Basic Knowledge of Laws in India

Basic Knowledge of Laws in India The law is an amorphous set of rules govern individuals and group behavior. We don’t even know about many of these rules or we understand them only generally. For example, you don’t need to see a written law to know that it’s a crime to steal or destroy someone … Read more

Major Landmarks in the History of Rajasthan, Major Dynasties, their Administrative and Revenue System. Socio-cultural Issues.

Mazor Dynasties  of Rajasthan:- Chauhan Dynasty Gehlot Dynasty Rathore dynasty Kachhwaha Dynasty Pratihar Dynasty Chawad Dynasty Bhati Dynasty Yadav Dynasty Hada Dynasty Detailed notes for these dynasties will be provided later., Rajasthan is a state in northwestern India. It is the largest state in India by area, covering 342,239 square kilometers (132,139 sq mi). The … Read more

Insulating Civil Servants from Undue Political Interference

Insulating Civil servants from undue political interference The integrity and efficiency of public administration are foundational to a well-functioning democracy. Civil servants, the backbone of public administration, must operate in an EnvironmentEnvironment that shields them from undue political interference to ensure that public services are delivered effectively, equitably, and without bias. This article explores strategies … Read more

Right to Property

The Right to Property The right to property is a fundamental human right that is recognized in international law. It is the right to own and control property, including land, goods, and MoneyMoney. The right to property is essential for individual freedom and Economic Development. The right to property is enshrined in the Universal Declaration … Read more