Socio- religious movements : Sufism and Bhakti movements

<2/”>a >The Bhakti Movement in Indian history represents a movement that popularized devotional surrender to a personally conceived supreme God. Its origins are traced to the Brahamanical and Buddhist traditions of ancient India. It was in south India that it grew from a religious tradition into a popular movement based on religious Equality and broad based social participation. The movement led by popular saints reached its climax in the 10 century A.D.

The development of Bhakti movement took place in Tamil Nadu between the seventh andtwelfth centuries. It was reflected in the emotional poems of the Nayanars (devotees of Shiva) and Alvars (devotees of Vishnu).

The Bhakti movement in India was characterized by:-

(i) the rejection of the then existing ritual hierarchy and Brahmanical superiority’

(ii) The use of vernacular or local language in preference to Sanskrit (the language of the elite)

(iii) the emergence of the low-caste non-literate’ persons like Rameja Dasar, Pillai Uranga, Villi Dasar and Kanak Dasar in the south and Kabir-2/”>Kabir, Raidas, and Dadu in the north as great spiritual leaders. There was large scale participation of peasantry, artisans, and other lower classes as well as of ritually inferior but economically powerful groups like merchants and craftsmen in these devotional movements.

The term bhakti is defined as “devotion” or passionate love for the Divine. Moksha or liberation from rebirth was not in the following of rules, regulations or societal ordering, it was through simple devotion to the Divine. Within the movement at large, useful distinctions have been made by contemporary scholars between those poet saints who composed verses extolling God with attributes or form, namely, “saguna” bhaktas, and, those extolling God without and beyond all attributes or form, “nirguna.”

Some of the famous Bhakti Saints are:-

  • Ramanuja: Born in A.D. 1166 in a small town near Chenni (Madras), Ramanuja was a worshipper of Vishnu and preached Vaishnavism. He had a great following in the South. Ramananda: The greatest preacher of this cult in north India was Ramananda. He discarded all caste distinctions and his disciples belonged to all castes.
  • Kabir: He was perhaps the most popular reformer of his times. He was a disciple of Ramananda. Kabir was against idol worship or any sort of rituals.
  • Namdeva: He was a Maratha saint, born into a low family. He too believed in the oneness of God. He travelled far and wide and had discussions with the Sufis. A large number of Muslims also became his followers.
  • Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: He was a religious teacher from Bengal and an ardent devotee of Lord
    Krishna. HE travelled widely and popularized hymns sung in praise of Krishna.
  • Mirabai: Mirabai was a Rajput princess and a passionate devotee of Krishna. She preached in Brijbhasha, the common language of the people. Her song and verses are very popular even today.
  • Guru Nanak : Nanaka was born in 1469 in the village to Talwandi. Presently the place is known as Nankana in the Sheikhupura district of West Punjab. His parents belonged to Khatri caste. His father Kalu was the Patwari of the village. Nanaka was educated in the village school.
  • Vallabhacharya : Vallabhacharya was a Tailang Brahmin. He preached the worship of Vishnu in the form of Krishna. He was born in 1479 in the Telugu country. He visited Mathura, Vrindavan and many other sacred places and finally settled at Varanasi. The feeling of Bhakti or devotion can be traced back to the Rig Veda. It is the very first hymn of the Rig Veda, which gives expression to a feeling of intimacy with the highest god. In the Katha Upanisad it is said that the divine help, which is the reward to Bhakti, is necessary before one can be saved.


‘Sufism’ is a term used to refer to mystical religious ideas in Islam. It had evolved into a well developed movement by the 11 century. Sufis, Stress on the importance of traversing the path of the Sufi pir enabling one to establish a direct communion with the divine. Sufism or mysticism emerged in the 8 century and among the early known Sufis were Rabia al-Adawiya, Al-Junaid and Bayazid Bastami.

Sufism is deeply rooted with Islam and its development began in the late 7th and 8th centuries. The Sufis love their creator, cherish the desire of His closeness and follow His path. According to Islam, there are two types of service. Throughout the night, they remain in prayer, meditation and contemplation of Allah and throughout the day, they
serve His creatures especially human beings.

The following fundamental Principles of Sufism are found in Islam:-
i. Kashf is a source of knowledge.
ii. God is unique, eternal and all-pervading.
iii. The world is transitory.
iv. God is near to His creatures.

The khanqah (the hospice) was the center of activities of the various sufis orders.The khanqah was led by shaikh, pir or murshid (teacher) who lived with his murids (disciples). In time the Khanqahs emerged as important centres of Learning and preaching. By the twelfth century the sufis were organized in silsilahs (orders). The word silsila meant chain and it represented signifying an unbreakable chain between the pir and the murid. With the death of the pir his tomb or shrine the dargah became a centre for his disciples and followers.

The major silisilahs in India were the Chisti, Qadri, Naqshbandi and Suharwardy Abul Fazl in Ain-i-Akbari gave a list of all that existed during his time, with some details leading Sufis

The Chishti order was founded in a village called Khwaja Chishti (near Herat). In India, the Chishti Silsilah was founded by Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti (born c. 1142) who came to India around 1192. He made Ajmer the main centre for his teaching. He believed that serving mankind was the best form of devotion and therefore he worked amongst the downtrodden.

Suharwardi Silsila entered India at the same time as the Chishtis and its activities were confined to the Punjab and Multan.It was established in India by Bahauddin Zakanya. The Most well-known saints were Shaikh shihabuddin Suharwadi and Hamidud-din Nagori.

Naqshbandi Silsilah was established in India by Khwaja Bahauddin Naqshbandi. From the beginning the mystics of this Order stressed on the observance of the shariat and denounced all innovations or biddat. Sheikh Baqi Billah the successor to Khawaja Bahauddin Naqshbandi settled near Delhi, and his successor Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi attempted to purge Islam from all liberal and what he believed were ‘UN-Islamic’ practices. He opposed the listening of sama (religious music) and the practice of pilgrimage to the tombs of saints.,

Sufism and Bhakti are two of the most important socio-religious movements in the history of Islam and Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism, respectively. Both movements emphasize the importance of personal devotion to God, and both have had a profound impact on the development of their respective religions.

Sufism is a mystical tradition within Islam that emphasizes the importance of direct personal experience of God. Sufis believe that this experience can be achieved through a variety of practices, including meditation, prayer, and chanting. Sufism has a long and rich history, and its teachings have been influenced by a variety of different cultures and religions.

The Bhakti movement was a religious movement that originated in India in the 12th century. The Bhakti saints, or bhaktas, emphasized the importance of personal devotion to God, and they often expressed their devotion through poetry, music, and dance. The Bhakti movement had a profound impact on the development of Hinduism, and its teachings continue to be influential today.

Both Sufism and Bhakti are important examples of how religion can be used to promote personal spiritual Growth and development. Both movements emphasize the importance of love, compassion, and Tolerance, and both have had a positive impact on the lives of millions of people around the world.

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Sufism is a mystical tradition within Islam that emphasizes the importance of direct personal experience of God. Sufis believe that this experience can be achieved through a variety of practices, including meditation, prayer, and chanting. Sufism has a long and rich history, and its teachings have been influenced by a variety of different cultures and religions.

The word “Sufi” comes from the Arabic word “suf,” which means “wool.” This is because early Sufis often wore simple woolen garments. The first Sufis were known as “ascetics,” and they lived a life of POVERTY and simplicity. They devoted themselves to prayer and meditation, and they often withdrew from the world to focus on their spiritual development.

Over time, Sufism developed into a more organized movement. Sufi orders, or tariqas, were formed, and these orders provided a structure for Sufis to live their lives according to the teachings of Sufism. Sufi orders often have their own unique practices and traditions, but they all share a common goal: to help their members achieve a direct personal experience of God.

Sufism has had a profound impact on the development of Islam. Sufis have been responsible for some of the most important developments in Islamic thought and practice. They have also played a major role in the spread of Islam to new areas. Today, Sufism is practiced by millions of Muslims around the world.

Bhakti movement

The Bhakti movement was a religious movement that originated in India in the 12th century. The Bhakti saints, or bhaktas, emphasized the importance of personal devotion to God, and they often expressed their devotion through poetry, music, and dance. The Bhakti movement had a profound impact on the development of Hinduism, and its teachings continue to be influential today.

The word “bhakti” comes from the Sanskrit word “bhaj,” which means “to love.” Bhakti saints believed that the only way to achieve salvation was through love of God. They taught that God is present in all things, and that everyone is capable of experiencing His love.

The Bhakti movement was a major force in the Hindu Renaissance of the 12th century. The Bhakti saints challenged the authority of the Brahmin priests, and they promoted the idea that all people, regardless of caste, could achieve salvation. They also emphasized the importance of vernacular languages, and they wrote many of their teachings in languages that were accessible to the common people.

The Bhakti movement had a profound impact on the development of Hinduism. It helped to popularize the idea of personal devotion to God, and it led to the development of new forms of Hindu worship, such as the singing of bhajans (devotional songs) and the dancing of kirtans (devotional dances). The Bhakti movement also helped to spread Hinduism to new areas, such as Southeast Asia.

Today, the Bhakti movement continues to be influential in Hinduism. The teachings of the Bhakti saints are still widely read and studied, and their ideas continue to inspire people around the world.


  • What is Sufism?
    Sufism is a mystical tradition within Islam that emphasizes the inner search for God. It is characterized by a focus on love, devotion, and the unity of all beings.
  • Who are some famous Sufis?
    Some famous Sufis include Rumi, Rabia al-Adawiyya, and Al-Hallaj.
  • What are some of the key beliefs of Sufism?
    Some of the key beliefs of Sufism include the oneness of God, the importance of love and devotion, and the need for spiritual purification.
  • What are some of the practices of Sufism?
    Some of the practices of Sufism include prayer, meditation, and chanting.
  • What is the role of music in Sufism?
    Music plays an important role in Sufism, as it is seen as a way to connect with God and to express love and devotion.
  • What is the relationship between Sufism and Islam?
    Sufism is a mystical tradition within Islam, but it is not a separate religion. Sufis believe that their practices are in line with the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah.

Bhakti movements

  • What is Bhakti?
    Bhakti is a Hindu devotional movement that emphasizes the importance of love and devotion to God.
  • Who are some famous Bhakti saints?
    Some famous Bhakti saints include Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Ramanujacharya, and Meerabai.
  • What are some of the key beliefs of Bhakti?
    Some of the key beliefs of Bhakti include the oneness of God, the importance of love and devotion, and the need for spiritual liberation.
  • What are some of the practices of Bhakti?
    Some of the practices of Bhakti include prayer, meditation, and singing devotional songs.
  • What is the role of music in Bhakti?
    Music plays an important role in Bhakti, as it is seen as a way to connect with God and to express love and devotion.
  • What is the relationship between Bhakti and Hinduism?
    Bhakti is a Hindu devotional movement, but it is not a separate religion. Bhakti saints believe that their practices are in line with the teachings of the Vedas and the Upanishads.

Question 1

Which of the following is not a characteristic of Sufism?

(A) It is a mystical form of Islam.
(B) It emphasizes the importance of love and devotion to God.
(C) It is a syncretic tradition that draws on Elements of Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity.
(D) It is a hierarchical tradition with a clear chain of authority.


Sufism is a mystical form of Islam that emphasizes the importance of love and devotion to God. It is a syncretic tradition that draws on elements of Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity. Sufism is not a hierarchical tradition with a clear chain of authority.

Question 2

Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Bhakti movement?

(A) It is a devotional movement that emphasizes the importance of personal love for God.
(B) It is a pantheistic movement that sees God as present in all things.
(C) It is a movement that often expressed itself through poetry, music, and dance.
(D) It is a movement that was primarily confined to the northern Indian subcontinent.


The Bhakti movement was a devotional movement that emphasized the importance of personal love for God. It was a pantheistic movement that saw God as present in all things. It was a movement that often expressed itself through poetry, music, and dance. The Bhakti movement was not confined to the northern Indian subcontinent; it also had a significant presence in the southern Indian subcontinent.

Question 3

Which of the following is not a difference between Sufism and the Bhakti movement?

(A) Sufism is a mystical tradition, while the Bhakti movement is a devotional tradition.
(B) Sufism is primarily an Islamic tradition, while the Bhakti movement is primarily an Hindu tradition.
(C) Sufism emphasizes the importance of love and devotion to God, while the Bhakti movement emphasizes the importance of personal love for God.
(D) Sufism is a hierarchical tradition with a clear chain of authority, while the Bhakti movement is not a hierarchical tradition.


Sufism is a mystical tradition, while the Bhakti movement is a devotional tradition. Sufism is primarily an Islamic tradition, while the Bhakti movement is primarily an Hindu tradition. Sufism emphasizes the importance of love and devotion to God, while the Bhakti movement emphasizes the importance of personal love for God. Both Sufism and the Bhakti movement are not hierarchical traditions.

Question 4

Which of the following is not a similarity between Sufism and the Bhakti movement?

(A) Both traditions emphasize the importance of love and devotion to God.
(B) Both traditions are syncretic, drawing on elements of multiple religious traditions.
(C) Both traditions have had a significant impact on the development of South Asian culture.
(D) Both traditions are hierarchical, with a clear chain of authority.


Both Sufism and the Bhakti movement emphasize the importance of love and devotion to God. Both traditions are syncretic, drawing on elements of multiple religious traditions. Both traditions have had a significant impact on the development of South Asian culture. However, both traditions are not hierarchical.

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