

Sattriya is a classical Indian dance form that originated in the 15th century in the state of Assam. It is one of the eight major classical dance forms of India and is known for its intricate footwork, complex hand gestures, and expressive facial expressions. Sattriya is performed primarily in temples and monasteries, and is often accompanied by music and singing.

The word “sattriya” comes from the Sanskrit word “sattra,” which means “assembly.” Sattriya dance is traditionally performed in satras, which are religious communities that are dedicated to the worship of the Hindu deity Vishnu. The satras are also centers of learning and culture, and they play an important role in the preservation of Sattriya dance.

Sattriya dance is based on the Natya Shastra, an ancient Sanskrit treatise on dance and drama. The Natya Shastra describes the various elements of dance, including the different types of movements, the use of facial expressions, and the importance of rhythm and music. Sattriya dance draws on both the Natya Shastra and the Vaishnava tradition of Hinduism.

The Vaishnava tradition emphasizes the worship of Vishnu, one of the principal deities of Hinduism. Vishnu is often depicted as a blue-skinned god with four arms. He is the preserver of the universe and is often associated with the lotus flower.

Sattriya dance is performed in a variety of styles, each with its own unique characteristics. The most common styles are the ananda bhava, the dasavatara, and the kirtan. The ananda bhava style is characterized by its joyful and exuberant movements. The dasavatara style depicts the ten incarnations of Vishnu. The kirtan style is a devotional dance that is performed to the accompaniment of singing and music.

Sattriya dance is an important part of the Assamese culture. It is a living tradition that is passed down from generation to generation. Sattriya dance is a beautiful and expressive art form that is a source of pride for the people of Assam.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Sattriya dance?
Sattriya dance is a classical Indian dance form that originated in the 15th century in the state of Assam. It is one of the eight major classical dance forms of India and is known for its intricate footwork, complex hand gestures, and expressive facial expressions. Sattriya is performed primarily in temples and monasteries, and is often accompanied by music and singing.

What are the origins of Sattriya dance?
The origins of Sattriya dance are uncertain, but it is believed to have developed from the ancient Indian dance form of Natya Shastra. Natya Shastra is a Sanskrit treatise on dance and drama that dates back to the 2nd century BCE.

What are the different styles of Sattriya dance?
The most common styles of Sattriya dance are the ananda bhava, the dasavatara, and the kirtan. The ananda bhava style is characterized by its joyful and exuberant movements. The dasavatara style depicts the ten incarnations of Vishnu. The kirtan style is a devotional dance that is performed to the accompaniment of singing and music.

What is the significance of Sattriya dance in Assamese culture?
Sattriya dance is an important part of the Assamese culture. It is a living tradition that is passed down from generation to generation. Sattriya dance is a beautiful and expressive art form that is a source of pride for the people of Assam.


Which of the following is not a major classical dance form of India?
(A) Bharatanatyam
(B) Kathak
(C) Sattriya
(D) Kuchipudi

What is the name of the ancient Sanskrit treatise on dance and drama?
(A) Natya Shastra
(B) Kama Sutra
(C) Arthashastra
(D) Mahabharata

Which of the following is not a style of Sattriya dance?
(A) Ananda bhava
(B) Dasavatara
(C) Kirtan
(D) Kathakali

What is the significance of Sattriya dance in Assamese culture?
(A) It is a living tradition that is passed down from generation to generation.
(B) It is a beautiful and expressive art form that is a source of pride for the people of Assam.
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above
