Student Unrest

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Student’s unrest

Students’ unrest is characterised by “collective discon­tent, dysfunctional conditions in educational institutions and concern (of public and students) for change in existing norms”. Students ‘agitations, on the other hand, are characterised by ‘action based on the feeling of injus­tice, identifying source of discontent, frustration and deprivation, emergence of Leadership, mobilisation for action, and collective reaction to stimuli’.

Students’ unrest leads to protests. The important Elements of protests are:

  • Action expresses grievance,  
  • It points out conviction of injustice,  
  • Protesters are unable to correct the condition directly by their own effort,  
  • Action is meant to provoke ameliorative steps by the target group, and
  • Protesters bank upon the combination of coercion, persua­sion and discussion to move the target group.

If the protesters indulge in looting, it is not to acquire property, if they indulge in breaking win­dows, it is not to seek vengeance, if they shout slogans against a person, it is not to insult him. All these methods are resorted merely to express re­sentment against their unfulfilled demands and towards the callous Attitude adopted by the powers that be in relation to their grievances.

Students’ protests sometimes lead to aggression, agitation and move­ment. Aggression is a physical or a verbal behaviour or a hostile act intended to harm, hurt or destroy. Agitation is to bring grievance and in­Justice to the notice of people in power. It is to shake up, to move, to stir up, to cause anxiety, and to disturb the power-holders.

Movement is the activity of diffused collectivity oriented towards changing the social or­der. Students’ agitation is behaviour of students whose goal is neither injury to a person nor destruction of public property but protest. It is nei­ther the result of innate destructive drive nor it is an inborn reaction to frustrations. Various forms of students’ agitations are: demonstrations, shouting, strikes, hunger strikes, road blocks, gheraos, and boycott of ex­aminations.

The important functions of student agitations are: to create collective consciousness and group solidarity, to organise students to work for new programmes and new plans, and to provide opportunities to students to express their feelings and make some impact on the course of change.

Agitations could be violent or non-violent. For example, about a decade ago there were about 5,000 student agitations in a year in India, of which about 20 per cent were violent. Further, a little more than half of the agitations related to non-academic issues within the campuses (like fixing up statues, changing name of the university, reducing bus-fare, etc.), about 20 per cent to academic issues, and about 25 per cent to some social issues (e.g., reservation issue, etc.).

Student agitations may be classified as: student-oriented agitations and Society-oriented agitations. The former include problems at college/university level, while the latter refer to taking interest in state/country’s politics and policies and programmes).

Student-oriented agitations are generally discontinuous and problem-oriented rather than value-oriented. For example, students will agitate for removal of a particular vice-chancellor of a university but they will never fight for a change in the system of selecting vice-chancellors in universities in India.

Students’ agitations grow in stages. These include:

  • The discontent stage, which is the stage of dissatisfaction and growing confusion with the existing conditions;
  • The initiation stage, in which a leader emerges, the causes of discontent are identified, excitement increases, and proposals for action are debated;
  • The formalisation stage, in which programmes are developed, alliances are forged, and support is also sought of some crusaders;
  • The public support stage in which students’ trouble is viewed as public trouble.


Students’ agitations may be classified as:

  • Persuasive agitations, in which students attempt to change the attitude of the powers that be by discussing their problems with them and making them accept their viewpoint
  • Resistance agitations, in which the object is to keep the power-holders in their place.
  • Revolutionary agitations, which aim at bringing sudden sweeping changes in the educational or the social systems.

The causes of students’ unrest

  • Economic causes, like demands for reducing fees, increasing scholarship;
  • Demands for changes in existing norms pertaining to admissions, examinations and teaching;
  • Poor functioning of colleges/universities;
  • Conflicting relations between students and teachers, e.g., behaviour of teachers with girl students or student leaders, cutting classes and so on;
  • Inadequate facilities in the campus, e.g., inadequate hostels, poor food in hostels, lack of canteen facility, etc.; and
  • Student leaders being instigated by politicians.



Student unrest is a term used to describe a situation in which students are dissatisfied with their educational system or the wider society and take to the streets to protest. Student unrest can be caused by a variety of factors, including political and economic instability, social inequality, and poor educational quality.

The effects of student unrest can be far-reaching. In the short term, it can lead to disruptions in Education and public order. In the long term, it can contribute to social unrest and political instability.

There are a number of methods that can be used to prevent student unrest. These include improving the quality of education, addressing social inequality, and promoting political stability.

There have been many examples of student unrest throughout history. Some of the most famous examples include the student protests in China in 1989, the student protests in the United States in the 1960s, and the student protests in Latin America in the 1970s.

Some of the most famous student activists include Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, and Nelson Mandela.

Student unrest has occurred in many countries around the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, China, India, Russia, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.

The causes of student unrest can vary from country to country. However, some of the most common causes include political and economic instability, social inequality, and poor educational quality.

The effects of student unrest can also vary from country to country. However, some of the most common effects include disruptions in education and public order, social unrest, and political instability.

There are a number of methods that can be used to prevent student unrest. These include improving the quality of education, addressing social inequality, and promoting political stability.

Improving the quality of education can help to reduce student dissatisfaction and make students feel more invested in their education. Addressing social inequality can help to reduce feelings of alienation and resentment among students. Promoting political stability can help to create an Environment in which students feel safe and secure.

Student unrest is a complex issue with no easy solutions. However, by understanding the causes and effects of student unrest, we can develop strategies to prevent it and promote peace and stability.

Here are some additional details on the causes, effects, and methods of preventing student unrest:

  • Causes of student unrest:
    • Political and economic instability: Student unrest is often more likely to occur in countries that are experiencing political or economic instability. This is because such instability can lead to feelings of uncertainty and insecurity among students, which can in turn lead to frustration and anger.
    • Social inequality: Student unrest is also more likely to occur in countries where there is a high level of social inequality. This is because social inequality can lead to feelings of alienation and resentment among students, who may feel that they are not being given the same opportunities as others.
    • Poor educational quality: Student unrest can also be caused by poor educational quality. This is because students who are not receiving a good education may feel frustrated and dissatisfied with their education, which can lead to them taking to the streets to protest.
  • Effects of student unrest:
    • Disruptions in education and public order: Student unrest can lead to disruptions in education and public order. This is because students who are protesting may block roads, occupy buildings, or engage in other disruptive activities.
    • Social unrest: Student unrest can also lead to social unrest. This is because protests can attract other people who are unhappy with the current situation, which can lead to further protests and demonstrations.
    • Political instability: Student unrest can also lead to political instability. This is because protests can put pressure on the government to make changes, which can lead to instability and even violence.
  • Methods of preventing student unrest:
    • Improving the quality of education: One way to prevent student unrest is to improve the quality of education. This can be done by providing better teachers, more Resources, and a more supportive environment.
    • Addressing social inequality: Another way to prevent student unrest is to address social inequality. This can be done by providing more opportunities for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, and by ensuring that all students have access to the same resources.
    • Promoting political stability: Finally, it is important to promote political stability. This can be done by creating a System of Government that is responsive to the needs of the people, and by ensuring that there is a peaceful transfer of power.

What is the definition of student unrest?

Student unrest is a term used to describe a situation in which students are dissatisfied with the conditions of their education or with the policies of their school or university. This dissatisfaction can lead to protests, demonstrations, and other forms of unrest.

What are the causes of student unrest?

There are many factors that can contribute to student unrest, including:

  • Poor academic conditions, such as overcrowded classrooms, outdated textbooks, and unqualified teachers.
  • Unfair or discriminatory policies, such as tuition hikes, dress codes, or restrictions on student speech.
  • A lack of student representation in decision-making.
  • A feeling of alienation from the school or university community.

What are the effects of student unrest?

Student unrest can have a number of negative effects, including:

  • Disruption of classes and other school activities.
  • Damage to property.
  • Injury or death.
  • A negative impact on the school’s reputation.
  • A loss of public confidence in the education system.

What are some examples of student unrest?

Some examples of student unrest include:

  • The 1960s student protests in the United States, which were sparked by the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The 1989 Tiananmen Square protests in China, which were brutally suppressed by the government.
  • The 2011 Arab Spring uprisings, which began in Tunisia and spread to other countries in the Middle East and North Africa.

What are some ways to prevent student unrest?

Some ways to prevent student unrest include:

  • Addressing the root causes of student dissatisfaction, such as poor academic conditions and unfair or discriminatory policies.
  • Providing students with a voice in decision-making.
  • Creating a sense of community and belonging among students.
  • Promoting Tolerance and understanding among students, staff, and administrators.

What are some resources for students who are experiencing student unrest?

There are a number of resources available to students who are experiencing student unrest, including:

  • Student government organizations
  • Student counseling Services
  • Mental Health hotlines
  • Legal aid organizations
  • Community organizations

Sure, here are some multiple choice questions about the topics of student unrest, social movements, and political participation:

  1. Which of the following is NOT a common cause of student unrest?
    (A) Economic inequality
    (B) Political repression
    (C) Poor academic performance
    (D) A desire for Social Change

  2. Which of the following is NOT a common tactic used by student protesters?
    (A) Strikes
    (B) Boycotts
    (C) Sit-ins
    (D) Riots

  3. Which of the following is NOT a common outcome of student unrest?
    (A) The overthrow of a government
    (B) The passage of new laws
    (C) The resignation of a government official
    (D) The improvement of educational conditions

  4. Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic of social movements?
    (A) They are organized around a shared goal.
    (B) They use a variety of tactics to achieve their goals.
    (C) They often face opposition from those in power.
    (D) They can have a significant impact on society.

  5. Which of the following is NOT a common characteristic of political participation?
    (A) It is the act of taking part in the political process.
    (B) It can take a variety of forms, such as voting, protesting, and running for office.
    (C) It is essential for a healthy Democracy.
    (D) It is only available to those who are citizens of a country.

I hope these questions were helpful!