DPPQ- Sailent Features of the Constitution

Original constitution of 1949 has how many articles? 319 421 395 439 option3   Question:-Change of State boundry needs Special Majority under Art 368 Special majority and ractification by half of the states Simple Majority None option3   Question:-Flexiblity of Indian constitution is a……….. Feature. Fedral Unitary Both None option2   Question:-Indian constitution has been … Read more

Indian Constitution : historical underpinnings:-For RAS RTS Mains and Ras RTS Prelims Examination

Constitution Constitution is the fundamental law of a country which ordains the fundamental principles on which the government (or the governance) of that country is based. It lays down the framework and principal functions of various organs of the government as well as the modalities of interaction between the government and its citizens. With the … Read more

Amendments of Fundamental Rights

Amendments of Fundamental Rights The Constitution of India is the supreme law of India. It was adopted on 26 November 1949, and came into effect on 26 January 1950. The Constitution provides for a parliamentary system of government, with a President as the head of state and a Prime Minister as the head of government. … Read more