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Sociology- Meaning, Scope and nature, Importance of its study. Relation with other Social Sciences

Sociology is a discipline in social sciences concerned with the human Society and human social activities. It is one of the youngest social sciences. Auguste Comte, a French social thinker, is traditionally known as the ‘Father of Sociology’ as he coined the term ‘Sociology’ in 1839.

Scope of Sociology

 Scope means the subject matter or the areas of study or the boundaries of a subject. What we have to study in a particular subject is known as its scope. Every science has its own field of inquiry. It becomes difficult to study a science systematically unless its boundary or scope is determined precisely. Sociology as a social science has its own scope or boundaries. But there is no one opinion about the scope of Sociology. However, there are two main schools of thought regarding the scope of Sociology:

  1. The Specialistic or Formalistic school and (2) the Synthetic school. There is a good deal of controversy about the scope of Sociology between the two schools.

Specialistic school

 The supporters of this school of thought are George Simmel, Vierkandt, Max Weber, Von Wiese, Small and F. Tonnies. They believe that Sociology is a specific, pure and independent science and thus its scope should be limited.

Synthetic school

 The supporters of synthetic school are the sociologists like Durkheim, Ginsberg, Comte, Sorokin, Spencer, F. Ward, and L.T. Hobhouse. According to this School Sociology is closely related with other social sciences. It is a synthesis of social sciences. Thus its scope is very vast.



Nature and Characteristics of Sociology

 To begin with, sociology has developed as a value-free discipline. It is concerned with what is, not with what ought to be. The values which a society upholds and which influence the social behaviour of men are accepted by sociologists as facts’ and analysed objectively.

 They do not analyse values themselves. It is thus not a normative discipline like Ethics or Religion. Further, the sociologists simply indicate the directions towards which the society is moving and refrain from expressing views on the directions in which society should, go. In this respect it is to be distinguished from Social and Political Philosophy.

Secondly, Sociology is an empirical discipline. It is guided by rational considerations in its analysis of social phenomena, and not in terms of ideology.

Thirdly, Sociology has developed as an abstract discipline like Physics, Chemistry or Mathematics, and not as an applied science like Engineering or Computer Science. A sociologist analyses society from different angles and acquires knowledge about society and patterns of social interactions.

Fourthly, Sociology is a general and not a -special social science. It is concerned with human relationships and patterns of social interactions in general, and not any particular aspects of the same. An economist confines his attention to interactions in the economic sphere only.  

Likewise, a political scientist is primarily concerned only with interactions in the political field. A sociologist, however, focuses his attention on human or social relationships which are common to all these specialised fields.

Importance of its study

The most significance of sociology is that it studied the society Social Institutions scientifically. Of late the importance of sociology as the science of human relationship is being realised. The scientific study of society and the scientific promotion of human welfare has been neglected for long periods. Now the truly scientific study of society has been well under way.

As a matter of fact the study of social phenomena and ways and means of promoting what Giddings calls human adequacy is one of the most logical and reasonable of all subjects that ought to be made scientific. This century must be one of developing human and social welfare if we are to make social progress. It is, therefore, rightly thought by many that sociology may be the best approach to all the social sciences and therefore a key study for the present situation.

 As Beach says, sociology has a strong appeal to all types of minds through its direct bearing upon many of the critical problems of the present world. Giddings has suggested that just as economics tells up how to get the things we want to have, sociology tells us how to become what we want to be. Thus, sociology becomes as the scientific study of society, the representative of a great advice.

Society is the largest organisation of the individuals. Society has its own problems in every field. It is through the study of sociology that the scientific study of society has been possible. The study of society not only has a value in modern complex society, it becomes indispensable.

The study of society contributes to the formulation of social policies which required certain amount of knowledge about that society. Descriptive sociology provides a great deal of information that is helpful in making decisions on social policy.

The practical aspect of sociology is too of great importance in the study of social problems and in social work and social adjustment. The one social problem is of course that of people living well and happily together. To achieve this a scientific study of society is needed in order to make necessary adjustments.  

Another specific aspect of the practical side of sociology is the study of the great social institutions and the relation of the individual to each of them. There is, therefore, a particular need for the strengthening of these institutions and one of the first essentials is the scientific study of their problems and situations. Sociology has analysed the causes of the many maladies of society and suggested the means for curing them. Society is a complex structure. There must be a scientific study of its problems if they are to be solved.

Relation with other Social Sciences

Anthropology concerns individual cultures in a society, rather than the society as a whole. Traditionally, it focuses on what might be termed “primitive” cultures, such as the Yanomamo people of the South American jungle, who live much the same way they did hundreds of years ago. Anthropologists place special emphasis on language, kinship patterns, and cultural artifacts.

Political science concerns the governments of various societies. It considers what kind of government a society has, how it formed, and how individuals attain positions of power within a particular government. Political science also concerns the relation of people in a society to whatever form of government they have.

Psychology takes the individual out of his or her social circumstances and examines the mental processes that occur within that person. Psychologists study the human brain and how it functions, considering issues such as memory, dreams, Learning, and perception.

Economics focuses on the production and distribution of society’s goods and Services. Economists study why a society chooses to produce what it does, how Money is exchanged, and how people interact and cooperate to produce goods.



Sociology is the study of human society and social relationships. It is a social science that uses a variety of methods to understand the structure, function, and development of human societies.

Sociology is a broad field, and there are many different subtopics that sociologists study. Some of the most common subtopics include:

  • Social stratification: This is the study of how people are ranked in society based on factors such as wealth, power, and prestige.
  • Social inequality: This is the study of the unequal distribution of Resources and opportunities in society.
  • Social movements: This is the study of organized efforts to bring about Social Change.
  • Social change: This is the study of how societies change over time.
  • Social networks: This is the study of the relationships between individuals and groups.
  • Social groups: This is the study of the characteristics of groups and how they interact with each other.
  • Social institutions: This is the study of the major social institutions in society, such as the family, Education, and religion.
  • Social interaction: This is the study of how people interact with each other.
  • Social psychology: This is the study of how individuals think and behave in social settings.
  • Deviance: This is the study of behavior that violates social norms.
  • Crime: This is the study of behavior that is defined as illegal by the state.
  • Social control: This is the study of the ways in which society regulates the behavior of its members.
  • Socialization: This is the process by which individuals learn the values, norms, and behaviors of their society.
  • Culture: This is the shared beliefs, values, and practices of a group of people.
  • Family: This is a group of people who are related to each other by blood, marriage, or adoption.
  • Education: This is the process of teaching and learning.
  • Religion: This is a system of beliefs and practices that are concerned with the sacred and the supernatural.
  • Work: This is the activity of using one’s skills and abilities to produce goods or services.
  • Health: This is a state of physical, mental, and social well-being.
  • Urbanization: This is the process of people moving from rural areas to cities.
  • Population: This is the total number of people in a given area.
  • Environment: This is the natural world, including the physical, chemical, and biological Elements that surround us.
  • Development: This is the process of improving the Quality Of Life for people.
  • Global sociology: This is the study of the social world as a whole, with a focus on the interactions between different societies.
  • Peace and conflict studies: This is the study of the causes of war and peace, and the ways in which conflict can be resolved.
  • Sociology of knowledge: This is the study of how knowledge is created, distributed, and used in society.
  • Sociological theory: This is the study of the basic principles of sociology.
  • Methodology: This is the study of the methods used in sociological research.
  • History of sociology: This is the study of the development of sociology as a discipline.

Sociology is a fascinating and important field of study. It can help us to understand the world around us, and to make informed decisions about how to improve our lives and the lives of others.

Here are some examples of how sociology can be used in the real world:

  • Sociology can be used to understand the causes of social problems, such as POVERTY, crime, and discrimination.
  • Sociology can be used to develop programs and policies to address social problems.
  • Sociology can be used to educate people about social issues.
  • Sociology can be used to promote social change.

Sociology is a valuable tool for understanding the world around us and for making a difference in the lives of others.

What is sociology?
Sociology is the study of human social behavior and its origins, development, organization, and institutions. It is a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order, social change, and social problems.

What are the different branches of sociology?
The major branches of sociology include:

  • Social theory: This branch of sociology focuses on the development and analysis of sociological theories.
  • Social structure: This branch of sociology focuses on the study of social structures, such as social class, gender, and race.
  • Social change: This branch of sociology focuses on the study of social change, such as the causes and consequences of social movements.
  • Social problems: This branch of sociology focuses on the study of social problems, such as poverty, crime, and inequality.

What are some of the key concepts in sociology?
Some of the key concepts in sociology include:

  • Social structure: This refers to the patterned arrangements of social relationships that form the basis of society.
  • Social interaction: This refers to the ways in which people act towards and react to each other.
  • Socialization: This refers to the process by which people learn the norms, values, and beliefs of their society.
  • Deviance: This refers to behavior that violates the norms of a society.
  • Social control: This refers to the mechanisms that society uses to regulate behavior.
  • Social stratification: This refers to the system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy.
  • Social mobility: This refers to the movement of people up or down the social ladder.
  • Social change: This refers to the process by which society changes over time.

What are some of the major sociological theories?
Some of the major sociological theories include:

  • Functionalism: This theory argues that society is a complex system of interrelated parts that work together to meet the basic needs of society.
  • Conflict theory: This theory argues that society is a system of inequality in which some groups have more power and resources than others.
  • Symbolic interactionism: This theory argues that society is a product of the meanings that people give to their interactions with each other.
  • Feminist theory: This theory argues that society is patriarchal, meaning that it is structured in a way that benefits men at the expense of Women.
  • Postmodern theory: This theory argues that society is fragmented and that there is no single, unified truth.

What are some of the major sociological research methods?
Some of the major sociological research methods include:

  • Surveys: This method involves asking a large number of people questions about their attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors.
  • Interviews: This method involves asking a smaller number of people in-depth questions about their experiences or opinions.
  • Observation: This method involves watching people in their natural settings and recording their behavior.
  • Content analysis: This method involves analyzing the content of written or visual materials, such as newspapers, magazines, or television shows.
  • Experiments: This method involves manipulating one variable and then observing the effect of that manipulation on another variable.

What are some of the major contributions of sociology?
Sociology has made a number of important contributions to our understanding of society. Some of these contributions include:

  • The development of sociological theories: Sociology has developed a number of theories that help us to understand how society works.
  • The study of social problems: Sociology has helped us to understand the causes and consequences of social problems, such as poverty, crime, and inequality.
  • The development of social policies: Sociology has helped us to develop social policies that address social problems.
  • The promotion of social change: Sociology has helped to promote social change by raising awareness of social problems and by developing strategies for addressing them.

Sure, here are some MCQs without mentioning the topic Sociology:

  1. Which of the following is NOT a social institution?
    (A) Family
    (B) Religion
    (C) Education
    (D) economy

  2. Which of the following is NOT a social role?
    (A) Student
    (B) Employee
    (C) Parent
    (D) Friend

  3. Which of the following is NOT a social norm?
    (A) Don’t steal.
    (B) Don’t kill.
    (C) Don’t lie.
    (D) Don’t be late for work.

  4. Which of the following is NOT a social group?
    (A) Family
    (B) Friends
    (C) Classmates
    (D) Teammates

  5. Which of the following is NOT a social movement?
    (A) The Civil Rights Movement
    (B) The Women’s Rights Movement
    (C) The Environmental Movement
    (D) The Tea Party Movement

  6. Which of the following is NOT a social stratification system?
    (A) Caste system
    (B) Class system
    (C) Slavery system
    (D) Feudal system

  7. Which of the following is NOT a social conflict theory?
    (A) Functionalism
    (B) Conflict theory
    (C) Symbolic interactionism
    (D) Feminism

  8. Which of the following is NOT a social change theory?
    (A) Modernization theory
    (B) Dependency theory
    (C) World systems theory
    (D) Conflict theory

  9. Which of the following is NOT a social policy?
    (A) Welfare
    (B) Education
    (C) Healthcare
    (D) Crime prevention

  10. Which of the following is NOT a social problem?
    (A) Poverty
    (B) Crime
    (C) Unemployment
    (D) Homelessness

I hope these questions are helpful!