Right to Information (RTI)

The Right to Information (RTI) is an important right that allows citizens to access information from the government. It is a powerful tool that can be used to hold the government accountable and to improve transparency and accountability. The RTI was first introduced in India in 2005. It was based on the principle that citizens … Read more

Separation of Powers Between Various Organs

Separation of Powers The separation of powers is a system of government in which the legislative, executive, and judicial branches are kept separate to prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful. This system is designed to ensure that no one person or group can control the government and that the rights of the people … Read more

Gram Sabha

What is Gram Sabha? Gram Sabha is a village assembly in India. It is the basic unit of self-governance in rural India. The Gram Sabha is a forum where villagers can discuss and decide on matters related to their village. It is also a forum where villagers can hold the government accountable for its actions. … Read more

Central Information Commission

The Central Information Commission (CIC) is an independent statutory body established by the Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI Act) to provide a mechanism for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities. The CIC is headed by a Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) and two Information Commissioners (ICs). The CIC has … Read more

Public Interest Litigation

Public Interest Litigation (PIL) is a legal action initiated in a court of law by a person or group of people on behalf of the general public. It is a way of seeking justice for the people who are unable to do so for themselves. PILs have been used to address a wide range of … Read more

Budgetary process in parliament

The budgetary process in parliament is a complex and often opaque process. It is important to understand the key stages of the process in order to track the progress of a budget and to identify potential areas of concern. The first stage of the budgetary process is the preparation of the budget estimates. This is … Read more

RISE: Revitalizing Infrastructure and Systems in Education

RISE (Revitalizing Infrastructure and Systems in Education) is a central government scheme focused on upgrading the physical and technological infrastructure of centrally funded higher education institutions in India. Launched by the Ministry of Education, RISE aims to enhance the learning environment and research capabilities of these institutions, propelling them to higher quality standards. Objectives of … Read more