Self Help Groups

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(SHGs) and Civil Society in India

The (SHG) initiative was adopted by India several decades ago in order to alleviate POVERTY, and improve Women’s ability to achieve rights and well-being. At the beginning, SHG was an initiative undertook by NGOs, but later on, due to its success in improving live standards and delivering public goods and Services, Indian State engaged in facilitating access to financial Resources

SHGs and financial Empowerment

Financial empowerment is enabling access to or delivery of Banking services at an affordable cost to the vast sections of disadvantaged and low income groups. Despite encouraging policies and having a wide Network of rural banking in India, which implemented specific Poverty Alleviation programmes though Bank credit, a very large number of poorest of the poor continued to remain outside from the field of formal Banking system. Self Help Groups programme are intended to reach poor segments of society as they lack access to financial services. Fisher-Sriram (2002) points out that, formal financial sector unsuccessful to recognize the divergence between the hierarchies of credit needs and credit availability.

The Government of India initiatives during seventies and Fourth Five year Plan (1969-74) document focused on small and marginal farmers and agricultural labourers. And now Elevenths fiver year plan (2007-12) not only focused but emphasis and define the importance of Financial Inclusion for Growth-3/”>Inclusive Growth. The major objectives of the eleventh plan are income, generation, poverty alleviation, financial inclusion, Education etc. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) issued guidelines for total financial inclusion and credit requirement of self help groups. Member as envisaged in the paragraph 93 of the union budget 2008-09 where in it was stated as under ‘banks will be encouraged to embrance the concept of total financial inclusion’.

Poverty alleviation

Self help groups programme proved that it is an effective tool for poverty alleviation programme. HGs which poor need for their basic requirement is not available in the formal credit system. In these circumstances, HGsservices not only fulfill their productive needs but also satisfy their consumption needs. Overall HGs can help low income people to reduce risk, improve financial activities, raise productivity, increase their income and improve the quality of their lives and empower them for economic growth in India.  SHGs Programmes have become a popular mechanism for poverty alleviation, financial inclusion in many developing countries including India.

Women Empowerment

Empowerment of woman is a crucial factor in the eradication of poverty, as the woman are the key contribution to the economic at all levels woman participation combating poverty though both remunerative and UN-remunerative work at home and the work place the formation of self help groups has provided a lot of confidence among members of self help groups. A large member of woman in the country is gaining self- reliance with the help of self-help groups. In India, self-help groups represent a unique approach to financial inclusion. Self help groupsMicrofinance activities helps the poor, women is not just obtaining loans but also inculcating in them habits of Savings, credit and investing in micro insurance and Money transfer services. Members of self help groups participate and improving access to micro credit management, Marketing skills, and capacity building to promote financial inclusion, and empowerment.

Role of civil societies in india

Governance is the process by which a society manages itself through the mechanism of the state. The core ingredients of Good Governance are:  People’s effective participation, transparency, responsiveness, consensus orientation, Equity and inclusiveness, the Rule of Law, effectiveness and efficiency, accountability, and strategic vision.

Governance has three levels:

(A) Internal systems and procedures;

(B) cutting edge systems and procedures; and

(C) check-and-balance systems

At level (A), civil society can influence policy and project formulation through membership of committees, submission of memoranda directly or through elected representatives, and interactive rule-making in the implementation of policies, projects and schemes affecting citizens. The maximum day-to-day interaction between the government and the citizens takes place and the popular image of governance is formed at level (B).  Interactions of civil society with level (C), infrequent but important, will be more of an exposure of irregularities rather than steps for improvement in the quality of governance.

Civil society’s functional contribution to good governance could be:  

  • Watchdog — against violation of Human Rights and governing deficiencies.  
  • Advocate — of the weaker sections’ point of view.  
  • Agitator — on behalf of aggrieved citizens.  
  • Educator — of citizens on their rights, entitlements and responsibilities and the government about the pulse of the people.  
  • Service provider — to areas and people not reached by official efforts or as government’s agent.  
  • Mobiliser — of public opinion for or against a programme or policy.

Civil society acts through ‘social capital’— the capacity of people to act together willingly in their common long-term interest. Social capital is strong in a homogeneous, egalitarian society.  

Civil society as a whole is, therefore, unable to play its full potential role in enforcing good governance in India except when extraordinary Leadership overcomes narrow loyalties, or when an issue is of common, major concern to all sections (like natural calamities). Smaller units of governance and decentralisation of governance are, therefore, indispensable in India.

Individuals cannot take on the huge political-bureaucratic machine that the government is, nor can the entire civil society act on behalf of every citizen. Civil society, therefore, has to operate through compact, focused organisations based on strong social capital.


Self-help groups are a type of support group that provide a forum for people to share their experiences and problems, and to offer support and advice to each other. Self-help groups can be based on a particular issue or problem, such as addiction, mental illness, or grief, or they can be more general in nature.

There are many benefits to participating in a self-help group. Self-help groups can provide:

  • Support: Self-help groups can provide a sense of community and belonging, and can help people to feel less isolated and alone.
  • Understanding: Self-help groups can provide a forum for people to share their experiences and problems with others who understand what they are going through.
  • Acceptance: Self-help groups can provide a place where people can feel accepted and understood, without judgment.
  • Hope: Self-help groups can provide hope and encouragement, and can help people to see that they are not alone and that there is help available.
  • Connection: Self-help groups can provide a connection to others who share similar experiences and problems, and can help people to build relationships with others who can offer support and understanding.
  • Empowerment: Self-help groups can empower people to take control of their lives and to make positive changes.
  • Education: Self-help groups can provide education and information about a particular issue or problem, and can help people to learn new coping skills.
  • Tools: Self-help groups can provide tools and resources that can help people to cope with a particular issue or problem.
  • Accountability: Self-help groups can provide accountability, and can help people to stay on track with their goals.
  • Fellowship: Self-help groups can provide fellowship and a sense of community.
  • Recovery: Self-help groups can be a valuable part of the recovery process for people struggling with addiction, mental illness, or other problems.

There are also some challenges associated with self-help groups. One challenge is finding a group that is a good fit. There are many different types of self-help groups available, and it is important to find one that meets your needs and interests. Another challenge is attending meetings regularly. Self-help groups are most effective when people attend meetings regularly, but this can be difficult for some people. Finally, some people may find it difficult to share personal information in a group setting.

If you are considering joining a self-help group, there are a few things you can do to make the experience more positive. First, do your research and find a group that is a good fit for you. Second, attend a few meetings before you decide whether or not to join the group. Third, be open to sharing your experiences and problems with others. Finally, be patient and give yourself time to adjust to the group.

Self-help groups can be a valuable resource for people who are struggling with a particular issue or problem. If you are considering joining a self-help group, be sure to do your research and find a group that is a good fit for you.

What is a self-help group?

A self-help group is a group of people who come together to share their experiences and support each other in dealing with a common problem. Self-help groups can be very helpful for people who are struggling with a difficult situation, as they can provide a sense of community and understanding.

What are the benefits of joining a self-help group?

There are many benefits to joining a self-help group. Some of the benefits include:

  • Social support: Self-help groups can provide a sense of community and belonging. This can be especially helpful for people who are feeling isolated or alone.
  • Information and resources: Self-help groups can provide information and resources about the problem that the group is focused on. This can be helpful for people who are trying to learn more about their problem or who are looking for ways to cope with their problem.
  • Empowerment: Self-help groups can empower people to take control of their lives and to make positive changes. This can be especially helpful for people who have been feeling helpless or hopeless.
  • Hope: Self-help groups can provide hope and encouragement. This can be especially helpful for people who are feeling down or discouraged.

How do I find a self-help group?

There are many ways to find a self-help group. Some of the ways to find a self-help group include:

  • Ask your doctor or therapist: Your doctor or therapist may be able to recommend a self-help group that is right for you.
  • Search online: There are many websites that list self-help groups. You can search for a self-help group by location, problem, or other criteria.
  • Contact a local organization: There are many organizations that offer self-help groups. You can contact a local organization to see if they offer a self-help group that is right for you.

What should I expect when I join a self-help group?

When you join a self-help group, you should expect to:

  • Share your experiences: One of the main benefits of a self-help group is the opportunity to share your experiences with others who are going through the same thing. This can be very helpful for people who are feeling isolated or alone.
  • Listen to others’ experiences: In addition to sharing your own experiences, you will also have the opportunity to listen to the experiences of others. This can be very helpful for people who are trying to learn more about their problem or who are looking for ways to cope with their problem.
  • Get support: Self-help groups can provide a great deal of support. This support can come from the group members themselves, as well as from the group leader.
  • Learn new coping skills: Self-help groups can teach you new coping skills that can help you deal with your problem.
  • Make friends: Self-help groups can be a great way to make new friends. This can be especially helpful for people who are feeling isolated or alone.

What are some things to keep in mind when joining a self-help group?

There are a few things to keep in mind when joining a self-help group:

  • Be patient: It takes time to build trust and rapport in a self-help group. Don’t expect to feel comfortable right away.
  • Be respectful: Remember that everyone in the group is there for a reason. Be respectful of the other group members and their experiences.
  • Be open-minded: Self-help groups can be a great place to learn new things and to try new things. Be open to new ideas and new ways of thinking.
  • Be willing to help others: Self-help groups are a two-way street. Be willing to share your own experiences, but also be willing to listen to the experiences of others.
  • Be willing to ask for help: If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for it. The other group members are there to support you.

What if I don’t like the group?

If you don’t like the group, you can always leave. There are many different self-help groups out there, so you are sure to find one that is right for you.

  1. Which of the following is not a type of self-help group?
    (A) Support group
    (B) Therapy group
    (C) Book club
    (D) Study group

  2. The purpose of a self-help group is to:
    (A) Provide support and encouragement to members
    (B) Help members learn new skills
    (C) Provide a forum for members to share their experiences
    (D) All of the above

  3. Self-help groups are typically led by:
    (A) A professional therapist
    (B) A trained facilitator
    (C) A member of the group
    (D) None of the above

  4. Self-help groups are typically open to:
    (A) Anyone who is interested
    (B) Only people with a specific problem or condition
    (C) Only people who have been referred by a professional
    (D) None of the above

  5. Self-help groups are typically free to attend:
    (A) Yes
    (B) No
    (C) Sometimes
    (D) It depends on the group

  6. Self-help groups can be a helpful way to:
    (A) Reduce Stress
    (B) Improve coping skills
    (C) Increase social support
    (D) All of the above

  7. Self-help groups can be a helpful way to:
    (A) Learn new information
    (B) Find resources
    (C) Connect with others who share your experiences
    (D) All of the above

  8. Self-help groups can be a helpful way to:
    (A) Take action on a problem
    (B) Advocate for change
    (C) Promote self-care
    (D) All of the above

  9. Self-help groups can be a helpful way to:
    (A) Find a sense of community
    (B) Feel less alone
    (C) Gain a sense of empowerment
    (D) All of the above

  10. If you are considering joining a self-help group, it is important to:
    (A) Do your research and find a group that is a good fit for you
    (B) Talk to your doctor or therapist about whether a self-help group is right for you
    (C) Attend a few meetings before you decide whether to join
    (D) All of the above