Social, Economic and Cultural implications of Tourism in himachal Pradesh

Social, Economic and Cultural implications of Tourism in himachal Pradesh

Social implications

Transportation problems are the main issue in the social agenda. Traffic problems have been aggravated due to factors like mixed traffic patterns, incorrect utilization of urban Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE, and distorted distribution of land use in addition to tremendous tourist traffic. The improper geometric design of roads, poor surface conditions, constraints of parking, and abutting encroachment have reduced the capacity of travel speed substantially. The level of service has virtually come to a stop-and-go condition, resulting in increased travel times, fuel costs, and vehicular emissions. The negligible public transport system and informal road Network system have promoted intermediate public transport systems (autorikshaws and taxis) and personalized transport modes In terms of the Health and safety of the local community, problems are really serious. Manali experiences one of the worst problems of crowding and congestion during the peak tourist season. The Average daily traffic volume is 7562 vehicles, which is equivalent to 11240 PCUs, with 99 percent of these vehicles being fast moving vehicles. The problem of congestion is compounded by the lack of parking facilities in the town. Both sides of the main road are being used for idle parking, reducing the available road width. The Mall experiences the highest parking accumulation with about 700 to 800 vehicles parked on the road every day. With such a large floating Population, the pedestrian movement also becomes a problem due to the lack of road space.

Economic implications

Himachal Pradesh with its serene valleys and a diverse culture is home to spiritual, medical and wellness and adventure tourism. The state has the world’s highest cricket ground in Chail and also the World’s most beautiful cycling track . The MTB HIMALAYA & Himalayan Adventure Sports & Tourism Promotion Association has given a new face to the biking in India and has further added to the tourist attraction of the state. Availability of natural Resources has made the state an attractive destination for investments in tourism, agricultural, hydroelectric power and cement.  The average GSDP Growth rate between 2004-05 and 2009- 10 was about 11.4 percent. Himachal Pradesh is a leading producer of apples, producing 2.8 lakh metric tons of apple in 2009-10. Compared to national average growth rate of 12.5 percent, the number of tourists in Himachal Pradesh has grown at a CAGR of 14 percent during the 2006 – 2010. The total number of tourists (foreign as well as domestic) visiting Himachal Pradesh has consistently increased from 88 lakhs in 2007 to 151 lakhs in 2011. Himachal Pradesh government invests 0.28 percent of its budget in tourism. The market share (market share being defined as the total number of tourists visiting a state as a Percentage of total tourists in the country),of Himachal Pradesh is 1.8% and the CAGR2006-2010. The market share of Himachal Pradesh in total number of tourists is still low as compared to other top performing states such as Andhra Pradesh (20.6%).

The State Government has taken many initiatives in promoting tourism in Himachal Pradesh. Slogans like ‘Unforgettable Himachal’ and ‘A Destination for All Seasons and All Reasons’ .To promote the state both movie star Ms Preity Zinta has been nominated as the brand ambassador of Himachal Pradesh Tourism. The state recently won national-level ‘Best Tourism Promotion Award’ for its campaign ‘Unforgettable Himachal’. The effectiveness of the Marketing campaign of Himachal Pradesh tourism has increased sustained focus on branding both in India and internationally and has helped in increasing tourist flow in the state. The state government keeps a vision to increase the share of tourism in the state’s finances. It is important to note that contribution of home and foreign tourists in Himachal Pradesh’s GDP is as high as 26%. The contribution of foreign tourist is estimated to be the largest and over 20%(Economic survey of HP2013-2014) .According to State Tourism Policy 2005, the state aims – “To make tourism the prime engine of economic growth by positioning the state as a leading global destination by the year 2020.” Himachal Pradesh Government introduced Home Stay Facilities on the basis of Ministry of Tourism, Government of India “Incredible India Bed and Breakfast scheme in 2008.  There are around 216 homestays registered. All these schemes have hugely contributed to the economic growth and development of the state.

Cultural implications

Indirectly, tourism has contributed towards the revival of cultural traditions in Naddi village, upper Dharamashala – the home of the tribal Gaddi people. A local grassroots rural development NGO, EduCARE India, aims to empower the local Women and bring about personal, economic and community development while preserving the natural Environment and the local Gaddi culture. The Home Stay’s project was initiated in 2012 in order to improve the economic livelihoods of the local women and regenerate their cultural traditions. During their stay, guests engage in the daily chores of rural living, tend to Livestock and farms, cook traditional meals and witness Gaddi tribal dance and performance. Furthermore, they also have the opportunity to volunteer their time in the village in various Education and conservation projects. Thus, this project has developed into a platform where different cultures can meet, share, and learn in a joyous and serene Atmosphere. Through this cross-cultural exchange, the local Gaddi cultural identity has been strengthened.

Unfortunately, there have also been many negative impacts of tourism, both on the local environment and cultural identity of the local population. Socially, tourism has brought new attitudes and beliefs to the local populations. Whilst these new values have enabled local communities to become more globally aware and connected, it has also increased their sense of deprivation of their current way of life, and increased their level of consumerism.


Tourism is a major Industry in Himachal Pradesh, contributing significantly to the state’s economy. However, tourism also has a number of social and environmental impacts, both positive and negative.

One of the most positive impacts of tourism is that it creates jobs. The tourism industry employs a large number of people in Himachal Pradesh, both directly and indirectly. This includes people working in hotels, restaurants, shops, and other tourist-related businesses. Tourism also creates jobs in construction, transportation, and other sectors that support the tourism industry.

Tourism also brings in income to the state. This income can be used to fund development projects, improve infrastructure, and provide social Services. Tourism also helps to promote the state’s culture and heritage. This can lead to increased tourism and further economic benefits.

However, tourism also has some negative impacts. One of the biggest problems is that it can lead to Environmental Degradation. Tourists often leave behind litter and waste, which can pollute the environment. Tourism can also lead to deforestation, as trees are cut down to make way for hotels, roads, and other tourist infrastructure. This can damage the local ecosystem and have a negative impact on the livelihoods of people who depend on it.

Tourism can also lead to social disruption. When tourists come to a new place, they often bring with them their own values and customs. This can conflict with the traditional values of the local people. This can lead to conflict and tension between locals and tourists.

Tourism can also lead to the loss of cultural identity. When tourists come to a new place, they often want to experience the local culture. This can lead to locals changing their traditional way of life in order to cater to tourists. This can lead to the loss of traditional customs and values.

Overall, tourism has both positive and negative impacts on Himachal Pradesh. It is important to carefully manage tourism in order to minimize the negative impacts and maximize the positive impacts.

One way to minimize the negative impacts of tourism is to educate tourists about the importance of protecting the environment. Tourists should be encouraged to recycle, reduce their waste, and respect the local environment. Another way to minimize the negative impacts of tourism is to promote sustainable tourism. Sustainable tourism is tourism that is developed and managed in a way that minimizes its negative impacts on the environment and on local culture. Sustainable tourism can be promoted by encouraging tourists to stay in eco-friendly hotels, to support local businesses, and to learn about the local culture.

Tourism can have a significant impact on the social, economic, and cultural fabric of a region. It is important to carefully manage tourism in order to minimize the negative impacts and maximize the positive impacts.

What are the social implications of tourism in Himachal Pradesh?

Tourism can have a number of social implications, both positive and negative. On the positive side, tourism can create jobs, boost the economy, and promote cultural exchange. However, tourism can also lead to social problems such as overcrowding, pollution, and the loss of traditional culture.

What are the economic implications of tourism in Himachal Pradesh?

Tourism is a major Source Of Income for Himachal Pradesh. The state receives millions of tourists each year, who spend Money on accommodation, food, transportation, and activities. This helps to boost the economy and create jobs.

What are the cultural implications of tourism in Himachal Pradesh?

Tourism can have a significant impact on the culture of a destination. In Himachal Pradesh, tourism has led to the loss of some traditional customs and practices. It has also led to the development of a “tourist culture” that is not always in keeping with the local culture.

What are the environmental implications of tourism in Himachal Pradesh?

Tourism can have a negative impact on the environment. Tourists can pollute the environment by littering and polluting water sources. They can also damage the environment by building roads and other infrastructure.

What are the management implications of tourism in Himachal Pradesh?

The government of Himachal Pradesh has taken a number of steps to manage tourism in the state. These include developing a tourism policy, establishing a tourism board, and creating a tourism infrastructure. The government is also working to promote sustainable tourism.

What are the future implications of tourism in Himachal Pradesh?

Tourism is expected to continue to grow in Himachal Pradesh in the future. This will bring both opportunities and challenges for the state. The government will need to ensure that tourism is developed in a sustainable way that benefits the local people and the environment.

  1. Which of the following is not a major tourist attraction in Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Shimla
    (B) Kullu Manali
    (C) Dharamshala
    (D) Leh Ladakh

  2. Which of the following is not a major river in Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Sutlej
    (B) Beas
    (C) Ravi
    (D) Chenab

  3. Which of the following is not a major mountain range in Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Himalayas
    (B) Pir Panjal Range
    (C) Dhauladhar Range
    (D) Zanskar Range

  4. Which of the following is not a major language spoken in Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Hindi
    (B) Punjabi
    (C) English
    (D) Tibetan

  5. Which of the following is not a major festival celebrated in Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Dussehra
    (B) Diwali
    (C) Holi
    (D) Christmas

  6. Which of the following is not a major food item of Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Rice
    (B) Wheat
    (C) Potatoes
    (D) Millets

  7. Which of the following is not a major dance form of Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Kullu Dance
    (B) Kinnauri Dance
    (C) Chambial Dance
    (D) Ladakhi Dance

  8. Which of the following is not a major musical instrument of Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Dhol
    (B) Sarna
    (C) Sarangi
    (D) Sitar

  9. Which of the following is not a major handicraft of Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Shawls
    (B) Carpets
    (C) Woodcarving
    (D) Pottery

  10. Which of the following is not a major tourist activity in Himachal Pradesh?
    (A) Trekking
    (B) Mountaineering
    (C) Camping
    (D) Shopping