Sulfur hexafluoride

  • Sulfur hexafluoride
  • Properties
  • Production
  • Applications
  • Health effects
  • Environmental effects
  • Regulation
  • Safety
  • References
  • Sulfur hexafluoride is a colorless, odorless, and non-flammable gas. True or False?
  • Sulfur hexafluoride is a greenhouse gas with a global warming potential of 23,900 times that of carbon dioxide. True or False?
  • Sulfur hexafluoride is used in a variety of applications, including electrical insulation, fire suppression, and air conditioning. True or False?
  • Sulfur hexafluoride is a health hazard and can cause respiratory problems, skin irritation, and eye damage. True or False?
  • Sulfur hexafluoride is an environmental hazard and can deplete the ozone layer. True or False?
  • Sulfur hexafluoride is regulated by the Montreal Protocol and the Kyoto Protocol. True or False?
  • Sulfur hexafluoride is a safe gas to handle and use. True or False?
  • Sulfur hexafluoride is a reference gas used in a variety of scientific and industrial applications. True or False?

1. True
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. True