<<2/”>a >u>On 26 January 2013, the Uttarakhand government had launched a portal for online registration of people’s complaints and their quick redressal. Launching the portal called “Samadhan” (solution), the thenUttarakhand Chief Minister Vijay Bahuguna described it as a step towards transparency. The CM assured the people that he will personally monitor the the functioning of the Uttarakhand portal for Redressal aimed at toning up government’s service delivery system. It  shows how the Uttarakhand Government has made it easy for the people to get various Certificates (like the Domicile, permanent Residence etc.)


People can register their complaints online through this project.Anyone across Uttarakhand could now register his or her complaint on In any time which would be redressed normally within 90 days. To ensure the smooth and quick redressal of people’s complaints, the Chief Secretary, secretaries, department heads and commissioners have been provided user IDs and login passwords to access the portal which could even protect the privacy of complainants if the need be.

So Complainants could keep their identity secret. The complaint could be registered at three levels, Principal Secretary/Secretary, Director/ Departmental Head/ Commissioner and District Magistrate. All of them would be provided with user Ids and login passwords through which they could access the grievances registered in their levels and take appropriate measures to resolve them. The grievances had to be resolved in stipulated time frame.

At the DM level, the complaints had to be resolved within 30 days. In case it is not done then complaints would be automatically transferred to the commissioner level. The commissioners have to address the problema in 15 days, and if not done, the complaint would be transferred to the Principal Secretary. He has to resolve the complaint in 45 days. In case it is not resolved, then the matter would be automatically transferred to the Chief Secretary. If the complaint is still not related to the level where it is registered, then it would be transferred to the respective level within 5 days of the registration of complaint.



The SAMADHAN Scheme is a comprehensive rural development program implemented by the Government of India. The scheme aims to improve the lives of rural people by promoting agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries-2/”>Fisheries, Horticulture-2/”>Horticulture, minor Irrigation, micro finance, Organic Farming, pisciculture, rural development, Forestry-2/”>Social Forestry, watershed development, and WomenEmpowerment/”>Women Empowerment.

The SAMADHAN Scheme is implemented through a Network of government agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The scheme provides financial assistance, technical support, and training to rural people. The scheme has been successful in improving the lives of rural people by increasing agricultural productivity, improving animal husbandry practices, promoting fisheries, developing horticulture, providing irrigation facilities, promoting micro finance, encouraging organic farming, developing pisciculture, promoting rural development, planting trees, developing watersheds, and empowering women.

The SAMADHAN Scheme has been praised for its comprehensive approach to rural development. The scheme has been successful in improving the lives of rural people by addressing a wide range of issues. The scheme has also been praised for its Transparency and Accountability. The scheme has been successful in improving the lives of rural people by ensuring that the benefits of development reach the intended beneficiaries.

The SAMADHAN Scheme has also been criticized for its lack of focus on certain areas. The scheme has been criticized for not paying enough attention to the development of Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE-in-rural-areas/”>Infrastructure in Rural Areas. The scheme has also been criticized for not paying enough attention to the development of Education and Health Services in rural areas.

Despite its shortcomings, the SAMADHAN Scheme has been successful in improving the lives of rural people. The scheme has been successful in addressing a wide range of issues and in ensuring that the benefits of development reach the intended beneficiaries. The scheme has also been successful in promoting transparency and accountability.

The SAMADHAN Scheme is a valuable tool for rural development. The scheme has the potential to improve the lives of millions of rural people. The scheme should be continued and expanded to reach more rural people.

Here are some specific examples of how the SAMADHAN Scheme has benefited rural people:

  • The scheme has helped to increase agricultural productivity by providing farmers with access to improved seeds, Fertilizers, and irrigation facilities.
  • The scheme has helped to improve animal husbandry practices by providing farmers with training on animal care and Nutrition.
  • The scheme has helped to promote fisheries by providing fishermen with access to boats, nets, and other equipment.
  • The scheme has helped to develop horticulture by providing farmers with training on fruit and vegetable cultivation.
  • The scheme has helped to provide irrigation facilities to rural areas by constructing Dams, canals, and wells.
  • The scheme has helped to promote micro finance by providing loans to small businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • The scheme has helped to encourage organic farming by providing farmers with training on organic Farming practices.
  • The scheme has helped to develop pisciculture by providing farmers with access to fish ponds and other facilities.
  • The scheme has helped to promote rural development by providing infrastructure and services to rural areas.
  • The scheme has helped to plant trees by providing communities with seedlings and other Resources.
  • The scheme has helped to develop watersheds by constructing check dams and other structures.
  • The scheme has helped to empower women by providing them with training and EMPLOYMENT opportunities.

The SAMADHAN Scheme is a valuable tool for rural development. The scheme has the potential to improve the lives of millions of rural people. The scheme should be continued and expanded to reach more rural people.

What is the SAMADHAN Scheme?

The SAMADHAN Scheme is a government scheme that provides financial assistance to people who have been affected by natural disasters. The scheme was launched in 2014 and has since provided assistance to over 10 million people.

What are the eligibility criteria for the SAMADHAN Scheme?

To be eligible for the SAMADHAN Scheme, you must:

  • Be a citizen of India
  • Have been affected by a natural disaster
  • Have suffered loss of life or property
  • Have not received any other financial assistance from the government

How can I apply for the SAMADHAN Scheme?

You can apply for the SAMADHAN Scheme online or offline. To apply online, you can visit the official website of the scheme and fill out the application form. To apply offline, you can download the application form from the website and submit it to the nearest government office.

What documents do I need to apply for the SAMADHAN Scheme?

To apply for the SAMADHAN Scheme, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • Proof of Citizenship-2/”>Citizenship (e.g., passport, voter ID card, or Aadhaar card)
  • Proof of address (e.g., ration card, electricity bill, or water bill)
  • Proof of loss of life or property (e.g., death certificate, police report, or insurance claim)
  • Proof of income (e.g., salary slip, bank statement, or Income tax return)

What is the process for applying for the SAMADHAN Scheme?

The process for applying for the SAMADHAN Scheme is as follows:

  1. Fill out the application form and submit it to the nearest government office.
  2. Provide the required documents.
  3. Pay the application fee.
  4. Wait for the approval of your application.
  5. Receive the financial assistance.

What is the amount of financial assistance provided under the SAMADHAN Scheme?

The amount of financial assistance provided under the SAMADHAN Scheme varies depending on the extent of the damage caused by the natural disaster. The maximum amount of assistance is Rs. 5 lakh.

How long does it take to get the financial assistance under the SAMADHAN Scheme?

The processing time for the SAMADHAN Scheme is usually around 30 days. However, it can take longer in some cases.

What are the benefits of the SAMADHAN Scheme?

The benefits of the SAMADHAN Scheme include:

  • Financial assistance to help you rebuild your life after a natural disaster
  • Help with medical expenses
  • Help with food and shelter
  • Help with education and employment

What are the drawbacks of the SAMADHAN Scheme?

The drawbacks of the SAMADHAN Scheme include:

  • The application process can be complex and time-consuming
  • The amount of financial assistance is not always enough to cover all of your expenses
  • The scheme is not available to everyone

What are the alternatives to the SAMADHAN Scheme?

There are a number of alternatives to the SAMADHAN Scheme, including:

What is the future of the SAMADHAN Scheme?

The future of the SAMADHAN Scheme is uncertain. The government has not announced any plans to discontinue the scheme, but it is possible that the scheme could be modified or replaced in the future.

Sure, here are some MCQs on the topics of SAMADHAN Scheme, without mentioning the topic itself:

  1. Which of the following is not a component of the SAMADHAN Scheme?
    (A) Infrastructure Development
    (B) Skill development
    (C) Education
    (D) Healthcare

  2. The SAMADHAN Scheme was launched in which year?
    (A) 2014
    (B) 2015
    (C) 2016
    (D) 2017

  3. The SAMADHAN Scheme is aimed at which of the following?
    (A) Reducing POVERTY
    (B) Increasing employment
    (C) Improving education
    (D) All of the above

  4. The SAMADHAN Scheme is implemented by which of the following ministries?
    (A) Ministry of Finance
    (B) Ministry of Rural Development
    (C) Ministry of Human resource development
    (D) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

  5. The total outlay for the SAMADHAN Scheme is Rs.
    (A) 1 lakh crore
    (B) 2 lakh crore
    (C) 3 lakh crore
    (D) 4 lakh crore

  6. The SAMADHAN Scheme is funded by which of the following sources?
    (A) Central government
    (B) State Government
    (C) Both central and state government
    (D) None of the above

  7. The SAMADHAN Scheme is implemented through which of the following agencies?
    (A) Central government ministries
    (B) State government departments
    (C) Both central and state government ministries and departments
    (D) None of the above

  8. The SAMADHAN Scheme has been successful in achieving which of the following outcomes?
    (A) Reducing poverty
    (B) Increasing employment
    (C) Improving education
    (D) All of the above

  9. The SAMADHAN Scheme has been criticized for which of the following reasons?
    (A) It is not reaching the intended beneficiaries
    (B) It is not effective in achieving its objectives
    (C) It is too expensive
    (D) All of the above

  10. The SAMADHAN Scheme has been praised for which of the following reasons?
    (A) It is a well-intentioned scheme
    (B) It has the potential to make a significant impact on the lives of the poor
    (C) It is a transparent and accountable scheme
    (D) All of the above