Swadesi Movement:-For RAS RTS Mains Exam and Ras Rts Prelims Examination

Reasons for the Growth of militant nationalism (this is different from Revolutionary Terrorism)


Disillusionment of the nationalists with moderate policies

  • The moderates thought that the British could be reformed from within
  • Politically conscious Indians were convinced that the purpose of the British rule was to exploit India economically
  • The nationalists realized that Indian industries could not flourish except under an Indian government
  • Disastrous famines from 1896 to 1900 took a toll of over 90 lakh lives
  • The Indian Councils Act of 1892 was a disappointment
  • The Natu brothers were deported in 1897 without trial
  • In 1897 B G Tilak was sentenced to long term imprisonment for arousing the people against the government
  • In 1904, the Indian Official Secrets Act was passed restricting the freedom of the Press
  • Primary and technical Education was not making any progress
  • Thus, increasing number of Indians were getting convinced that self-government was essential for the sake of economic, political and cultural progress of the country


Growth of Self-respect and  self-confidence

  • Tilak, Aurobindo and Pal preached the message of self-respect
  • They said to the people that remedy to their condition lay in their own hand and they should therefore become strong
  • Swami Vivekananda’s messages


Growth of education and Unemployment


International Influences

  • Rise of modern Japan after 1868
  • Defeat of the Italian army by the Ethiopians in 1896 and of Russia by Japan in 1905 exploded the myth of European superiority

Existence of a Militant Nationalist School of Thought


Partition of Bengal


  • With the partition of Bengal, Indian National Movement entered its second stage
  • On 20 July, 1905, Lord Curzon issued an order dividing the province of Bengal into two parts: Eastern Bengal and Assam with a Population of 31 mn and the rest of Bengal with a population of 54 mn.
  • Reason given: the existing province of Bengal was too big to be efficiently administered by a single provincial government
  • The partition expected to weaken the nerve centre of Indian Nationalism, Bengal.
  • The partition of the state intended to curb Bengali influence by not only placing Bengalis under two administrations but by reducing them to a minority in Bengal itself as in the new proposed Bengal proper was to have seventeen million Bengali and thirty seven million Oriya and Hindi speaking people.
  • The partition was also meant to foster division on the basis of religion.
  • Risley, Home Secretary to the GoI, said on December 6, 1904 – ‘one of our main objects is to split up and thereby weaken a solid body of opponents to our rule.’
  • the nationalists saw it as a deliberate attempt to divide the Bengalis territorially and on religious grounds


The Swadeshi Movement

  • The Swadeshi movement had its genesis in the anti-partition movement which was started to oppose the British decision to partition Bengal.
  • Mass protests were organized in opposition to the proposed partition.
  • Despite the protests, the decision to partition Bengal was announced on July 19, 1905
  • It became obvious to the nationalists that their moderate methods were not working and that a different kind of strategy was needed.
  • Several meetings were held in towns such as Dinajpur Pabna, Faridpur etc. It was in these meetings that the pledge to boycott foreign goods was first taken.
  • The formal proclamation of the Swadeshi movement was made on 7 August 1905 in a meeting held in the Calcutta town hall. The famous boycott resolution was passed.
  • The leaders like SN Banerjee toured the country urging the boycott of Manchester cloth and Liverpool salt.
  • The value of British cloth sold in some of the districts fell by five to fifteen times between September 1904 and September 1905.
  • The day the partition took effect – 16 October 1905 – was declared a day of mourning throughout Bengal.
  • The movement soon spread to the entire country.
  • Militant nationalists
    • The extremists were in favor of extending the movement to the rest of India and carrying it beyond the programme of just Swadeshi and boycott to a full fledged political mass struggle. The moderates were not as willing to go that far.
    • The differences between the extremists and moderates came to had in 1907 Surat session where the party split with serious consequences for the Swadeshi Movement.
    • In Bengal, the extremists acquired a dominant influence over the Swadeshi movement.
    • They proposed the technique of extended boycott which included, apart from boycott of foreign goods, boycott of government schools and colleges, courts, titles and government Services and even the organization of strikes.
    • Aurobindo Ghose: Political freedom is the lifebreath of a nation.
    • Boycott and public burning foreign cloth, picketing of shops selling foreign goods, became common in remote corners of Bengal as well as in many towns across the country.
    • The militant nationslists, however, failed to give a positive Leadership to the people. They also failed to reach the real masses of the country, the peasants.
  • The movement also innovated with considerable success different forms of mass mobilization such as public meetings, processions and corps of volunteers.
  • The Swadesh Bandhab Samiti set up by Ashwini Kumar Dutt, a school teacher, in Barisal was the most well known volunteer organization.
  • During the Swadeshi period, traditional festivals were used to reach out to the masses. The Ganapati and Shivaji festivals were popularized by Tilak. Traditional folk theatres such as jatras were also used.
  • Another important aspect was the great emphasis given to self-reliance or Atmasakti as a necessary part of the struggle against the government.
  • Self-reliance was the keyword. Campaigns for social reforms were carried out.
  • In 1906, the National Council for Education was setup to organize the education system.
  • Self-reliance also meant an effort to set up Swadeshi or indigenous enterprises.
  • Marked impact in the cultural sphere
    • The songs composed by Rabindranath Tago, Mukunda Das and others became the moving spirit for nationalists.
    • Rabindranath’s ‘Amar Sonar Bangla’, written at that time, was to later inspire the liberation struggle of Bangladesh and was adopted as the National Anthem of the country in 1971.
    • Nandalal Bose, who left a major imprint on Indian art, was the first recipient of a scholarship offered by the Society/”>Indian Society of Oriental Art founded in 1907.
  • The social base of the national movement was now extened to include certain zamindari section, lower middle class and school and college students. Women also participated in large numbers.
  • Drawback: Was not able to garner the support of the mass of Muslims, especially the muslim peasantry. The British policy of Communalism responsible for this.
  • By mid-1908, the movement was almost over. The main reasons were:
    • The government, seeing the revolutionary potential of the movement, came down with a heavy hand.
    • The split of the congress in 1907 had weakened the movement.
    • The movement lacked an effective organization and party structure.
    • The movement decline dpartially because of the logic of the Mass Movements itself – they cannot be endlessly sustained at the same pitch of militancy and self-sacrifice.
  • The anti-partition movement, however, marked a great revolutionary leap forward for Indian nationalism.
  • The decline of Swadeshi engendered the rise of revolutionary terrorism.
  • Assessing the movement
    • Cultural impact
    • Social Impact
    • Economic impact
    • Role of students and  Women
    • All India aspect of the movement
    • From passive protest to active boycott

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The Swadeshi Movement was a socio-economic and political movement that took place in India in the early 20th century. The movement was started in response to the British government’s economic policies, which were seen as exploitative and harmful to the Indian economy. The Swadeshi Movement called for Indians to boycott British goods and products, and to instead support Indian-made goods. The movement also called for Indians to be self-sufficient and to develop their own industries.

The Swadeshi Movement was caused by a number of factors, including the British government’s economic policies, the Indian National Congress‘s call for self-rule, and the growing discontent among Indians with British rule. The British government’s economic policies were seen as exploitative and harmful to the Indian economy. The British government imposed high tariffs on Indian goods, which made it difficult for Indian goods to compete with British goods in the Indian market. The British government also gave preferential treatment to British goods, which further disadvantaged Indian goods. The Indian National Congress’s call for self-rule also contributed to the Swadeshi Movement. The Indian National Congress was a political party that was formed in 1885 to demand self-rule for India. The Indian National Congress’s call for self-rule resonated with many Indians, who were tired of British rule. The growing discontent among Indians with British rule also contributed to the Swadeshi Movement. Many Indians were unhappy with the way that the British government was ruling India. They felt that the British government was not taking into account the interests of Indians. They also felt that the British government was not respecting Indian culture and traditions.

The Swadeshi Movement was led by a number of prominent Indian leaders, including Mahatma Gandhi, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, and Bipin Chandra Pal. Mahatma Gandhi was a lawyer and social activist who is considered to be the father of modern India. He was the leader of the Indian independence movement, and he is best known for his nonviolent methods of protest. Bal Gangadhar Tilak was a lawyer and politician who was one of the most prominent leaders of the Indian independence movement. He is best known for his slogan “Swaraj is my birthright and I will have it.” Bipin Chandra Pal was a journalist and politician who was one of the most prominent leaders of the Indian independence movement. He is best known for his slogan “Bande Mataram,” which means “I salute the mother.”

The objectives of the Swadeshi Movement were to boycott British goods and products, to support Indian-made goods, to be self-sufficient, and to develop Indian industries. The boycott of British goods and products was aimed at hurting the British economy. The support for Indian-made goods was aimed at promoting Indian industries. The goal of self-sufficiency was to reduce India’s dependence on foreign goods. The development of Indian industries was aimed at making India economically independent.

The Swadeshi Movement used a number of methods to achieve its objectives, including boycotts, strikes, and protests. The boycott of British goods and products was one of the most effective methods of the Swadeshi Movement. The boycott was successful in hurting the British economy, and it also helped to promote Indian industries. Strikes were also used by the Swadeshi Movement. Strikes were used to pressure the British government to change its economic policies. Protests were also used by the Swadeshi Movement. Protests were used to raise awareness of the Swadeshi Movement’s goals, and they also helped to build support for the movement.

The Swadeshi Movement had a significant impact on India. The movement helped to promote Indian industries, and it also helped to raise awareness of the need for self-rule. The movement also helped to build support for the Indian independence movement. The Swadeshi Movement was a major turning point in the history of India, and it helped to pave the way for India’s independence.

The Swadeshi Movement was a successful movement that achieved many of its objectives. The boycott of British goods and products hurt the British economy, and it also helped to promote Indian industries. The strikes and protests helped to pressure the British government to change its economic policies. The Swadeshi Movement also helped to raise awareness of the need for self-rule, and it helped to build support for the Indian independence movement. The Swadeshi Movement was a major turning point in the history of India, and it helped to pave the way for India’s independence.

Q1. What is Swadeshi Movement?

A. The Swadeshi Movement was an economic boycott of British goods that took place in India in the early 20th century. It was a major turning point in the Indian independence movement, and it helped to unite Indians against British rule.

Q2. Who started the Swadeshi Movement?

A. The Swadeshi Movement was started by Mahatma Gandhi in 1905. He called for Indians to boycott British goods and to use Indian-made goods instead.

Q3. What were the goals of the Swadeshi Movement?

A. The goals of the Swadeshi Movement were to:

  • Promote Indian industries and products
  • Boycott British goods
  • Unite Indians against British rule
  • Gain independence for India

Q4. What were the methods used by the Swadeshi Movement?

A. The Swadeshi Movement used a variety of methods, including:

  • Boycotts of British goods
  • Strikes
  • Protests
  • Swadeshi goods were promoted through speeches, pamphlets, and newspapers.

Q5. What were the results of the Swadeshi Movement?

A. The Swadeshi Movement had a number of results, including:

  • It helped to unite Indians against British rule
  • It promoted Indian industries and products
  • It damaged the British economy
  • It helped to gain independence for India

Q6. What were the challenges faced by the Swadeshi Movement?

A. The Swadeshi Movement faced a number of challenges, including:

  • The British government tried to suppress the movement
  • Some Indians were not supportive of the movement
  • The movement was not always successful in boycotting British goods

Q7. What is the legacy of the Swadeshi Movement?

A. The Swadeshi Movement is considered to be one of the most important events in Indian history. It helped to unite Indians against British rule, and it promoted Indian industries and products. The movement also helped to gain independence for India.

Q8. What are some of the key figures in the Swadeshi Movement?

A. Some of the key figures in the Swadeshi Movement include:

  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Bal Gangadhar Tilak
  • Bipin Chandra Pal
  • Lala Lajpat Rai

Q9. What are some of the key events in the Swadeshi Movement?

A. Some of the key events in the Swadeshi Movement include:

  • The Partition of Bengal in 1905
  • The Swadeshi Boycott of 1906
  • The Swadeshi Movement in Bengal
  • The Swadeshi Movement in Maharashtra
  • The Swadeshi Movement in Punjab

Q10. What are some of the sources of information about the Swadeshi Movement?

A. Some of the sources of information about the Swadeshi Movement include:

  • Primary sources, such as speeches, pamphlets, and newspapers from the time period
  • Secondary sources, such as books and articles about the Swadeshi Movement
  • Websites and online Resources about the Swadeshi Movement
  1. The Swadeshi Movement was a boycott of British goods and services that began in India in 1905.
  2. The movement was led by Mahatma Gandhi, who called for Indians to use only Indian-made goods.
  3. The Swadeshi Movement was successful in increasing Indian self-reliance and in weakening the British economy.
  4. The movement also helped to unite Indians against British rule.
  5. The Swadeshi Movement was a major turning point in the Indian independence movement.

Here are some MCQs on the Swadeshi Movement:

  1. Which of the following was not a goal of the Swadeshi Movement?
    (A) To increase Indian self-reliance
    (B) To weaken the British economy
    (C) To unite Indians against British rule
    (D) To overthrow British rule

  2. Who was the leader of the Swadeshi Movement?
    (A) Mahatma Gandhi
    (B) Jawaharlal Nehru
    (C) Subhash Chandra Bose
    (D) Vallabhbhai Patel

  3. The Swadeshi Movement began in which year?
    (A) 1905
    (B) 1906
    (C) 1907
    (D) 1908

  4. Which of the following was not a result of the Swadeshi Movement?
    (A) Increased Indian self-reliance
    (B) Weakened British economy
    (C) United Indians against British rule
    (D) Overthrow of British rule

  5. The Swadeshi Movement was a major turning point in which of the following?
    (A) The Indian independence movement
    (B) The British Empire
    (C) The world economy
    (D) The global political landscape

1. (D)
2. (A)
3. (A)
4. (D)
5. (A)