Role of National Human Rights Commission

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) is an independent statutory body set up by the Government of India on 12 October 1993 to promote and protect human rights in India. The NHRC is a quasi-judicial body with powers to investigate complaints of human rights violations and to recommend remedial action to the government.

The NHRC has a number of functions, including:

  • To inquire into complaints of human rights violations and to take appropriate action.
  • To review the safeguards provided by law for the protection of human rights and to recommend measures for their effective implementation.
  • To spread human rights awareness among the public and to encourage the development of a human rights culture in the country.
  • To cooperate with other national and international institutions in the promotion and protection of human rights.

The NHRC is headed by a Chairperson who is appointed by the President of India. The Chairperson is assisted by a number of members, who are also appointed by the President. The NHRC has its headquarters in New Delhi and has regional offices in all the states and union territories of India.

The NHRC has a number of powers, including the power to:

  • Summon and examine witnesses.
  • Require the production of documents.
  • Inspect any place or object.
  • Take any other action as may be necessary to carry out its functions.

The NHRC has also been given the power to award compensation to victims of human rights violations.

The NHRC has played a significant role in promoting and protecting human rights in India. It has investigated a large number of complaints of human rights violations and has taken action to remedy the situation. The NHRC has also played a role in developing a human rights culture in India.

The NHRC has been praised for its work by a number of international organizations, including the United Nations. However, the NHRC has also been criticized for its slow pace of work and for its failure to take action against some high-profile cases of human rights violations.

Despite these criticisms, the NHRC remains an important institution in the promotion and protection of human rights in India. It has played a significant role in raising awareness of human rights issues and in providing a forum for victims of human rights violations to seek redress.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC)?
    The NHRC is an independent statutory body set up by the Government of India on 12 October 1993 to promote and protect human rights in India.

  2. What are the functions of the NHRC?
    The NHRC has a number of functions, including:

  • To inquire into complaints of human rights violations and to take appropriate action.
  • To review the safeguards provided by law for the protection of human rights and to recommend measures for their effective implementation.
  • To spread human rights awareness among the public and to encourage the development of a human rights culture in the country.
  • To cooperate with other national and international institutions in the promotion and protection of human rights.
  1. Who is the Chairperson of the NHRC?
    The Chairperson of the NHRC is appointed by the President of India. The current Chairperson is Justice H.L. Dattu.

  2. How many members does the NHRC have?
    The NHRC has a total of 28 members, including the Chairperson. The members are appointed by the President of India on the recommendation of a selection committee.

  3. What are the powers of the NHRC?
    The NHRC has a number of powers, including the power to:

  • Summon and examine witnesses.
  • Require the production of documents.
  • Inspect any place or object.
  • Take any other action as may be necessary to carry out its functions.
  1. How can I file a complaint with the NHRC?
    You can file a complaint with the NHRC in person, by post, or by email. The complaint form is available on the NHRC website.

  2. What happens after I file a complaint with the NHRC?
    The NHRC will investigate your complaint and take appropriate action. The NHRC may also recommend compensation to the victim of human rights violation.

  3. How can I get more information about the NHRC?
    You can get more information about the NHRC from the NHRC website or by contacting the NHRC office.


  1. The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) was set up in:
    (a) 1993
    (b) 1994
    (c) 1995
    (d) 1996

  2. The Chairperson of the NHRC is appointed by:
    (a) The Prime Minister
    (b) The President
    (c) The Chief Justice of India
    (d) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
