Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative (SSI)

Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative (SSI)

The Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative (SSI) is a voluntary program that aims to promote the sustainable production of sugarcane. The SSI was launched in 2008 by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Brazilian Sugarcane IndustryIndustry Association (UNICA). The SSI is based on the principles of Sustainable Development, and it aims to improve the environmental, social, and economic performance of sugarcane production.

  • Seed Selection and Nursery Practices
  • Planting Methods
    • Wide row spacing
    • Trench planting
  • Water Management
  • Nutrient Management
    • Integrated nutrient management
    • Organic fertilizers and biofertilizers
  • IntercroppingIntercropping
  • Ratooning

Seed Selection and Nursery Practices

SSI prioritizes starting with healthy, disease-free sugarcane setts (seed pieces). Instead of directly planting these in the field, SSI promotes raising seedlings in nurseries. This allows for better control over initial growth, selection of the most vigorous plants, and reduces the overall number of setts required. Nurseries often incorporate organic matter and beneficial microorganisms to support robust seedling development for transplanting.

Planting Methods

SSI deviates from conventional planting methods in two main ways. Firstly, it advocates for wider row spacing than traditionally used. This increases sunlight interception, improves airflow, and facilitates easier access for intercultural operations. Secondly, SSI encourages trench planting. Trenches are prepared, and sugarcane setts are planted within them, with SoilSoil and organic amendments added to optimize conditions for establishment and tillering.

Water Management

Reducing water waste is a central pillar of SSI. Drip irrigation provides a highly targeted and efficient method of water delivery, minimizing losses due to EvaporationEvaporation and runoff. This helps conserve water, a precious resource in many sugarcane growing areas. Additionally, SSI can incorporate alternate furrow irrigation, where only every other furrow is irrigated at a time. Cyclic scheduling further optimizes water use.

Nutrient Management

SSI emphasizes integrated nutrient management, combining organic and inorganic sources for balanced crop nutrition. It encourages the extensive use of compost, farm manure, and other organic amendments to improve Soil health and provide a sustained supply of nutrients. Biofertilizers, which harness beneficial microorganisms, are used to enhance nutrient availability and uptake. Judicious use of chemical fertilizers based on soil testing helps complement and fine-tune the sugarcane crop’s nutrient requirements.


SSI promotes intercropping—growing compatible crops between sugarcane rows. This strategy maximizes land use, diversifies farm income, and offers pest and disease management benefits. Leguminous crops are popular choices for intercropping as they help fix atmospheric nitrogen, enriching the soil. Other suitable intercrops may include short-duration vegetables or pulses, offering farmers additional produce and income opportunities.


SSI focuses on enhancing ratoon crops, the sugarcane regrowth that emerges after the harvest of the main crop. Ratooning management is optimized to support vigorous regrowth from healthy stubble. SSI encourages practices that boost soil health, such as leaving crop residue on the field to decompose and provide nutrients. This reduces the need for replanting, saves on seed material, and extends the productive lifespan of a sugarcane field.

The SSI has three main objectives:

  1. To reduce the environmental impact of sugarcane production.
  2. To improve the social conditions of sugarcane workers.
  3. To increase the economic viability of sugarcane production.

The SSI has developed a set of standards that sugarcane producers can voluntarily adopt. These standards cover a range of issues, including water use, soil management, BiodiversityBiodiversity-conservationBiodiversity conservation, worker welfare, and community relations. Sugarcane producers that adopt the SSI standards are eligible to receive a certification from the SSI.

The SSI has been successful in promoting sustainable sugarcane production. As of 2019, over 200 sugarcane producers have adopted the SSI standards, and over 1 million hectares of sugarcane are being produced under the SSI certification. The SSI has also helped to improve the lives of sugarcane workers and to increase the economic viability of sugarcane production.

Frequently asked questions

What is the Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative (SSI)?

The SSI is a voluntary program that aims to promote the sustainable production of sugarcane. The SSI was launched in 2008 by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA). The SSI is based on the principles of sustainable development, and it aims to improve the environmental, social, and economic performance of sugarcane production.

What are the objectives of the SSI?

The SSI has three main objectives:

  1. To reduce the environmental impact of sugarcane production.
  2. To improve the social conditions of sugarcane workers.
  3. To increase the economic viability of sugarcane production.

How does the SSI work?

The SSI has developed a set of standards that sugarcane producers can voluntarily adopt. These standards cover a range of issues, including water use, soil management, Biodiversity-conservation/”>Biodiversity conservation, worker welfare, and community relations. Sugarcane producers that adopt the SSI standards are eligible to receive a certification from the SSI.

What are the benefits of participating in the SSI?

There are a number of benefits to participating in the SSI, including:

  • Improved environmental performance: The SSI standards help to reduce the environmental impact of sugarcane production, such as water use, soil erosion, and greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Improved social performance: The SSI standards help to improve the social conditions of sugarcane workers, such as wages, working conditions, and health and safety.
  • Improved economic performance: The SSI standards help to increase the economic viability of sugarcane production, such as through improved yields and reduced costs.

How can I get involved in the SSI?

If you are a sugarcane producer, you can get involved in the SSI by adopting the SSI standards and applying for certification. You can find more information on the SSI website:

What are some of the challenges facing the SSI?

One of the challenges facing the SSI is the lack of awareness of the program among sugarcane producers. Another challenge is the cost of implementing the SSI standards.

What are the future plans for the SSI?

The SSI plans to continue to promote sustainable sugarcane production by expanding the program to new countries and by developing new tools and resources to help sugarcane producers adopt the SSI standards.

What is the primary goal of this agricultural approach?

The primary goal is to increase sugarcane yields while using fewer resources and reducing environmental impact.

What planting method is recommended for optimal growth?

The recommended method involves planting single-budded chips in wider spacing to ensure better growth and resource efficiency.

How does this technique manage water usage?

It emphasizes efficient water management through drip irrigation or sprinkler systems to optimize water use and increase water SavingsSavings.

Which type of soil management is advocated in this cultivation method?

The method advocates for the use of organic manures and minimal chemical inputs to improve soil health and sustainability.

Can this method be combined with technology for better results?

Yes, combining this method with agricultural technologies like precision farming and soil health monitoring can significantly enhance outcomes.

What are the benefits of adopting this cultivation method?

Benefits include higher crop productivity, reduced water and chemical use, improved soil health, and increased profitability.

What are some challenges associated with this agricultural technique? Challenges may include the initial cost of setting up new irrigation systems, the need for more precise management, and the adoption learning curve.

How does this technique affect the lifecycle of the crop?

It often leads to earlier maturation of the crop, allowing for an earlier harvest compared to traditional practices.

Is there a specific harvesting technique that complements this agricultural method?

Yes, using mechanical harvesters that can adjust to the wider spacing and ensure clean and efficient cutting of the cane is recommended.

What steps can be taken to successfully implement this method?

Successful implementation involves training farmers, experimenting on a small scale initially, and gradually expanding as familiarity and confidence in the method grow.


  1. The Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative (SSI) is a voluntary program that aims to promote the sustainable production of sugarcane. True or False?
  2. The SSI was launched in 2008 by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the International Finance Corporation (IFC), and the Brazilian Sugarcane Industry Association (UNICA). True or False?
  3. The SSI has three main objectives: to reduce the environmental impact of sugarcane production, to improve the social conditions of sugarcane workers, and to increase the economic viability of sugarcane production. True or False?
  4. Sugarcane producers that adopt the SSI standards are eligible to receive a certification from the SSI. True or False?
  5. There are a number of benefits to participating in the SSI, including improved environmental performance, improved social performance, and improved economic performance. True or False?

What is the recommended spacing between plants in this enhanced cultivation technique?

A) 5-10 cm

B) 10-20 cm

CC) 20-30 cm

D) 30-40 cm

Which irrigation method is most effective for this type of sugarcane cultivation?

A) Flood irrigation

B) Drip irrigation

C) Furrow irrigation

D) Overhead sprinkler

What is a primary benefit of using single-budded chip planting?

A) Increases disease susceptibility

B) Reduces the germination rate

C) Decreases yield

D) Enhances early and uniform germination

Which type of fertilizer is most suitable for this sugarcane cultivation method?

A) High nitrogen synthetic fertilizers

B) Slow-release organic manures

C) Phosphate-rich fertilizers

D) Potash only

What is a key environmental benefit of this cultivation method?

A) Increased use of chemical pesticides

B) Reduced water consumption

C) Higher soil erosion

D) Increased carbon emissions

How does this cultivation method affect the harvesting cycle of sugarcane?

A) Lengthens the maturity period

B) Has no impact on the maturity period

C) Shortens the maturity period

D) Varies with the type of sugarcane

Which tool is recommended for maintaining proper spacing and alignment during planting?

A) Heavy tractors

B) Manual labor

C) Specialized planters

D) None; random planting is advised

What challenge might a farmer face when adopting this new cultivation technique?

A) Lower initial costs

B) Decreased labor requirements

C) Need for frequent watering

D) Steeper learning curve

What impact does this method have on the use of water resources?

A) Increases water usage significantly

B) No change in water usage

C) Slightly increases water usage

D) Significantly decreases water usage

What is a recommended practice for improving soil health in this cultivation method?

A) Regular use of chemical herbicides

B) Frequent deep TillageTillage

C) Use of cover crops and organic amendments

D) Avoiding the use of any fertilizers
