Struggle for Raising Women’s status : Abolition of Sati System, Widow Marriage Act, Consent Bill,Stress on Female education

Struggle for Raising Women‘s status Patriarchy remains deeply entrenched in Indian social structure, influencing the structure of its political and Social Institutions and determining the opportunities open to women and men. The negotiation and conflict between patriarchy and the women’s movement are central to the Struggle for Raising Women’s status in Gender Equality. In the … Read more

Devadasi System

Devadasi System In parts of southern and eastern India, a devadasi was a young woman who dedicated her life to the worship and service of a Hindu deity or a temple. Devadasis could be as young as 7 years old when they were initiated into this way of life. The initiation or ‘Pottukattu’ ceremony was … Read more

Coolie- Begar Movement

Coolie- Begar Movement The Coolie-Begar movement was a non-violent movement by the general public of Kumaun in the Bageshwar town of United Provinces in 1921. This movement was led by Badri Datt Pandey, who was awarded the title of ‘Kumaon Kesari’ after the success of this movement. The aim of this movement was to put … Read more

Directive Principles of State Policy

An important feature of the constitution is the Directive Principles of State Policy. Although the Directive Principles are asserted to be “fundamental in the governance of the country,” they are not legally enforceable. Instead, they are guidelines for creating a social order characterized by social, economic, and political Justice, Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity as enunciated … Read more

Lord William Bentick (1828-1835)

Lord William Bentick (1828-1835) Introduction Lord William Bentinck assumed the office of the Governor- General in 1828. Born in 1774 he commenced his career as a soldier and later at the young age of twenty two he became a Member of Parliament. He was appointed the Governor of Madras in 1803. He supported Sir Thomas … Read more

Subsidiary Alliance System

Subsidiary Alliance System The Subsidiary Alliance System was a system of alliances between the British East India Company and Indian states. The system was established in the late 18th century and continued until the Indian Rebellion of 1857. Under the system, Indian states were required to cede territory to the British, to accept a British … Read more

Constituent Assembly Debate on Abolition of Death Penalty

 Constituent Assembly Debate on Abolition of Death Penalty The Constituent Assembly of India was a body of elected representatives that drafted the Constitution of India. The Assembly met from 1946 to 1950 and was chaired by Dr. Rajendra Prasad. One of the issues that the Constituent Assembly debated was the death penalty. There were strong … Read more

Abolition of the Intermediaries (Zamindari System)

The Abolition of the Intermediaries (Zamindari System) The zamindari system was a system of land tenure in India that was abolished in 1950. Under this system, the zamindars, or landlords, were the intermediaries between the British government and the peasants. The zamindars collected revenue from the peasants and paid a portion of it to the … Read more

Directive Principles of State Policy

Directive Principles of State Policy The Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) are a set of principles enshrined in Part IV of the Constitution of India. They are not enforceable by any court, but the State is obliged to apply these principles in making laws. The DPSP are intended to guide the State in its … Read more