Rise of National Movement and Indian National Congress

Why did national movement arise?

  • Indian nationalism rose to meet the challenges of foreign domination
  • The British rule and its direct and indirect consequences provided the material and the moral and intellectual conditions for the development of a national movement in India.
  • Clash of interest between the interests of the Indian people with British interests in India
  • Increasingly, the British rule became the major cause of India’s economic backwardness
  • Every class gradually discovered that their interests were suffering at the hands of the British
    • Peasant: Govt took a large part of produce away as land revenue. Laws favoured the Zamindars
    • Artisans: Foreign competition ruined the Industry
    • Workers: The government sided with the capitalists
    • Intelligentsia: They found that the British policies were guided by the interests of British capitalists and were keeping the country economically backward. Politically, the British had no commitment of guiding India towards self-government.
    • Indian capitalists: the Growth of Indian industries was constrained by the unfavourable trade, tariff, Taxation and transport policies of the government.
    • Zamindars, landlords and princes were the only ones whose interests coincided with those of the British. Hence they remained loyal to them.
  • Hence, it was the intrinsic nature of foreign imperialism and its harmful effect on the lives of the Indian people that led to the rise of the national movement. This movement could be called the national movement because it united people from different parts of the country as never before for a single cause.


What factors strengthened and facilitated the national movement?

  • Administration and Economic Unification of the country
    • Introduction of modern trade and industries on all-India scale had increasingly made India’s economic life a single whole and interlinked the economic fate of people living in different parts of the country.
    • Introduction of railways, telegraph and unified postal system brought together different parts of the country and promoted contact among people like never before.
    • This unification led to the emergence of the Indian nation
  • Western Thought and Education
    • A large number of Indians imbibed a modern rational, secular, democratic and nationalist political outlook
    • They began to study, admire and emulate the contemporary nationalist movements of European nations
    • The western education per se did not create the national movement. It only enabled the educated Indians to imbibe western thought and thus to assume the Leadership of the national movement and to give it a democratic and modern direction
    • Modern education created a certain uniformity and community of outlook and interests among the education Indians.
  • Role of Press and Literature
    • Large number of nationalist newspapers appeared in the second half of the 19th century
    • They criticized the policies of the British government and put forth the Indian point of view
    • National literature in form of essays, novels and poetry also played an important role. Bamkin Chandra, Tagore: Bengali; Bhartendu Harishchandra: Hindi; Lakshmikanth Bezbarua: Assamese; Vishnu Shastri Chiplunkar: Marathi; Subramanya Bharti: Tamil; Altaf Husain Hali: Urdu
  • Rediscovery of India’s past
    • The British had lowered the self confidence of the Indian through the propaganda that Indians are incapable of self-government
    • Nationalist leaders referred to the cultural heritage of India to counter this propaganda. They referred to political achievements of rulers like Ashoka, Chandragupta Vikramaditya and Akbar.
    • However, some nationalists went to the extent of glorifying the past uncritically. They emphasized on the achievements of ancient India and not Medieval India. This encouraged the growth of communal sentiments.
  • Racial arrogance of the rulers
    • Englishmen adopted a tone of racial superiority in their dealings with the Indians
    • Failure of Justice whenever an Englishman was involved in a dispute with an Indian.
    • Indians kept out of European clubs and often were not permitted to travel in same compartment as Englishmen


Rise of Indian National Congress


Predecessors of INC

  • East India Association
    • By Dadabhai Naoroji in 1866 in London
    • To discuss the Indian question and to influence the British public men to discuss Indian welfare
    • Branches of the association in prominent Indian cities
  • Indian Association
    • Surendranath Banerjee and Ananda Mohan Bose in 1876, Calcutta
    • The aim of creating strong public opinion in the country on political questions and the unification of the Indian people on a common political programme
  • Poona Sarvajanik Sabha
    • Justice Ranade, 1870
  • Madras Mahajan Sabha
    • Viraraghavachari, Anand Charloo, G Subramanian Aiyer, 1884
  • Bombay Presidency Association
    • Pherozshah Mehta, K T Telang, Badruddin Tyabji, 1885
  • These organizations were narrow in their scope and functioning. They dealt mostly with local questions and their membership were confined to a few people belonging to a single city or province


Indian National Congress

  • Indian National Congress was founded on 28 December 1885 by 72 political workers. A O Hume was the first secretary and was instrumental in establishing the Congress
  • First session in Bombay. President: W C Bonnerjee
  • With the formation of INC, the Indian National Movement was launched in a small but organized manner
  • The Congress itself was to serve not as a party but as a movement
  • Congress was democratic. The delegates to INC were elected by different local organizations and groups
  • Sovereignty of the people
  • In 1890, Kadambini Ganguli, the first woman graduate of Calcutta University addressed the Congress session
  • Safety Valve Theory
    • The INC was started under the official direction, guidance and advice of Lord Dufferin, the Viceroy, to provide a safe, mild, peaceful and constitutional outlet or safety valve for the rising discontent among the masses, which was inevitably leading towards a popular and violent revolution.

Does the safety valve theory explain the formation of Congress?

  • The safety valve theory is inadequate and misleading
  • INC represented the urge of the Indian educated class to set up a national organization to work for their political and Economic Development
  • A number of organizations, as mentioned above, had already been started by the Indians towards that end
  • Hume’s presence in Congress was used to allay official suspicions



Why was there a need for an All-India organization?

  • Vernacular Press Act, 1878
  • Ilbert Bill (1883) which would allow Indian judges to try Europeans was opposed by the European community and was finally enacted in a highly compromised state in 1884.
  • The Indians realized that they could not get the Ilbert bill passed because they were not united on all India level. Hence need for INC was felt.
  • In order to give birth to the national movement
    • Creation of national leadership was important
    • Collective identification was created


Aims of INC

  • Promotion of friendly relations between nationalist political workers from different parts of the country
  • Development and consolidation of the feeling of national unity irrespective of caste, religion or province
  • Formulation of popular demands and their presentation before the government
  • Training and organization of public opinion in the country


  • The first major objective of the Indian national movement was to promote weld Indians into a nation, to create an  Indian identity
  • Fuller development and consolidation of sentiments of national unity
    • Efforts for unity: In an effort to reach all regions, it was decided to rotate the congress session among different parts of the country. The President was to belong to a region other than where the congress session was being held.
    • To reach out to the followers of all religions and to remove the fears of the minorities, a rule was made at the 1888 session that no resolution was to be passed to which an overwhelming majority of Hindu or Muslim delegates objected.
    • In 1889, a minority clause was adopted in the resolution demanding reform of legislative councils. According to the clause, wherever Parsis, Christians, Muslims or Hindus were a minority their number elected to the councils would not be less than their proportion in the Population.
    • To build a secular nation, the congress itself had to be intensely secular
  • The second major objective of the early congress was to create a common political platform or programme around which political workers in different parts of the country could gather and conduct their political activities.
    • Due to its focus solely on political issues congress did not take up the question of social reform.
  • Since this form of political participation was new to India, the arousal, training, organization and consolidation of public opinion was seen as a major task by the congress leaders.
    • Going beyond the redressal of immediate grievances and organize sustained political activity.


The rise of the national movement in India was a complex and multifaceted process. It was influenced by a variety of factors, including the British colonial rule, the Indian social and economic conditions, and the ideas of nationalism and Democracy.

The British colonial rule in India began in the 17th century. The British East India Company established trading posts in India and gradually extended its control over the country. By the 19th century, the British had established a full-fledged colonial empire in India.

The British colonial rule had a profound impact on Society/”>Indian Society and economy. The British introduced new technologies and industries to India, but they also exploited the country’s Resources and labor. The British also imposed their own laws and customs on India, which led to resentment among the Indian people.

The Indian social and economic conditions in the 19th century were very poor. The majority of Indians were poor and illiterate. The country was also divided along religious and caste lines. These conditions led to a growing sense of discontent among the Indian people.

The ideas of nationalism and democracy were also gaining popularity in India in the 19th century. These ideas inspired the Indian people to fight for their independence from British rule.

The Indian National Congress (INC) was founded in 1885 by a group of educated Indians who were inspired by the ideals of British liberalism and democracy. The INC initially sought to achieve self-government for India through constitutional means. However, it gradually became more radical and militant in its approach.

The national movement in India reached its peak in the early 20th century. The INC launched a series of mass protests and demonstrations against British rule. These protests were met with violence by the British authorities. However, the national movement continued to grow in strength.

In 1947, India finally achieved independence from British rule. The INC played a key role in this achievement. The national movement in India was a major turning point in the history of the country. It led to the end of British rule and the establishment of an independent India.

The independence of India in 1947 was a major victory for the national movement. However, it also led to the partition of India into two separate countries, India and Pakistan. The partition was a violent and chaotic process that led to the deaths of millions of people.

Despite the challenges of partition, India has made great progress since its independence. The country has achieved economic growth and development, and it has become a major democracy in the world. The national movement in India was a key factor in this progress.

The national movement in India was a complex and multifaceted process. It was influenced by a variety of factors, including the British colonial rule, the Indian social and economic conditions, and the ideas of nationalism and democracy. The Indian National Congress (INC) played a key role in the national movement. The independence of India in 1947 was a major victory for the national movement. Despite the challenges of partition, India has made great progress since its independence.

What is the Indian National Congress?

The Indian National Congress (INC) is a political party in India. It was founded in 1885 by Allan Octavian Hume, a retired British civil servant. The INC was the first national political party in India. It played a major role in the Indian independence movement.

What were the causes of the Indian independence movement?

The Indian independence movement was a long and complex struggle. There were many factors that contributed to the rise of the movement. Some of the key causes include:

  • British rule in India was oppressive and exploitative. The British government imposed high taxes on Indians and denied them basic rights.
  • The Indian economy was underdeveloped. The British government did not invest in India’s Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE or industries.
  • There was a growing sense of nationalism among Indians. Indians began to see themselves as a distinct nation with a common history and culture.
  • The rise of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was a charismatic leader who inspired Indians to fight for their independence. He used nonviolent methods of protest, such as boycotts and strikes.

What were the major events of the Indian independence movement?

Some of the major events of the Indian independence movement include:

  • The Sepoy Mutiny of 1857: This was a major uprising against British rule. It was led by Indian soldiers, who were unhappy with their treatment by the British.
  • The Swadeshi Movement of 1905: This was a movement to boycott British goods and promote Indian-made goods. It was led by Bal Gangadhar Tilak.
  • The Non-Cooperation Movement of 1920-22: This was a major movement of nonviolent protest against British rule. It was led by Mahatma Gandhi.
  • The Civil Disobedience Movement of 1930-32: This was another major movement of nonviolent protest against British rule. It was also led by Mahatma Gandhi.
  • The Quit India Movement of 1942: This was a movement demanding that the British leave India. It was led by Mahatma Gandhi.

What was the outcome of the Indian independence movement?

The Indian independence movement was successful in achieving its goal of independence from British rule. India gained independence on August 15, 1947.

What were the challenges faced by India after independence?

India faced many challenges after independence. Some of the key challenges included:

  • Partition: India was partitioned into two countries, India and Pakistan. This led to violence and displacement of millions of people.
  • Economic development: India was a poor country with a low standard of living. The government had to work to improve the economy and raise the standard of living.
  • Social and political problems: India was a diverse country with many different languages, religions, and cultures. The government had to work to address social and political problems, such as caste discrimination and communal violence.

How has India fared since independence?

India has made great progress since independence. It has become a major economic power and a democracy with a strong track record of Human Rights. However, India still faces many challenges, such as POVERTY, inequality, and Corruption.

1. The Indian National Congress (INC) was founded in 1885. Who was the first president of the INC?
(A) Dadabhai Naoroji
(B) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(C) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(D) Mahatma Gandhi

2. The INC was a political party that fought for Indian independence from British rule. What was the main goal of the INC?
(A) To achieve self-government for India
(B) To overthrow British rule in India
(C) To establish a republic in India
(D) To create A Secular State in India

3. The INC used a variety of methods to achieve its goals, including protests, boycotts, and strikes. What was one of the most successful methods used by the INC?
(A) The Non-Cooperation Movement
(B) The Civil Disobedience Movement
(C) The Quit India Movement
(D) The Salt March

4. The INC was a mass movement that involved people from all walks of life. Who were some of the key leaders of the INC?
(A) Mahatma Gandhi
(B) Jawaharlal Nehru
(C) Vallabhbhai Patel
(D) All of the above

5. The INC played a major role in the independence of India. What was the outcome of the INC’s struggle for independence?
(A) India gained independence from British rule in 1947.
(B) India became a republic in 1950.
(C) India became a secular state in 1950.
(D) All of the above.

6. The INC has continued to be a major political party in India since independence. What is the current position of the INC in Indian politics?
(A) The INC is the ruling party in India.
(B) The INC is the main opposition party in India.
(C) The INC is a minor party in Indian politics.
(D) The INC is no longer a major political party in India.

7. The INC has been criticized for its role in the partition of India. What was the partition of India?
(A) The division of India into two separate countries, India and Pakistan.
(B) The mass Migration of people between India and Pakistan.
(C) The violence and bloodshed that accompanied the partition of India.
(D) All of the above.

8. The INC has also been criticized for its role in the Emergency. What was the Emergency?
(A) A period of authoritarian rule in India from 1975 to 1977.
(B) A period of mass arrests and censorship in India.
(C) A period of economic crisis in India.
(D) All of the above.

9. Despite its critics, the INC remains a major political party in India. What are some of the reasons for the INC’s continued popularity?
(A) The INC is a secular party that represents all Indians, regardless of religion.
(B) The INC is a party of the poor and the marginalized.
(C) The INC is a party of the farmers and the workers.
(D) All of the above.

10. The INC is a complex and controversial party with a long and storied history. What is the future of the INC?
(A) The INC will continue to be a major political party in India.
(B) The INC will decline in popularity and eventually become a minor party.
(C) The INC will split into two or more parties.
(D) It is impossible to say what the future holds for the INC.