and edaphic types, indian forests offer a large variety of wild life in india.India bosts of more than 90,000species of animals which is about 6.5% of the world’s total species.Indian … Read more


Here is a list of subtopics in oceanography: Physical oceanography Chemical oceanography Biological oceanography Geological oceanography Marine geology Marine geophysics Marine biology Marine ecology Marine chemistry Marine physics Marine meteorology Ocean climate Ocean currents Ocean waves Tides Salinity Temperature Density Turbidity Transparency Color Sound speed Light penetration Phytoplankton ZooplanktonZooplankton Fish Marine mammals Seabirds Coral reefs … Read more