Bradley – Idealism

Bradley’s theory that relational judgments that appear to refer to a number of identifiable and discriminable individuals actually presuppose a single underlying reality gets confirmation from his logical analysis of a kind of judgment in which this reality is introduced directly. Bradley’s definition of judgment introduces “ideal content.”  What is “ideal content” and how is … Read more

DPPQ- Basics of Economics

Question:Brach of Economics which examines the economic behaviour of Individual actors is >>>Macroeconomics >>>Microeconomics >>>Mesoeconomics >>>Metaeconomics >>>option2 Question:Brach of Economics which studies the intermediate level of economic organizations is >>>Macroeconomics >>>Microeconomics >>>Mesoeconomics >>>Metaeconomics >>>option3 Question:Study of POVERTY and Inflation is the scope of >>>Macroeconomics >>>Microeconomics >>>Mesoeconomics >>>Metaeconomics >>>option1 Question:Keynesian macronimics suggests the following policies >>>contraction … Read more

Poverty Gap

Here is a list of subtopics on poverty gap: Absolute poverty Chronic poverty Depth of poverty Headcount Ratio Multidimensional poverty Poverty gap ratio Poverty Line Relative poverty Severe poverty Social exclusion Sustainable Development Goal 1 Ultra poverty Wealth gap World Bank poverty line Poverty is a state or condition in which a person or community … Read more

Humidity and Types of Humidity

Here is a list of subtopics about humidity and types of humidity: Absolute humidity Atmospheric humidity Dew point Relative humidity Specific humidity Vapor pressure Absolute humidity is the mass of water vapor per unit volume of air. Atmospheric humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air. Dew point is the temperature at which … Read more

Types of government

Types of Government Government is the system or group of people governing an organized community, usually a state. In the broadest sense, it may refer to any system of social control. In the narrower sense, it refers specifically to the form of government of a particular state. There are many different types of government, but … Read more

Types of Majority

Types of Majority A majority is a group of people that makes up more than half of a total number. In politics, a majority is the group of people who have more than half of the votes in an election. In mathematics, a majority is a number that is greater than half of the total … Read more

Democratic and Non-Democratic Political Systems

Democratic and Non-Democratic Political Systems What is a democracy? A democracy is a form of government in which the people hold power. This means that the citizens of a democracy have a say in how their country is run. There are many different types of democracies, but they all share some common features. One of … Read more