Sessions of Parliament, Devices of Parliamentary Proceedings

Sessions of Parliament

Parliament is the supreme legislative body of the United Kingdom. It is made up of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The House of Commons is the elected chamber, with 650 members. The House of Lords is the unelected chamber, with around 800 members.

Parliament meets in the Palace of Westminster in London. The Palace of Westminster is a large building that was built in the 19th century. It is one of the most famous buildings in London.

Parliament meets in two sessions each year. The first session starts in October and ends in December. The second session starts in January and ends in July.

Parliament is responsible for making laws. It also has the power to approve the government’s budget and to oversee the government’s activities.

Devices of Parliamentary Proceedings

Parliamentary proceedings are the rules and procedures that govern how Parliament works. These rules are designed to ensure that Parliament is able to function effectively and that all members have a fair chance to participate in debate.

There are a number of different devices that are used in parliamentary proceedings. These include:

  • Questions to the government: Members of Parliament can ask questions of the government ministers. These questions are usually asked in the House of Commons, but they can also be asked in the House of Lords.
  • Debates: Members of Parliament can debate issues that are important to them. These debates can take place in either the House of Commons or the House of Lords.
  • Bills: Bills are pieces of legislation that are proposed by the government or by individual members of Parliament. Bills are debated in Parliament and, if they are passed, they become law.
  • Motions: Motions are proposals that are put forward by members of Parliament. Motions can be debated in Parliament and, if they are passed, they become government policy.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Parliament?

Parliament is the supreme legislative body of the United Kingdom. It is made up of the House of Commons and the House of Lords. The House of Commons is the elected chamber, with 650 members. The House of Lords is the unelected chamber, with around 800 members.

What are the two sessions of Parliament?

Parliament meets in two sessions each year. The first session starts in October and ends in December. The second session starts in January and ends in July.

What are the devices of parliamentary proceedings?

Parliamentary proceedings are the rules and procedures that govern how Parliament works. These rules are designed to ensure that Parliament is able to function effectively and that all members have a fair chance to participate in debate.

What are some of the devices that are used in parliamentary proceedings?

Some of the devices that are used in parliamentary proceedings include questions to the government, debates, bills, and motions.

What is the role of Parliament?

Parliament is responsible for making laws. It also has the power to approve the government’s budget and to oversee the government’s activities.


  1. What is Parliament?
    (a) The supreme legislative body of the United Kingdom
    (b) The elected chamber of Parliament
    (c) The unelected chamber of Parliament
    (d) The building where Parliament meets

  2. How many sessions does Parliament have each year?
    (a) One
    (b) Two
    (c) Three
    (d) Four

  3. What are some of the devices that are used in parliamentary proceedings?
    (a) Questions to the government
    (b) Debates
    (c) Bills
    (d) Motions

  4. What is the role of Parliament?
    (a) To make laws
    (b) To approve the government’s budget
    (c) To oversee the government’s activities
    (d) All of the above
