Microorganisms: Common bacteria, virus

Microorganisms Microscopic organisms, commonly known as microorganisms or microbes, are found all around us and even inside our bodies. The category ‘Microbes’ includes a massive range of organisms including bacteria, Fungi, viruses, algae, archaea and protozoa. Some of these, such as bacteria and fungi, are well known, but others such as archaea much less so. … Read more


  Any – body of standing water, generally large enough in area and depth, irrespective of its hydrology, ECOLOGY, and other characteristics is generally known as lake. Ageing of Lakes The nutrient enrichment of the lakes promotes the Growth of algae, aquatic Plants and various Fauna. This process is known as natural eutrophication. Similar nutrient … Read more


  Eutrophication is a syndrome of ecosystem, response to the addition of artificial or natural substances such as nitrates and phosphates through fertilizer, sewage, etc that fertilize the AQUATIC ECOSYSTEM. The Growth of green algae which we see in the lake surface layer is the physical identification of an Eutrophication. Some algae and blue-green bacteria … Read more


Algae Brown algae Dictyota Fucus Laminaria Green algae Chlorella Chlamydomonas Volvox Red algae Corallina Gracilaria Porphyra Seagrasses Halophila Cymodocea Thalassia Zostera Kelps Macrocystis Nereocystis Laminaria Dulse Palmaria palmata Saccharina latissima Rhodymenia palmata Nori Porphyra umbilicalis Pyropia tenera Gracilaria verrucosa Wakame Undaria pinnatifida Laminaria japonica Saccharina japonica Kombu Saccharina latissima Laminaria japonica Undaria pinnatifida Agar Gelidium … Read more

Marine Organisms

Here is a list of subtopics about marine organisms: Algae Animals Bacteria Bioluminescence Coral reefs Deep sea creatures Fish Marine mammals Marine plants Marine reptiles Mollusks Plankton Seabirds Seaweeds Sponges Worms I hope this is helpful! Marine organisms are the plants and animals that live in the ocean. They are a diverse group of creatures, … Read more