Swami Vivekananda

Swami Vivekananda: A Biography

Swami Vivekananda was an Indian Hindu monk, philosopher, and social reformer who played a major role in the introduction of Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world. He was a key figure in the Ramakrishna Mission, of which he was the chief monastic disciple of Ramakrishna. He is also known for his advocacy of Hindu nationalism and his support for the Indian independence movement.

Vivekananda was born Narendranath Datta on January 12, 1863, in Kolkata, British India. He was the youngest of seven children. His father, Vishwanath Datta, was a lawyer and his mother, Bhuvaneswari Devi, was a devout Hindu. Vivekananda was a bright and inquisitive child, and he excelled in his studies. He was also deeply religious, and he began to study Hindu scriptures at a young age.

In 1881, Vivekananda met Ramakrishna, a Hindu monk who was living in Kolkata. Ramakrishna was a charismatic and spiritual figure, and he had a profound impact on Vivekananda. Vivekananda became Ramakrishna’s disciple, and he spent the next few years studying with him and learning about Hindu philosophy.

In 1886, Ramakrishna died. Vivekananda was devastated by his death, but he was determined to carry on Ramakrishna’s work. He founded the Ramakrishna Mission, an organization that was dedicated to spreading the message of Vedanta and Yoga. He also began to travel around India, giving lectures and spreading the message of Hindu nationalism.

In 1893, Vivekananda was invited to speak at the World’s Parliament of Religions in Chicago. His speech, “The Vedanta Philosophy,” was a major success, and it helped to introduce Indian philosophy to the Western world. Vivekananda spent the next few years traveling around the United States and Europe, giving lectures and meeting with prominent figures.

In 1897, Vivekananda returned to India. He continued to work for the Ramakrishna Mission, and he also became involved in the Indian independence movement. He died on July 4, 1902, at the age of 39.

Swami Vivekananda’s Legacy

Swami Vivekananda was a towering figure in Indian history. He was a brilliant thinker, a charismatic speaker, and a tireless worker for social reform. He played a major role in the introduction of Indian philosophies to the Western world, and he helped to inspire the Indian independence movement. His legacy continues to inspire people around the world.


Who was Swami Vivekananda?

Swami Vivekananda was an Indian Hindu monk, philosopher, and social reformer who played a major role in the introduction of Indian philosophies of Vedanta and Yoga to the Western world. He was a key figure in the Ramakrishna Mission, of which he was the chief monastic disciple of Ramakrishna. He is also known for his advocacy of Hindu nationalism and his support for the Indian independence movement.

What were Swami Vivekananda’s teachings?

Swami Vivekananda’s teachings were based on the Hindu philosophy of Vedanta. He taught that all religions are true, and that the goal of life is to achieve self-realization. He also taught that all people are equal, and that we should work to improve the lives of others.

 What was Swami Vivekananda’s impact on the world?

Swami Vivekananda had a profound impact on the world. He introduced Indian philosophies to the Western world, and he helped to inspire the Indian independence movement. His teachings continue to inspire people around the world.

What are some of Swami Vivekananda’s most famous quotes?

Some of Swami Vivekananda’s most famous quotes include:

  • “You are the light of the world. You are the children of the immortal. You are the heirs of God.”
  • “Take up one idea, make that one idea your life; think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success.”
  • “Strength is life; weakness is death. Weakness is death. Weakness is death. Strength is life. Be strong.”
  • “The greatest religion is to be true to your own nature. Have faith in yourselves. Do not go by anybody else’s faith. Do not go by what anybody else says. Do your own thinking.”

Who was the spiritual mentor of Swami Vivekananda?

He was a revered saint and mystic known for his profound teachings.

What is the name of the institution founded to promote Vedanta philosophy and humanitarian activities?

The institution focuses on spiritual and social welfare initiatives.

Where is the headquarters of the organization dedicated to Vedanta teachings located?

The headquarters sits by the banks of the Ganges in India.

What color robes are typically worn by monks associated with this organization?

Monks are recognized by their distinctive saffron attire.

What are the core tenets upheld by this institution?

The principles emphasize selfless service, spiritual evolution, and interfaith harmony.

Who delivered a historic address introducing Indian spirituality to the world at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 1893?

A renowned Indian spiritual leader made a significant impact with his speech in Chicago.

What is the symbolic representation often linked with this organization?

The symbol signifies unity among diverse faiths and a commitment to service.

Which comprehensive volume contains the teachings and discourses of the spiritual leader associated with this institution?

The profound insights and lectures are compiled in a comprehensive anthology.

How did the spiritual figure associated with this institution contribute to the dissemination of Indian spirituality?

He played a pivotal role in bringing Eastern philosophy to the global forefront.

What is the primary objective of the institution founded by the spiritual leader?

The primary objective revolves around uplifting humanity through various endeavors.


  • Who was the spiritual guru of the founder of the Ramakrishna Mission?
    • A) Sri Ramakrishna
    • B) Sri Aurobindo
    • C) Swami Dayananda Saraswati
    • D) Swami Sivananda
    • Correct Answer: A) Sri Ramakrishna
  • Where is the headquarters of the organization founded to propagate Vedanta philosophy located?
    • A) Varanasi
    • B) Rishikesh
    • C) Belur Math
    • D) Haridwar
    • Correct Answer: C) Belur Math
  • What is the primary aim of the institution established by the spiritual leader associated with the Ramakrishna Mission?
    • A) Economic development
    • B) Social media influence
    • C) Spiritual and social welfare
    • D) Political activism
    • Correct Answer: C) Spiritual and social welfare
  • Which color attire is commonly worn by monks affiliated with this organization?
    • A) White
    • B) Red
    • C) Orange
    • D) Blue
    • Correct Answer: C) Orange
  • What are the core principles upheld by the organization founded on the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna?
    • A) Materialism and hedonism
    • B) Asceticism and isolation
    • C) Selfless service and spiritual evolution
    • D) Consumerism and individualism
    • Correct Answer: C) Selfless service and spiritual evolution
  • Where did the spiritual leader associated with this organization deliver his historic address in 1893, introducing Indian spirituality to the world?
    • A) New York
    • B) London
    • C) Chicago
    • D) Paris
    • Correct Answer: C) Chicago
  • What is the primary symbol often linked with this organization, representing unity among diverse faiths?
    • A) Lotus
    • B) Cross
    • C) Om
    • D) Swastika
    • Correct Answer: A) Lotus
  • Which comprehensive volume contains the teachings and discourses of the spiritual leader associated with this institution?
    • A) The Upanishads
    • B) The Bible
    • C) The Bhagavad Gita
    • D) Complete Works
    • Correct Answer: D) Complete Works
  • What is the central message of the teachings of the spiritual leader associated with this institution?
    • A) Pursuit of material wealth
    • B) Harmony of religions and service to humanity
    • C) Political power and domination
    • D) Isolation and withdrawal from society
    • Correct Answer: B) Harmony of religions and service to humanity
  • What role did the spiritual figure associated with this institution play in the propagation of Indian spirituality?
    • A) He led military campaigns
    • B) He established numerous business ventures
    • C) He brought Eastern philosophy to the global forefront
    • D) He focused solely on personal enlightenment
    • Correct Answer: C) He brought Eastern philosophy to the global forefront