Here is the list of sub topics without any description for SVAMITVA scheme:

  • Introduction
  • Objectives
  • Benefits
  • Eligibility
  • Process
  • Documents required
  • Cost
  • Timeline
  • FAQs
  • Contact details
    The SVAMITVA scheme is a government initiative to provide property ownership rights to people living in rural areas. The scheme was launched in 2014 and aims to cover all rural households by 2022.

The objectives of the SVAMITVA scheme are to:

  • Provide property ownership rights to people living in rural areas.
  • Improve the living conditions of rural people.
  • Promote Economic Development in rural areas.
  • Reduce poverty in rural areas.

The benefits of the SVAMITVA scheme include:

  • Increased access to credit for rural people.
  • Improved land records management.
  • Reduced land disputes.
  • Increased land values.
  • Improved property tax collection.

The eligibility criteria for the SVAMITVA scheme are:

  • The applicant must be a resident of a rural area.
  • The applicant must have a valid Aadhaar card.
  • The applicant must have a valid bank account.

The process for applying for the SVAMITVA scheme is as follows:

  1. The applicant must visit the nearest SVAMITVA camp.
  2. The applicant must submit the required documents.
  3. The applicant must pay the required fees.
  4. The applicant will be issued a property ownership certificate.

The documents required for the SVAMITVA scheme are:

  • Aadhaar card
  • Bank account details
  • Proof of address
  • Proof of ownership of the property

The cost of the SVAMITVA scheme is as follows:

  • The cost of the survey is Rs. 1,000 per property.
  • The cost of the registration is Rs. 500 per property.

The timeline for the SVAMITVA scheme is as follows:

  • The scheme was launched in 2014.
  • The scheme is expected to cover all rural households by 2022.

FAQs about the SVAMITVA scheme:

  • What is the SVAMITVA scheme?
  • The SVAMITVA scheme is a government initiative to provide property ownership rights to people living in rural areas.
  • What are the objectives of the SVAMITVA scheme?
  • The objectives of the SVAMITVA scheme are to provide property ownership rights to people living in rural areas, improve the living conditions of rural people, promote economic development in rural areas, and reduce poverty in rural areas.
  • Who is eligible for the SVAMITVA scheme?
  • The applicant must be a resident of a rural area. The applicant must have a valid Aadhaar card. The applicant must have a valid bank account.
  • What is the process for applying for the SVAMITVA scheme?
  • The applicant must visit the nearest SVAMITVA camp. The applicant must submit the required documents. The applicant must pay the required fees. The applicant will be issued a property ownership certificate.
  • What are the documents required for the SVAMITVA scheme?
  • The documents required for the SVAMITVA scheme are Aadhaar card, bank account details, proof of address, and proof of ownership of the property.
  • What is the cost of the SVAMITVA scheme?
  • The cost of the survey is Rs. 1,000 per property. The cost of the registration is Rs. 500 per property.
  • What is the timeline for the SVAMITVA scheme?
  • The scheme was launched in 2014. The scheme is expected to cover all rural households by 2022.

Contact details for the SVAMITVA scheme:

  • Toll-free number: 1800-11-1125
  • Email:

The SVAMITVA scheme is a government initiative to provide property ownership rights to people living in rural areas. The scheme was launched in 2014 and is being implemented by the Ministry of Rural Development.


The objectives of the SVAMITVA scheme are to:

  • Provide property ownership rights to people living in rural areas
  • Promote economic development in rural areas
  • Reduce poverty in rural areas
  • Improve the quality of life in rural areas


The benefits of the SVAMITVA scheme include:

  • Increased access to credit
  • Increased InvestmentInvestment in agriculture
  • Increased land values
  • Improved property rights
  • Reduced land disputes
  • Increased transparency in land records


To be eligible for the SVAMITVA scheme, you must be a resident of a rural area and you must own a piece of land.


The process of applying for the SVAMITVA scheme is as follows:

  1. You will need to submit an application to the local village panchayat.
  2. The village panchayat will verify your application and submit it to the State Government.
  3. The state government will survey your land and prepare a property map.
  4. You will be given a copy of the property map and a certificate of ownership.

Documents required

The documents required to apply for the SVAMITVA scheme include:

  • Proof of identity (Aadhaar card, voter ID card, etc.)
  • Proof of address (ration card, electricity bill, etc.)
  • Proof of ownership of land (land deed, sale deed, etc.)


The cost of the SVAMITVA scheme is borne by the government.


The SVAMITVA scheme is being implemented in a phased manner. The first phase of the scheme was completed in 2019 and the second phase is currently underway. The scheme is expected to be completed by 2022.


What is the SVAMITVA scheme?

The SVAMITVA scheme is a government initiative to provide property ownership rights to people living in rural areas.

Who is eligible for the SVAMITVA scheme?

To be eligible for the SVAMITVA scheme, you must be a resident of a rural area and you must own a piece of land.

What are the benefits of the SVAMITVA scheme?

The benefits of the SVAMITVA scheme include:

  • Increased access to credit
  • Increased investment in agriculture
  • Increased land values
  • Improved property rights
  • Reduced land disputes
  • Increased transparency in land records

How do I apply for the SVAMITVA scheme?

You can apply for the SVAMITVA scheme by submitting an application to the local village panchayat.

What documents are required to apply for the SVAMITVA scheme?

The documents required to apply for the SVAMITVA scheme include:

  • Proof of identity (Aadhaar card, voter ID card, etc.)
  • Proof of address (ration card, electricity bill, etc.)
  • Proof of ownership of land (land deed, sale deed, etc.)

What is the cost of the SVAMITVA scheme?

The cost of the SVAMITVA scheme is borne by the government.

When will the SVAMITVA scheme be completed?

The SVAMITVA scheme is being implemented in a phased manner. The first phase of the scheme was completed in 2019 and the second phase is currently underway. The scheme is expected to be completed by 2022.

Contact details

For more information about the SVAMITVA scheme, you can contact the following:

  • Ministry of Rural Development
  • Department of Land Resources
  • State government
  • Local village panchayat
    1. What is the full form of SVAMITVA?
    (A) Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas
    (B) Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improved Technology in Village Areas
    (CC) Survey of Villages and Mapping with Innovative Technology in Village Areas
    (D) Survey of Villages and Mapping with Modern Technology in Village Areas

2. What is the objective of the SVAMITVA scheme?
(A) To provide a record of rights in respect of a property
(B) To provide a map of a property
(C) To provide both a record of rights and a map of a property
(D) To provide a digital copy of a property

3. Who is eligible for the SVAMITVA scheme?
(A) All citizens of India
(B) All residents of India
(C) All landowners in India
(D) All property owners in India

4. What is the process for applying for the SVAMITVA scheme?
(A) The application process is online.
(B) The application process is offline.
(C) The application process is both online and offline.
(D) The application process is not yet available.

5. What documents are required to apply for the SVAMITVA scheme?
(A) Proof of identity
(B) Proof of address
(C) Proof of ownership of property
(D) All of the above

6. What is the cost of applying for the SVAMITVA scheme?
(A) The scheme is free of cost.
(B) There is a nominal fee for applying for the scheme.
(C) The cost of applying for the scheme varies depending on the state.
(D) The cost of applying for the scheme is not yet available.

7. What is the timeline for the implementation of the SVAMITVA scheme?
(A) The scheme is expected to be implemented by 2022.
(B) The scheme is expected to be implemented by 2023.
(C) The scheme is expected to be implemented by 2024.
(D) The scheme is expected to be implemented by 2025.

8. What are some of the FAQs about the SVAMITVA scheme?
(A) How do I apply for the SVAMITVA scheme?
(B) What documents are required to apply for the SVAMITVA scheme?
(C) What is the cost of applying for the SVAMITVA scheme?
(D) What is the timeline for the implementation of the SVAMITVA scheme?

9. What are the contact details for the SVAMITVA scheme?
(A) The contact details for the SVAMITVA scheme are available on the official website of the scheme.
(B) The contact details for the SVAMITVA scheme are available on the official Twitter handle of the scheme.
(C) The contact details for the SVAMITVA scheme are available on the official Facebook page of the scheme.
(D) The contact details for the SVAMITVA scheme are available on the official YouTube channel of the scheme.

10. What are some of the benefits of the SVAMITVA scheme?
(A) The scheme will provide a record of rights in respect of a property.
(B) The scheme will provide a map of a property.
(C) The scheme will provide both a record of rights and a map of a property.
(D) The scheme will provide a digital copy of a property.

1. (A)
2. (C)
3. (C)
4. (A)
5. (D)
6. (A)
7. (A)
8. (A, B, C, D)
9. (A)
10. (A, B, C)