Delhi Sultanat and Mazor Dynasties for RAS/RTS Prelims

Slave Qutbuddin Died while playing Chaugan. Aram Shah (short period) Aibak Shamsuddin He defeated Yalduz of Ghazni & Qubacha of Multan. Captured the Iltutmish fort  of  Ranthambor,  Lakhnauti.  Organized  the  iqta  system  (land assignment) & currency (introduced copper tanka & silver jital). Razia Sultana Married  Malik  Altunia  (Governor  of  Bhatinda).  Turkish  Aamirs played  the dominant  … Read more

Ahmed Shah Abdali

Here is a list of subtopics about Ahmed Shah Abdali: Early life Rise to power Reign Death and legacy See also References Early life Ahmed Shah Abdali was born in Herat, Afghanistan, in 1722. He was the son of a Pashtun tribal leader. Abdali’s father was killed when he was young, and he was raised … Read more