RISE: Revitalizing Infrastructure and Systems in Education

RISE (Revitalizing Infrastructure and Systems in Education) is a central government scheme focused on upgrading the physical and technological infrastructure of centrally funded higher education institutions in India. Launched by the Ministry of Education, RISE aims to enhance the learning environment and research capabilities of these institutions, propelling them to higher quality standards.

Objectives of RISE

  • Modernizing Infrastructure: Fund the construction of new buildings, laboratories, libraries, and the refurbishment of existing facilities.
  • Technology-Enabled Learning: Promote the adoption of digital learning platforms, smart classrooms, and cutting-edge research infrastructure.
  • Focus on State Institutions: Channel funding into state higher education institutions for equitable infrastructure development across India.
  • Time-Bound Projects: Ensure timely completion of infrastructure projects through structured monitoring mechanisms.

How RISE Works

  • Competitive Funding: Institutions submit detailed project proposals that are evaluated for funding.
  • Central and State Cost-Sharing: RISE funding is shared between the central and state governments, encouraging commitment from states.
  • Focus on Underserved areas: RISE prioritizes institutions located in aspirational districts and other areas needing infrastructure development.

Impact of RISE

  • Enhanced Learning Spaces: Better classrooms, labs, and libraries improve the overall student learning experience.
  • Enabling Research: Upgraded research facilities support advanced research projects and innovation.

Case Study: Transforming a Campus Through RISE

A state university received RISE funding to construct a new science block, modernize its existing laboratories, and implement a campus-wide digital learning platform, significantly boosting its academic and research capabilities.


  • Which institutions can avail RISE benefits? Centrally funded higher education institutions like central universities, IITs, NITs, etc.
  • How to apply for RISE funding? Proposals are invited and evaluated through a competitive process.

Research Fellowship (PMRF) Scheme

The PMRF Scheme, launched in 2018, aims to attract India’s brightest minds to pursue doctoral research at premier institutions within the country. It seeks to stem brain drain, promote high-quality research, and build a strong domestic research ecosystem.

Objectives of PMRF

  • Attracting Top Talent: Nurture the country’s best students to pursue PhDs in cutting-edge science and technology domains at Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and the Indian Institute of Science (IISc).
  • Generous Fellowships: Provide attractive financial support to selected fellows, including monthly stipends and research grants.
  • Industry Collaborations: Encourage collaborative research projects with industry partners to align research with real-world needs.

Eligibility for PMRF

  • Academic Excellence: Outstanding academic record in master’s degrees in science and technology disciplines.
  • Admission into PhD Programs: Must secure admission at a participating IIT or IISc.

Benefits of PMRF

  • Financial Support: Substantial monthly stipend and research contingency grants.
  • Mentorship: Guidance from experienced faculty at premier institutions.

Case Study: PMRF Fellow Drives Innovation

A PMRF fellow at an IIT conducted breakthrough research in renewable energy, leading to the development of a novel solar cell technology with commercialization potential.

FAQs about PMRF

  • How are candidates selected for PMRF? Through a rigorous national-level selection process.
  • What is the duration of the PMRF fellowship? Up to 5 years


The PMRF Scheme primarily focuses on:

A. Promoting doctoral research

B. Eradicate rural poverty

C. Skill development for the unemployed

D. Constructing modern infrastructure

PMRF is targeted towards students enrolled in:

A. Primary schools

B. Undergraduate programs

C. PhD Programs at top institutions

D. Vocational training programs

The primary purpose of RISE is to:

A. Build modern roads and highways

B. Eradicate rural poverty

C. Enhance infrastructure in higher education institutions

D. Promote exports of agricultural products

Which of these is NOT a direct focus area of RISE?

A. Building new libraries

B. Digitization of learning

C. Refurbishing research laboratories

D. Distribution of free laptops to students


RISE and PMRF complement each other in India’s push towards knowledge excellence. RISE builds capacity and PMRF cultivates talent. Success depends on attracting the best students, consistent funding, and translating research into impact.