Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme: A Safe Haven for Gold Investors

The Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme, launched by the Government of India in 2015, offers a unique and attractive alternative to investing in physical gold. SGBs are government securities denominated in grams of gold, serving as substitutes for holding the precious metal in physical form.

Key Benefits of Sovereign Gold Bonds

  • Safety and Security: Guaranteed by the Government of India, SGBs eliminate risks associated with storing physical gold, such as theft or concerns about purity.
  • Earn Interest: Unlike physical gold, SGBs offer an annual interest rate (currently 2.5% per annum) on the initial investment amount.
  • Capital Appreciation: Upon maturity, investors benefit if gold prices increase, offering the potential for capital gains.
  • Tax Benefits: Interest earned is tax-free, and no capital gains tax applies if bonds are held till maturity.
  • Tradability: SGBs can be traded on stock exchanges (subject to certain conditions), providing liquidity.

How Sovereign Gold Bonds Work

  • Issuance: SGBs are issued in tranches by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on behalf of the government.
  • Investment Process: Investors can purchase SGBs during designated subscription periods through banks, Stock Holding Corporation of India Ltd. (SHCIL), designated post offices, and stock exchanges.
  • Denomination: Bonds are denominated in grams of gold with a basic unit of 1 gram.
  • Maturity: SGBs have an 8-year tenure with an option of premature redemption after 5 years.

SGBs vs. Physical Gold

While both are ways to invest in gold, SGBs offer some advantages:

  • No storage worries
  • Interest income
  • Potential tax benefits

FAQs about Sovereign Gold Bonds

  • Who can invest in SGBs?
    • Indian residents (individuals, HUFs, trusts, universities, and charitable institutions).
  • What is the maximum investment limit?
    • 4 kg for individuals/HUFs, and 20 kg for trusts and similar entities.
  • How is the price of SGBs determined?
    • Based on the average closing price of 999 purity gold for the last 3 working days preceding the subscription period, as published by the India Bullion and Jewellers Association (IBJA).


  1. Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGBs) are issued by:
  • A. The Ministry of Finance
  • B. The Reserve Bank of India
  • C. The State Bank of India
  • D. Private bullion traders
  1. The interest rate on Sovereign Gold Bonds is currently:
    • A. 1.5% per annum
    • B. 2.5% per annum
    • C. 4.0% per annum
    • D. Linked to market rates
  2. Which of these is NOT a benefit of SGBs?
  • A. Guaranteed by the government
  • B. Cost of storage
  • C. Potential capital appreciation
  • D. Tax benefits on interest earned


The Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme provides a smart and secure option for individuals seeking exposure to gold as an investment. By combining the safety of government backing, potential for returns, and tax benefits, SGBs offer a compelling addition to any diversified investment portfolio. As the awareness and popularity of SGBs increase, they are set to play an increasing role in India’s gold market and personal investment landscape.

Answers to MCQs

  1. B
  2. B
  3. B