Second Five Year Plan

The Second Five Year Plan (1956-1961) was a plan for the Economic Development of India. It was the second of five five-year plans that were implemented by the Government of India. The plan was based on the principles of SocialismSocialism and self-reliance. The main objectives of the plan were to increase agricultural production, industrial production, and employment. The plan also aimed to improve the InfrastructureInfrastructure of the country, such as roads, railways, and power generation.

The Second Five Year Plan was a success in many ways. Agricultural production increased by 25%, industrial production increased by 35%, and employment increased by 10%. The plan also helped to improve the infrastructure of the country. However, the plan also had some failures. The plan was not able to achieve its goal of reducing poverty. The plan also led to an increase in InflationInflation.

Overall, the Second Five Year Plan was a success. It helped to improve the economy of India and to improve the lives of the people of India.

The following are the sub topics of the Second Five Year Plan:

  • Agriculture
  • IndustryIndustry
  • Infrastructure
  • Social services
  • Finance
  • Foreign Trade
  • Planning and implementation
  • Evaluation
    The Second Five Year Plan (1956-1961) was a plan for the economic development of India. It was the second of five five-year plans that were implemented by the Government of India. The plan was based on the principles of socialism and self-reliance. The main objectives of the plan were to increase agricultural production, industrial production, and employment. The plan also aimed to improve the infrastructure of the country, such as roads, railways, and power generation.

The Second Five Year Plan was a success in many ways. Agricultural production increased by 25%, industrial production increased by 35%, and employment increased by 10%. The plan also helped to improve the infrastructure of the country. However, the plan also had some failures. The plan was not able to achieve its goal of reducing poverty. The plan also led to an increase in inflation.

Overall, the Second Five Year Plan was a success. It helped to improve the economy of India and to improve the lives of the people of India.


The Second Five Year Plan aimed to increase agricultural production by 25%. This was to be achieved through a number of measures, including:

  • Increasing the area under cultivation
  • Increasing the use of fertilizers and pesticides
  • Improving irrigation facilities
  • Promoting the use of high-yielding varieties of crops

The plan was successful in increasing agricultural production. The area under cultivation increased by 10%, the use of fertilizers and pesticides increased by 20%, and irrigation facilities were improved. As a result, agricultural production increased by 25%.


The Second Five Year Plan aimed to increase industrial production by 35%. This was to be achieved through a number of measures, including:

  • Increasing the InvestmentInvestment in the industrial sector
  • Promoting the development of heavy industries
  • Importing foreign technology

The plan was successful in increasing industrial production. The investment in the industrial sector increased by 50%, the development of heavy industries was promoted, and foreign technology was imported. As a result, industrial production increased by 35%.


The Second Five Year Plan aimed to improve the infrastructure of the country. This was to be achieved through a number of measures, including:

  • Building new roads and railways
  • Expanding the power grid
  • Improving the water supply and sanitation system

The plan was successful in improving the infrastructure of the country. New roads and railways were built, the power grid was expanded, and the water supply and sanitation system was improved.

Social services

The Second Five Year Plan aimed to improve social services, such as education, health, and housing. This was to be achieved through a number of measures, including:

  • Expanding the number of schools and colleges
  • Building new hospitals and clinics
  • Providing subsidies for housing

The plan was successful in improving social services. The number of schools and colleges was expanded, new hospitals and clinics were built, and subsidies for housing were provided.


The Second Five Year Plan aimed to mobilize resources for the development of the country. This was to be achieved through a number of measures, including:

  • Increasing taxes
  • Borrowing MoneyMoney from foreign countries
  • Promoting SavingsSavings

The plan was successful in mobilizing resources for the development of the country. Taxes were increased, money was borrowed from foreign countries, and savings were promoted.

Foreign trade

The Second Five Year Plan aimed to increase foreign trade. This was to be achieved through a number of measures, including:

  • Promoting exports
  • Importing essential goods

The plan was successful in increasing foreign trade. Exports were promoted, and essential goods were imported.

Planning and implementation

The Second Five Year Plan was implemented by the . The Planning Commission was a body of experts who were responsible for planning and implementing the plan. The Planning Commission worked with the government and with the private sector to implement the plan.


The Second Five Year Plan was evaluated by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission found that the plan was successful in achieving its objectives. The plan helped to improve the economy of India and to improve the lives of the people of India.

  • What were the main objectives of the Second Five Year Plan for agriculture?

The main objectives of the Second Five Year Plan for agriculture were to increase agricultural production, to improve the productivity of land and labor, and to increase the incomes of farmers.

  • What were some of the key initiatives taken to achieve these objectives?

Some of the key initiatives taken to achieve these objectives included the introduction of new agricultural technologies, such as high-yielding varieties of seeds and fertilizers, the expansion of irrigation facilities, and the provision of credit and extension services to farmers.

  • What were the successes and failures of the Second Five Year Plan for agriculture?

The Second Five Year Plan was a success in many ways. Agricultural production increased by 25%, and the productivity of land and labor increased significantly. However, the plan was not able to achieve its goal of increasing the incomes of farmers.


  • What were the main objectives of the Second Five Year Plan for industry?

The main objectives of the Second Five Year Plan for industry were to increase industrial production, to diversify the industrial base, and to promote self-reliance in the production of essential goods.

  • What were some of the key initiatives taken to achieve these objectives?

Some of the key initiatives taken to achieve these objectives included the establishment of new industrial enterprises, the expansion of existing industrial enterprises, and the provision of financial and technical assistance to private industries.

  • What were the successes and failures of the Second Five Year Plan for industry?

The Second Five Year Plan was a success in many ways. Industrial production increased by 35%, and the industrial base was diversified. However, the plan was not able to achieve its goal of promoting self-reliance in the production of essential goods.


  • What were the main objectives of the Second Five Year Plan for infrastructure?

The main objectives of the Second Five Year Plan for infrastructure were to improve the transportation system, to expand the power supply, and to improve the water supply and sanitation system.

  • What were some of the key initiatives taken to achieve these objectives?

Some of the key initiatives taken to achieve these objectives included the construction of new roads, railways, and AirportsAirports, the expansion of power generation capacity, and the construction of new water supply and sanitation facilities.

  • What were the successes and failures of the Second Five Year Plan for infrastructure?

The Second Five Year Plan was a success in many ways. The transportation system was improved, the power supply was expanded, and the water supply and sanitation system was improved. However, the plan was not able to achieve its goal of providing adequate infrastructure to all parts of the country.

Social services

  • What were the main objectives of the Second Five Year Plan for social services?

The main objectives of the Second Five Year Plan for social services were to improve the health of the people, to improve the education of the people, and to improve the welfare of the people.

  • What were some of the key initiatives taken to achieve these objectives?

Some of the key initiatives taken to achieve these objectives included the expansion of the public health system, the expansion of the education system, and the expansion of the social welfare system.

  • What were the successes and failures of the Second Five Year Plan for social services?

The Second Five Year Plan was a success in many ways. The health of the people improved, the education of the people improved, and the welfare of the people improved. However, the plan was not able to achieve its goal of providing adequate social services to all parts of the country.


  • What were the main objectives of the Second Five Year Plan for finance?

The main objectives of the Second Five Year Plan for finance were to mobilize resources for development, to manage the public finances, and to promote financial stability.

  • What were some of the key initiatives taken to achieve these objectives?

Some of the key initiatives taken to achieve these objectives included the expansion of the tax base, the mobilization of foreign aid, and the reform of the financial system.

  • What were the successes and failures of the Second Five Year Plan for finance?

The Second Five Year Plan was a success in many ways. Resources were mobilized for development, the public finances were managed effectively, and financial stability was maintained. However, the plan was not able to achieve its goal of reducing inflation.

Foreign trade

  • What were the main objectives of the Second Five Year Plan for foreign trade?

The main objectives of the Second Five Year Plan for foreign trade were to promote exports, to import essential goods, and to manage the balance of payments.

  • What were some of the key initiatives taken to achieve these objectives?

Some of the key initiatives taken to achieve these objectives included the expansion of export promotion schemes,
Question 1

The Second Five Year Plan was implemented by the Government of India from:

(A) 1951 to 1956
(B) 1956 to 1961
(CC) 1961 to 1966
(D) 1966 to 1971

Answer: (B)

Question 2

The main objectives of the Second Five Year Plan were to:

(A) increase agricultural production, industrial production, and employment
(B) reduce poverty and improve the lives of the people of India
(C) improve the infrastructure of the country, such as roads, railways, and power generation
(D) all of the above

Answer: (D)

Question 3

The Second Five Year Plan was a success in many ways. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which the plan was a success?

(A) Agricultural production increased by 25%
(B) Industrial production increased by 35%
(C) Employment increased by 10%
(D) The plan was able to achieve its goal of reducing poverty

Answer: (D)

Question 4

The Second Five Year Plan also had some failures. Which of the following is NOT one of the failures of the plan?

(A) The plan was not able to achieve its goal of reducing poverty
(B) The plan led to an increase in inflation
(C) The plan did not improve the infrastructure of the country
(D) The plan did not help to improve the economy of India

Answer: (C)

Question 5

Overall, the Second Five Year Plan was a success. It helped to:

(A) improve the economy of India
(B) improve the lives of the people of India
(C) both (A) and (B)
(D) none of the above

Answer: (C)
