Socio Cultural Awekning In Telangana

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Socio-cultural awakening in Telangana

Adi-Hindu Movement

As this emerging, partly-educated Dalit middle class began to enter social life, the radicalization among Dalits throughout south India brought with it identification with the ‘adi’ ideology. It was Bhagyareddy Varma himself who presided over the momentous conference at Vijayawada in 1913 when the ‘Panchama’ identity was rejected and over a number of conferences after that. Nevertheless, in Hyderabad they took up an ‘Adi-Hindu’ theme: four Adi-Hindu conferences were organized between 1912 and 1924, and gradually the main organizers began to use this terminology. In 1924 Arigay Ramaswamy formed the Adi-Hindu Jatiyonnati Sabha; not to be outdone; Bhagyareddy transformed his Manya Sangam into the Adi-Hindu Social Service League. This became the main organization of the Dalits of Hyderabad, a feat attributed to his energetic organizing and ability to gain support from liberal Hindu sympathizers. Along with the traditional aims of internal reform (‘removing social evils, establishing schools, societies, reading rooms, bhajan mandalis’), the aims of the organization included ‘removing ignoble appellations and spreading the identity of ‘Adi-Hindu’’.

This term was spreading among sections of north Indian Chamars at this time claiming them, to be exploited and conquered original inhabitants and Bhagyareddy himself travelled to north India for some of the conferences, notably two in 1927 and 1930, which described the ‘depressed classes’ or ‘adi-Hindus’ as ‘descendents of the original inhabitants of this country who were rulers and owners of this land of their birth before the advent of the Aryans to the country.

This was familiar anti-caste radicalism. But ‘Adi-Hindu’ could also leave space for identification as Hindus with simply the assertion added that Dalits could claim a high position within the total community, that they had been among the creators of the Hindu Epics.

A controversy recently raged in the press as to whether the Adi-Hindus are Hindus. While the caste Hindus maintained a discrete silence, two opposing sections of Adi-Hindus entered the arena. The Adi-Dravida Educational League argued that, judged by the history, philosophy and civilization of the Adi-Dravidas, the real aborigines of the Deccan, the Depressed Classes are, as a community, entirely separate and distinct from the followers of Vedic religion, called Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism. The League’s contention was that Hinduism is not the ancestral religion of the aborigines of Hindustan; that the non-Vedic communities of India object to being called ‘Hindu’ because of their inherited abhorrence of the doctrines of the Manusmruti and like scriptures, who have distinguished themselves from caste Hindus for centuries past, that the Vedic religion which the Aryans brought in the wake of their invasion was actively practiced upon the non-Vedic aborigines, and that the aborigines, coming under the influence of the Hindus, gradually and half-consciously adopted Hindu ideas and prejudices. A section of Adi-Hindus emphatically repudiated the above arguments in a statement in the press and deplored the tendency of the Adi-Dravida Educational League to seek to impose an invidious distinction. The concepts of God, the mode of worship, the system of rituals and code of customs and the manner of dress and way of life of the socially depressed classes are identical with those of the caste Hindus, and therefore they maintain that religiously adi-Hindus are Hindus.

Andhra mahasabha

Andhra Mahasabha was a people's organisation in the erstwhile Hyderabad state of India. Started under the name Andhra Janasangham (Andhra People's Society) in 1921, the Andhra Mahasabha spearheaded people's awareness and people's movements among the Telugu-speaking populace of the state and eventually joined hands with the Communist Party of India to launch the Telangana movement.

There was an increase in political and cultural awareness among people of Hyderabad State at the end of 19th century.  A triggering incident that led to the kindling of Telugu people's self-respect in Hyderabad state occurred on 12 November 1921, in the Nizam State "social conference" when a Telugu lawyer, Mr. Allampalli Venkata Rama Rao, spoke in Telugu on a resolution. Allampalli Venkata Rama Rao was heckled and shouted at by those in attendance in the audience, among whom were speakers who earlier spoke freely in English, Urdu and Marathi. This event is thought to have mobilized the sentiment of Telugu-language speakers and the perception of that language's "true position" in Hyderabad State That night witnessed the creation of the "Andhra Jana Sangham" with the stated intention of promoting Telugu language, literature, its books and historical research, with eleven members led by Suravaram Pratapareddy, Madapati Hanumantha Rao, Komarraju Venkata Lakshmana Rao, Duvvuri Subbamma and others.  Regular conferences were held during 1923, 1924, 1925 and 1928.  During the 1930 conference, the Andhra Jana Sangham changed its name to the Andhra Mahasabha. The Andhra Mahasabha, formed in 1930, pushed for the social and Cultural Development of the people of Telangana.  Its first conference was held in 1930 at Jogipet in Medak district under the presidency of Suravaram Pratap Reddy. A Women's conference called the Andhra Mahila Sabha was held simultaneously with the Andhra Maha Sabha under the presidency of Nadimpalli Sundaramma. Burgula Ramakrishna Rao presided over the second conference held at Devarakonda in 1931.

The fourth Andhra Mahasabha, held at Sircilla in Karimnagar district, was presided over by Madapati Hanumantha Rao in 1935, while his wife Manikyamba presided over the Andhra Mahila Sabha simultaneously at the same place. The speakers started speaking in Telugu in this conference giving up Urdu, Marathi and English. A primary form for the constitution of Andhra Mahasabha was given in this conference.

The leaders like Baddam Yella Reddy, Anabheri Prabhakar Rao, Singireddy Bhoopathi Reddy and the social reformer Bhoomaiah vakil (pleader) played important role in organising this conference. Representatives from all the taluks of the district attended this conference. From Jagtial Kasam Shivaraja Gupta, Jaisetty Lakshmirajam Gupta and Siddamsetti Sangaiah etc. attended it. The branch of Andhra Mahasabha was opened by Kasam Shivaraja Gupta at Jagtial. Raghunath Kache, who attended this conference, established the Andhra Mahasabha branch at Manthani. After the conference of Sircilla, a permanent office of Andhra Maha Sabha was opened at Boiwada in Karimnagar. Baddam Yella Reddy was elected as the District president of Mahasabha, while Anabheri Prabhakar Rao was elected as secretary. Damodar Rao of Gundi-Ramadugu was put in charge of the office. The branches of Andhra Maha Sabha were opened at Sircilla, Jagtial, Manthani, Peddapalli, Metpalli, Koratla, Choppadandi, Sultanabad, Huzurabad and several other places in Karimnagar district.

he popular leaders like K.V.Ranga Reddy, J.V.Narasing Rao, Suravaram Pratap Reddy, Raavi Narayana Reddy, Baddam Yella Reddy etc. participated in the Sircilla conference on 6 September 1935. The famous weight lifter Kodi Rama Krishna of Vijayawada is said to have exhibited his feats in this conference.  The offices of Andhra Mahasabha opened in the district carried on a campaign against Vetti Chakiri or forced labour, compulsory levy system of paddy and the exploitation of the masses by the privileged class like landlords, Jagirdars and Deshmukhs. The Volunteers of the Mahasabha helped the weavers in getting the Cotton thread supplied by the Government on ration cards. They worked for the fair distribution of the cotton thread without allowing scope for black Marketing.



The Telangana Movement was a political movement that took place in the Indian state of Telangana from 1969 to 2014. The movement was aimed at achieving statehood for Telangana, which was then a part of the state of Andhra Pradesh. The movement was successful, and Telangana was granted statehood on June 2, 2014.

The Telangana Movement was a long and arduous journey that was marked by many struggles and sacrifices. The movement was led by a number of prominent leaders, including K. Chandrashekar Rao, who is now the Chief Minister of Telangana. The movement also had the support of a large number of people from all walks of life, including students, farmers, workers, and intellectuals.

The Telangana Movement was successful in achieving its goal of statehood for Telangana. However, the movement also had a number of other positive impacts on the state of Telangana. The movement helped to raise the awareness of the Telangana people about their rights and their potential. The movement also helped to promote unity and solidarity among the Telangana people.

The Telangana Movement was a watershed moment in the history of the state of Telangana. The movement helped to bring about a number of positive changes in the state, and it has had a lasting impact on the lives of the Telangana people.

Telugu is the Official Language of the state of Telangana. It is a Dravidian language that is spoken by over 80 million people in India. Telugu is a rich and vibrant language with a long history and culture.

Telugu literature is one of the oldest and richest literatures in India. It has a long history dating back to the 2nd century BCE. Telugu literature is known for its variety of genres, including poetry, drama, and fiction.

Telugu music is a vibrant and diverse tradition that has its roots in the ancient Vedic tradition. Telugu music is known for its use of complex rhythms and melodies.

Telugu dance is a beautiful and graceful tradition that is performed at weddings, festivals, and other special occasions. Telugu dance is known for its intricate footwork and graceful movements.

Telugu art is a rich and diverse tradition that has its roots in the ancient Indus Valley Civilization. Telugu art is known for its use of vibrant colors and intricate designs.

Telugu architecture is a beautiful and unique tradition that has its roots in the ancient Hindu and Buddhist traditions. Telugu architecture is known for its use of intricate carvings and sculptures.

Telugu cuisine is a delicious and diverse tradition that is known for its use of spices, rice, and vegetables. Telugu cuisine is known for its bold flavors and hearty dishes.

Telugu festivals are a vibrant and colorful tradition that are celebrated throughout the year. Telugu festivals are known for their music, dance, and food.

Telugu culture is a rich and vibrant tradition that is known for its hospitality, generosity, and love of life. Telugu culture is known for its strong family ties and its emphasis on Education and hard work.

The Telangana Movement and the subsequent formation of the state of Telangana have had a profound impact on the socio-cultural fabric of the region. The movement helped to raise the awareness of the Telangana people about their rights and their potential. The movement also helped to promote unity and solidarity among the Telangana people.

The formation of the state of Telangana has also led to a number of positive changes in the socio-economic conditions of the region. The State Government has taken a number of initiatives to improve the Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE, education, and healthcare facilities in the state. The government has also been working to promote Economic Development in the state.

The socio-cultural awakening in Telangana is a positive development that has the potential to transform the region into a vibrant and prosperous state. The state government and the people of Telangana must work together to build a bright future for the state.

What is Socio Cultural Awakening?

Socio Cultural Awakening is a term used to describe the process of social and cultural change that occurs when a group of people become aware of their own identity and culture. This can lead to a number of changes, including a greater sense of pride in one’s heritage, a more assertive Attitude towards outsiders, and a desire to preserve one’s culture.

What are the causes of Socio Cultural Awakening?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to Socio Cultural Awakening, including:

  • Contact with other cultures: When people from different cultures come into contact with each other, it can lead to a greater awareness of one’s own culture. This can be especially true if the other culture is seen as being more powerful or prestigious.
  • Political or economic changes: Changes in the political or economic system can also lead to Socio Cultural Awakening. For example, if a group of people is oppressed by another group, they may become more aware of their own identity and culture as a way of resisting oppression.
  • Education: Education can also play a role in Socio Cultural Awakening. When people are educated about their own culture, they are more likely to be proud of it and to want to preserve it.

What are the effects of Socio Cultural Awakening?

Socio Cultural Awakening can have a number of effects, both positive and negative. Some of the positive effects include:

  • A greater sense of pride in one’s heritage: When people become aware of their own culture, they often develop a greater sense of pride in it. This can lead to a number of positive outcomes, such as a stronger sense of community and a greater willingness to work together to improve the lives of the group.
  • A more assertive attitude towards outsiders: Socio Cultural Awakening can also lead to a more assertive attitude towards outsiders. This can be seen as a positive thing, as it can help the group to protect its interests and to fight for its rights.
  • A desire to preserve one’s culture: Socio Cultural Awakening can also lead to a desire to preserve one’s culture. This can be seen as a positive thing, as it can help to ensure that the culture is passed down to future generations.

However, Socio Cultural Awakening can also have some negative effects, such as:

  • Conflict with other cultures: When a group of people becomes more aware of their own culture, they may also become more aware of the differences between their culture and other cultures. This can lead to conflict, as the group may try to impose its own culture on others or may resist the influence of other cultures.
  • Discrimination: Socio Cultural Awakening can also lead to discrimination, as people from other cultures may be seen as being inferior or as a threat. This can lead to a number of problems, such as violence and prejudice.
  • Loss of cultural identity: In some cases, Socio Cultural Awakening can lead to the loss of cultural identity. This can happen when people become so focused on their own culture that they lose sight of the fact that they are part of a larger society. This can lead to a number of problems, such as isolation and alienation.

Overall, Socio Cultural Awakening is a complex process that can have both positive and negative effects. It is important to be aware of both the potential benefits and risks of Socio Cultural Awakening in order to make informed decisions about how to deal with it.

  1. The Telangana movement was a political movement that sought to create a separate state for the Telangana region of India. The movement began in the early 1960s and culminated in the creation of the state of Telangana in 2014.
  2. The Telangana movement was led by a number of Political Parties and social organizations, including the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS), the All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM), and the Communist Party of India (Marxist).
  3. The Telangana movement was successful in achieving its goal of creating a separate state for the Telangana region. The state of Telangana was created on June 2, 2014.
  4. The Telangana movement had a significant impact on the socio-cultural fabric of the Telangana region. The movement led to a greater awareness of the Telangana identity and culture. The movement also led to a greater sense of unity among the people of Telangana.
  5. The Telangana movement was a major turning point in the history of the Telangana region. The movement led to the creation of a separate state for the Telangana region and had a significant impact on the socio-cultural fabric of the region.

Here are some MCQs about the Telangana movement:

  1. Which of the following is not a political party that was involved in the Telangana movement?
    (A) The Telangana Rashtra Samithi
    (B) The All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen
    (C) The Communist Party of India (Marxist)
    (D) The Bharatiya Janata Party

  2. The Telangana movement was successful in achieving its goal of creating a separate state for the Telangana region. The state of Telangana was created on which of the following dates?
    (A) June 2, 2014
    (B) June 2, 2013
    (C) June 2, 2012
    (D) June 2, 2011

  3. The Telangana movement had a significant impact on the socio-cultural fabric of the Telangana region. The movement led to a greater awareness of the Telangana identity and culture. The movement also led to a greater sense of unity among the people of Telangana. True or False?
    (A) True
    (B) False

  4. The Telangana movement was a major turning point in the history of the Telangana region. The movement led to the creation of a separate state for the Telangana region and had a significant impact on the socio-cultural fabric of the region. True or False?
    (A) True
    (B) False