United Nations Environmental Conservation Programme (UNEP)

UNEP is the principal UN body in the field of the Environment, assisting governments to address global,  regional  and  national  environmental  challenges.  Its  mandate  was  reinforced  at  the  United  Nations  Conference  on  Sustainable Development  (Rio+20)  and  through  the  Rio+20 outcome  document  “The  Future Want” . As a follow up to the Rio+20 Conference, UNEP has … Read more

Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure

Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition InfrastructureInfrastructure An integrated cold chain is a system that ensures that perishable goods are kept at the correct temperature from the point of production to the point of consumption. This includes everything from the transportation of the goods to the storage and handling of the goods. A value addition … Read more

Agriculture Extension Services

Agriculture Extension Services Agriculture extension services are a vital part of the agricultural sector. They provide farmers with the information and resources they need to improve their production and profitability. Extension services also play a role in educating consumers about the importance of agriculture and the role that farmers play in our food system. There … Read more

Rio +20

The following are the subtopics of Rio +20: Sustainable development Green economy Institutional framework for sustainable development Means of implementation Non-state actors Science and technology South-South cooperation Capacity building Education and public awareness Communication and information Follow-up and review Implementation of the outcomes of the Millennium Summit Strengthening of the United Nations system Other matters … Read more

Joint Forest Management (JFM)

Here is a list of sub topics without any description for Joint Forest Management (JFM): History of JFM Objectives of JFM Principles of JFM Components of JFM Benefits of JFM Challenges of JFM Future of JFM Joint Forest Management (JFM) is a participatory forest management approach that involves local communities in the management of forests. … Read more

Empowering Change: The Role of Women and Women’s Organizations

Women’s empowerment and gender equality are critical components of sustainable development and societal progress. Women play multifaceted roles in society, contributing to various spheres of life. In this article, we delve into the significant role of women and women’s organizations in driving positive change and fostering gender equality. 1. Empowering Women in Education: Education is … Read more