
What is Shramana?

Shramana is a term used to describe a group of religious movements that arose in India in the 6th century BCE. These movements were characterized by their emphasis on asceticism, meditation, and the pursuit of liberation from suffering. The most well-known Shramana movements are Buddhism and Jainism.

History of Shramana

The Shramana movements arose in India in response to the Brahmanical tradition, which was the dominant religious and social order at the time. The Brahmanical tradition emphasized ritual purity, social hierarchy, and the Vedas, a collection of sacred texts. The Shramana movements, on the other hand, rejected these aspects of Brahmanism and emphasized individual liberation through asceticism and meditation.

The first Shramana movement was founded by Mahavira, who lived in the 6th century BCE. Mahavira was a prince who renounced his wealth and social status to pursue a life of asceticism. He taught that the only way to achieve liberation from suffering was to extinguish all desires. His teachings formed the basis of Jainism.

The second Shramana movement was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, who lived in the 6th century BCE. Siddhartha Gautama was a prince who also renounced his wealth and social status to pursue a life of asceticism. He eventually attained enlightenment, or nirvana, and became known as the Buddha. The Buddha’s teachings formed the basis of Buddhism.

Beliefs of Shramana

The Shramana movements shared a number of common beliefs. They all believed that the world is full of suffering, and that the only way to escape suffering is to achieve liberation. They also believed that liberation can be achieved through asceticism, meditation, and the pursuit of wisdom.

Practices of Shramana

The Shramana movements also shared a number of common practices. They all practiced asceticism, which involved living a simple life of self-denial. They also practiced meditation, which was seen as a way to achieve enlightenment. And they all pursued wisdom, which was seen as the key to liberation.

Impact of Shramana

The Shramana movements had a profound impact on Indian society and culture. They helped to spread the idea of individual liberation, and they also contributed to the development of Indian philosophy and literature. The Shramana movements continue to be influential today, and they have millions of followers around the world.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between Shramana and Brahmanism?

Shramana and Brahmanism are two different religious traditions that arose in India in the 6th century BCE. Shramana movements emphasized individual liberation through asceticism and meditation, while Brahmanism emphasized ritual purity, social hierarchy, and the Vedas.

What are the main teachings of Shramana?

The main teachings of Shramana are that the world is full of suffering, that the only way to escape suffering is to achieve liberation, and that liberation can be achieved through asceticism, meditation, and the pursuit of wisdom.

Who are the most important figures in Shramana?

The most important figures in Shramana are Mahavira, the founder of Jainism, and Siddhartha Gautama, the founder of Buddhism.

What is the impact of Shramana on Indian society and culture?

The Shramana movements had a profound impact on Indian society and culture. They helped to spread the idea of individual liberation, and they also contributed to the development of Indian philosophy and literature. The Shramana movements continue to be influential today, and they have millions of followers around the world.


  • Which of the following is not a belief of Shramana?
    (A) The world is full of suffering.
    (B) The only way to escape suffering is to achieve liberation.
    (C) Liberation can be achieved through asceticism, meditation, and the pursuit of wisdom.
    (D) The Vedas are the most important sacred texts.
  • Which of the following is not a practice of Shramana?
    (A) Asceticism
    (B) Meditation
    (C) Worship of the gods
    (D) Pursuit of wisdom
  • Who is the founder of Jainism?
    (A) Mahavira
    (B) Siddhartha Gautama
    (C) Confucius
    (D) Laozi
  • Who is the founder of Buddhism?
    (A) Mahavira
    (B) Siddhartha Gautama
    (C) Confucius
    (D) Laozi
  • Which of the following is not a contribution of Shramana to Indian society and culture?
    (A) The spread of the idea of individual liberation
    (B) The development of Indian philosophy and literature
    (C) The establishment of the caste system
    (D) The construction of temples and palaces