Solanki of Gujrat

Solanki of Gujrat

The Solanki dynasty ruled parts of what are now Gujarat and Kathiawar in India between 950-1300 CE. The kings of the dynasty used the self-designation Chaulukya, and are also known as the Chalukyas of Gujarat or as the Solanki Rajputs. The dynasty ended when Alauddin Khalji conquered Gujarat. Gujarat was a major centre of Indian Ocean trade, and their capital at Anhilwara (modern Patan, Gujarat) was one of the largest cities in India, with Population estimated at 100,000 in 1000 CE. In 1026, the temple complex of Somnath in Gujarat was destroyed by Mahmud of Ghazni. After 1243, the Solankis lost control of Gujarat to their feudatories, of whom the Vaghela dynasty of Dholka came to dominate. After 1292, the Vaghelas became tributaries of the Seuna (Yadava) dynasty of Devagiri in the Deccan Plateau.

The Solankis were usually referred to as the “Chalukyas of Gujarat” by their contemporaries. The vast majority of their own records describe them as “Chaulukya”, which is thought to be a variant of “Chalukya”. There are several other dynasties with this name: the Chalukyas of Badami, the Chalukyas of Kalyani, the Chalukyas of Vengi and the Chalukyas of Lata. The various dynasties using this name are sometimes thought to be branches of the same family, but the relationship between all of them is not certain. Unlike the Chalukyas of Kalyani and Vengi, the Solankis never claimed a shared descent or any other association with the original Chalukya dynasty — the Chalukyas of Badami. Moreover, they never used the term “Chalukya” to describe themselves, instead using its variant “Chaulukya”.

However, the Solankis did share a myth of origin with the Chalukyas of Kalyani and Vengi. According to this legend, the progenitor of the dynasty was created by Brahma. The version of the legend mentioned in the Vadnagar prashasti inscription of Kumarapala is as follows: the deities once asked the creator god Brahma to protect them from the danavas (demons). Brahma then created a hero from his chuluka (pot or folded palm), which was filled with Ganges water. This hero was named Chulukya, and became the progenitor of the dynasty. A variation of this legend is mentioned by Abhayatilaka Gani in his commentary on Hemachandra’s Dvyashraya-Kavya. According to this version, Brahma produced the hero to support the earth, after his other creations disappointed him. These stories are of no historical value, as it was customary for contemporary royal houses to claim mythical and heroic origins. The Kumarapala-Bhupala-Charita of Jayasimha Suri presents Chulukya as a historical warrior, whose capital was Madhupadma. Mularaja was his descendant, with nearly a hundred generations separating the two.This account may be partly historical: Madhupadma has been identified variously as a location outside Gujarat, including present-day Mathura.

The Prithviraj Raso mentions the Agnikula legend, according to which some of the Rajput dynasties including the Solankis were born from a fire-pit on Mount Abu. A section of colonial-era historians interpreted this mythical account to suggest a foreign origin for these Rajputs. According to this theory, the foreign ancestors of these Rajputs came to India after the decline of The Gupta Empire around 5th century CE, and were admitted in the Hindu caste system after performing a fire ritual. Based on this legend, D. R. Bhandarkar and others theorized that the Chalukyas were a branch of Gurjaras, whom they believed to be of foreign origin. However, the Solankis’ own inscriptions do not claim an Agnikula origin for their dynasty. The Agnikula legend of origin was first used by the neighbouring Paramara dynasty The original copies of Prithviraj Raso do not mention this legend. The 16th century poets might have extended the Paramara legend to include other Rajput dynasties, in order to foster Rajput unity against Mughals. The Solanki inscriptions from the reign of Bhima II prove that the Solankis knew about the Agnikula legend, but associated it with the Paramaras, not themselves.

Solanki kings


Mularaja Mularaja supplanted the last Chavda king of Gujarat and founded an independent kingdom with his capital in Anahilapataka in 940-941 AD. He was a Shaiva king operating within Brahmanical and Vedic paradigms of kingship. He built Mulavasatika (Mula’s residence) temple for Digambaras and the Mulanatha-jinadeva (the Jina who is Mula’s lord) temple for the Svetambaras.


Bhima 1

Bhima I was the next important ruler after Mularaja. He built Sun Temple, of Modhera. His wife Udaymati built the Rani ki vav step-well in his memory.  The guardian family deity of the Solanki was Somnath at Prabhas. It was during the Solanki’s rule that the scared shrine was sacked by Mahmud of Ghazni.


Bhima I’s successor Karna defeated a Bhil chieftain and founded Karnavati which is now known as Ahmedabad. Karna married Mayanalladevi by whom he begot Jayasimha Siddharaja.

Jayasimha Siddharaja

Jayasimha Siddharaja ruled for half a century starting in 1094 and enlarged the kingdom to become an empire. The Rudra Mahakala Temple at Siddhapur is an architectural expression of his rule. Hemachandra, a Jain monk, rose to prominence and had good relation with the king. Apart from Saurashtra and Kutch, Jaysinh also conquered Malwa. One of the favourite legends of the Gujarat bards is woven around the siege of Junagadh by Jaysinh. The fort was ultimately captured by him along with Ranakdevi, wife of the Chudasama ruler Ra Khengar. Ranakdevi preferred to commit sati rather than remarry Jaisinh and he was persuaded to allow her to burn herself on a pyre at Wadhwan. Ranakdevi Temple still stands in Wadhwan at the site of her death.


Siddhraj’s successor Kumarapala’s reign lasted for 31 years from 1143 to 1174 CE. He too had good relationship with Hemchandra and he propagated Jainism during his rule in Gujarat. He rebuilt Somnath temple. During Kumarapala’s reign, Gujarat’s prosperity was at its peak.

Mularaja II

Mularaja II successfully repelled the incursions of Muhammad of Ghor who had the ambition of repeating the act performed by Mahmud of Ghazni.,

The Solanki dynasty was a Rajput dynasty that ruled Gujarat from the 10th to the 13th centuries. They were originally from the Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty, and they came to power in Gujarat after the decline of the Chalukya dynasty. The Solankis were a powerful and prosperous dynasty, and they built many temples and other monuments in Gujarat. They were eventually overthrown by the Vaghela dynasty in the 13th century.

History of the Solanki dynasty

The Solanki dynasty was founded by Mularaja I in 942 CE. Mularaja was a descendant of the Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty, and he came to power in Gujarat after the decline of the Chalukya dynasty. Mularaja was a successful ruler, and he expanded the Solanki kingdom to include much of Gujarat and Rajasthan. He also built many temples and other monuments, including the famous Sun Temple at Modhera.

Mularaja was succeeded by his son, Jayasimha Siddharaja, who was an even more successful ruler. Jayasimha expanded the Solanki kingdom even further, and he defeated the Chalukyas and the Pratiharas. He also built many temples and other monuments, including the famous Rudra Mahalaya Temple at Siddhpur.

The Solanki dynasty continued to rule Gujarat for several centuries after Jayasimha’s death. However, the dynasty began to decline in the 13th century. This was due to a number of factors, including the Mongol invasions, the rise of the Vaghela dynasty, and internal conflicts. The Solanki dynasty was finally overthrown by the Vaghela dynasty in 1297 CE.

Rulers of the Solanki dynasty

The following is a list of the rulers of the Solanki dynasty:

  • Mularaja I (942-995 CE)
  • Jayasimha Siddharaja (995-1042 CE)
  • Kumarapala (1042-1074 CE)
  • Karnadeva (1064-1094 CE)
  • Jayasimha II (1094-1143 CE)
  • Kumarapala II (1143-1174 CE)
  • Bhima II (1174-1242 CE)
  • Virdhavala (1242-1272 CE)
  • Karan Singh (1272-1285 CE)
  • Dharmendra (1285-1297 CE)

Art and architecture of the Solanki dynasty

The Solanki dynasty was a major patron of art and architecture. They built many temples and other monuments in Gujarat, including the Sun Temple at Modhera, the Rudra Mahalaya Temple at Siddhpur, and the Vimala Vasahi Temple at Dilwara. These temples are some of the finest examples of Hindu architecture in India.

The Solankis also patronized the arts of painting and sculpture. Many beautiful paintings and sculptures from the Solanki period have survived. These works of art provide a glimpse into the culture and Society of the Solanki period.

Religion and culture of the Solanki dynasty

The Solankis were Hindus, and they followed the Vaishnava sect of Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism. They were also patrons of Jainism, and they built many Jain temples and other monuments. The Solankis were a tolerant and syncretic dynasty, and they allowed people of all faiths to practice their religion freely.

The Solanki period was a time of great cultural and intellectual advancement in Gujarat. The Solankis were patrons of the arts, sciences, and literature. Many great scholars and poets flourished during the Solanki period.

Decline of the Solanki dynasty

The Solanki dynasty began to decline in the 13th century. This was due to a number of factors, including the Mongol invasions, the rise of the Vaghela dynasty, and internal conflicts. The Solanki dynasty was finally overthrown by the Vaghela dynasty in 1297 CE.

Legacy of the Solanki dynasty

The Solanki dynasty was a powerful and prosperous dynasty that ruled Gujarat for over three centuries. They were patrons of art, architecture, and culture. The Solankis left behind a rich legacy of temples, monuments, and works of art. Their rule was a golden age for Gujarat, and their legacy continues to this day.

What is the capital of India?

The capital of India is New Delhi.

What is the population of India?

The population of India is over 1.3 billion people.

What is the Official Language of India?

The official language of India is Hindi.

What is the currency of India?

The currency of India is the Indian rupee.

What is the national animal of India?

The national animal of India is the tiger.

What is the national flower of India?

The national flower of India is the lotus.

What is the national bird of India?

The national bird of India is the peacock.

What is the National Anthem of India?

The national anthem of India is Jana Gana Mana.

What is the National Flag of India?

The national flag of India is a horizontal tricolor of saffron, white, and green with a blue wheel in the center.

What is the national motto of India?

The national motto of India is Satyameva Jayate, which means “Truth alone triumphs.”

What is the national holiday of India?

The national holiday of India is Republic Day, which is celebrated on January 26.

What is the religion of India?

The majority religion of India is Hinduism.

What is the government of India?

The government of India is a federal parliamentary republic.

What is the history of India?

The history of India is long and complex, dating back to the Indus Valley Civilization.

What is the geography of India?

India is a large country in South Asia, with a diverse landscape of Mountains, deserts, forests, and plains.

What is the economy of India?

The economy of India is the sixth largest in the world, and is growing rapidly.

What is the culture of India?

The culture of India is rich and diverse, with a long history and many different traditions.

What is the food of India?

The food of India is delicious and varied, with a wide range of spices and flavors.

What is the music of India?

The music of India is beautiful and soulful, with a long history and many different traditions.

What is the dance of India?

The dance of India is graceful and expressive, with a long history and many different traditions.

What is the art of India?

The art of India is vibrant and colorful, with a long history and many different traditions.

What is the literature of India?

The literature of India is rich and diverse, with a long history and many different traditions.

What is the science of India?

The science of India is ancient and sophisticated, with a long history of innovation and discovery.

What is the technology of India?

The technology of India is rapidly developing, with a growing number of companies and startups.

What is the Education of India?

The education of India is expanding rapidly, with a growing number of schools and universities.

What is the healthcare of India?

The healthcare of India is improving, but there are still many challenges.

What is the Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE of India?

The infrastructure of India is improving, but there are still many challenges.

What is the tourism of India?

The tourism of India is growing rapidly, with a wide range of attractions to offer visitors.

What is the future of India?

The future of India is bright, with a growing economy and a young population.

Sure. Here are some MCQs on the topics of the Solanki dynasty, the Gujarat Sultanate, and the Mughal Empire:

  1. The Solanki dynasty was a Hindu dynasty that ruled Gujarat from the 10th to the 13th centuries. True or False?
  2. The Gujarat Sultanate was a Muslim sultanate that ruled Gujarat from the 14th to the 16th centuries. True or False?
  3. The Mughal Empire was a Muslim empire that ruled much of India from the 16th to the 18th centuries. True or False?
  4. The Solanki dynasty was founded by Mularaja I. True or False?
  5. The Gujarat Sultanate was founded by Alauddin Khalji. True or False?
  6. The Mughal Empire was founded by Babur. True or False?
  7. The Solanki dynasty was known for its patronage of the arts and architecture. True or False?
  8. The Gujarat Sultanate was known for its military prowess. True or False?
  9. The Mughal Empire was known for its administrative efficiency. True or False?
  10. The Solanki dynasty was overthrown by the Chaulukya dynasty. True or False?
  11. The Gujarat Sultanate was overthrown by the Mughal Empire. True or False?
  12. The Mughal Empire was overthrown by the British East India Company. True or False?
  13. The Solanki dynasty was a Rajput dynasty. True or False?
  14. The Gujarat Sultanate was a Muslim dynasty. True or False?
  15. The Mughal Empire was a Muslim dynasty. True or False?
  16. The Solanki dynasty was a Hindu dynasty that ruled Gujarat from the 10th to the 13th centuries. Its capital was Anhilwada Patan. The dynasty was founded by Mularaja I, who was a descendant of the Pratihara dynasty. The Solankis were known for their patronage of the arts and architecture. They built many temples and palaces, including the famous Sun Temple at Modhera. The Solanki dynasty was overthrown by the Chaulukya dynasty in the 13th century.
  17. The Gujarat Sultanate was a Muslim sultanate that ruled Gujarat from the 14th to the 16th centuries. Its capital was Ahmedabad. The sultanate was founded by Alauddin Khalji, who was a general of the Delhi Sultanate. The Gujarat Sultanate was known for its military prowess. It conquered much of northern India and even raided the Maldives. The Gujarat Sultanate was overthrown by the Mughal Empire in the 16th century.
  18. The Mughal Empire was a Muslim empire that ruled much of India from the 16th to the 18th centuries. Its capital was Agra. The empire was founded by Babur, who was a descendant of Timur and Genghis Khan. The Mughal Empire was known for its administrative efficiency. It built a strong central government and a well-functioning Bureaucracy. The Mughal Empire was also known for its cultural achievements. It patronized the arts and architecture, and produced many great works of literature, music, and painting. The Mughal Empire was overthrown by the British East India Company in the 18th century.