Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector

Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector Micro, Small and Medium enterprises (MSMEs) are small sized entities, defined in terms of their size of Investment. They are contributing significantly to output, EMPLOYMENT export etc. in the economy. They perform a critical role in the economy by providing employment to a large number of unskilled and … Read more

Personnel, Financial, Administrative Law

Personnel Law Human resource managers in the twenty-first century are faced with an unprecedented intrusion of law into the workplace. The recent rise in EMPLOYMENT litigation and heightened awareness of employee rights in the last decade should signal to management that now more than ever, educating personnel executives in the trends and developments of employment … Read more

Simple Interest

 MATHEMATICS AND QUATITUATIVE Aptitude – SIMPLE INTEREST Introduction Money is not free and it costs to borrow the money. Normally, the borrower has to pay an extra amount in addition to the amount he had borrowed. i.e, to repay the loan, the borrower has to pay the sum borrowed and the interest. Lender … Read more

Social Accounting

 SOCIAL ACCOUNTING   Social accounting can be defined as a set of organisational activities that deals with the measurement and analysis of the social performance of organisations and the reporting of results to concerned groups, both within and outside the organisation.   Social accounting, also known as NATIONAL INCOME accounting, is a method … Read more

Issues Of Finance

 Issues of finance, ownership, operation and maintenance of all kinds of Foreign Direct Investment under automatic route in the construction development sector. High capital intensity, low operating cost, higher gestation period, near absent risk mitigation measures, difficulties in getting Environment clearance, inability to generate direct adequate income streams to selffinance are some of … Read more

Profit Loss

 Profit and loss   IMPORTANT FACTS Cost Price: The price, at which an ARTICLE is purchased, is called its cost price, abbreviated as C.P.   Selling Price: The price, at which an article is sold, is called its selling prices, abbreviated as S.P.   Profit or Gain: If S.P. is greater than C.P., the seller is said … Read more

Techniques Of Analysis Of Financial Statement

           GS1;PART III;PART C Technique of Analysis of financial statement   Financial statement: They are written records that convey the financial activities and condition of business or entity . It has four major components i.e. Income statement Balance sheets Statement of retained earnings Cash flows   Financial statement analysis: It is a systematic … Read more

Financial Markets

–2/”>a >DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd”> –Instabilities – Stock Exchanges and SEBI Instabilities in The traditional conception of instability in Financial Markets stems from the view that financial institutions act as agents which intermediate between savers willing to lend funds and final borrowers seeking to invest funds. This intermediation function not only … Read more

Quick Revision: Audit and accounting

Audit and accounting: Auditing is defined as the systematic and independent assessment and examination of data, statement, records, operations and performance, financial or otherwise of an enterprise.   Objectives of Auditing: PRIMARY OBJECTIVE Examining the system of Internal check Checking arithmetical accuracy of books of accounts Verifying the authenticity and validity of transactions. Checking the … Read more