Rise of Indian National Movement

Why did national movement arise?

  • Indian nationalism rose to meet the challenges of foreign domination
  • The British rule and its direct and indirect consequences provided the material and the moral and intellectual conditions for the development of a national movement in India.
  • Clash of interest between the interests of the Indian people with British interests in India
  • Increasingly, the British rule became the major cause of India’s economic backwardness
  • Every class gradually discovered that their interests were suffering at the hands of the British
    • Peasant: Govt took a large part of produce away as land revenue. Laws favoured the Zamindars
    • Artisans: Foreign competition ruined the Industry
    • Workers: The government sided with the capitalists
    • Intelligentsia: They found that the British policies were guided by the interests of British capitalists and were keeping the country economically backward. Politically, the British had no commitment of guiding India towards self-government.
    • Indian capitalists: the Growth of Indian industries was constrained by the unfavourable trade, tariff, Taxation and transport policies of the government.
    • Zamindars, landlords and princes were the only ones whose interests coincided with those of the British. Hence they remained loyal to them.
  • Hence, it was the intrinsic nature of foreign imperialism and its harmful effect on the lives of the Indian people that led to the rise of the national movement. This movement could be called the national movement because it united people from different parts of the country as never before for a single cause.


What factors strengthened and facilitated the national movement?

  • Administration and Economic Unification of the country
    • Introduction of modern trade and industries on all-India scale had increasingly made India’s economic life a single whole and interlinked the economic fate of people living in different parts of the country.
    • Introduction of railways, telegraph and unified postal system brought together different parts of the country and promoted contact among people like never before.
    • This unification led to the emergence of the Indian nation
  • Western Thought and Education
    • A large number of Indians imbibed a modern rational, secular, democratic and nationalist political outlook
    • They began to study, admire and emulate the contemporary nationalist movements of European nations
    • The western education per se did not create the national movement. It only enabled the educated Indians to imbibe western thought and thus to assume the Leadership of the national movement and to give it a democratic and modern direction
    • Modern education created a certain uniformity and community of outlook and interests among the education Indians.
  • Role of Press and Literature
    • Large number of nationalist newspapers appeared in the second half of the 19th century
    • They criticized the policies of the British government and put forth the Indian point of view
    • National literature in form of essays, novels and poetry also played an important role. Bamkin Chandra, Tagore: Bengali; Bhartendu Harishchandra: Hindi; Lakshmikanth Bezbarua: Assamese; Vishnu Shastri Chiplunkar: Marathi; Subramanya Bharti: Tamil; Altaf Husain Hali: Urdu
  • Rediscovery of India’s past
    • The British had lowered the self confidence of the Indian through the propaganda that Indians are incapable of self-government
    • Nationalist leaders referred to the cultural heritage of India to counter this propaganda. They referred to political achievements of rulers like Ashoka, Chandragupta Vikramaditya and Akbar.
    • However, some nationalists went to the extent of glorifying the past uncritically. They emphasized on the achievements of ancient India and not Medieval India. This encouraged the growth of communal sentiments.
  • Racial arrogance of the rulers
    • Englishmen adopted a tone of racial superiority in their dealings with the Indians
    • Failure of Justice whenever an Englishman was involved in a dispute with an Indian.
    • Indians kept out of European clubs and often were not permitted to travel in same compartment as Englishmen

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The Indian National Movement was a long and complex process that began in the early 19th century and culminated in the independence of India from British rule in 1947. The movement was driven by a number of factors, including the growing sense of Indian nationalism, the economic and social impact of British rule, and the example of other nationalist movements around the world.

One of the earliest and most important events in the Indian National Movement was the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857. The mutiny was a revolt by Indian soldiers against the British East India Company, which ruled India at the time. The mutiny was ultimately unsuccessful, but it served as a wake-up call to the British government, which began to take steps to reform its administration of India.

In the late 19th century, a number of Indian nationalist organizations were formed, including the Indian National Congress (INC). The INC was founded in 1885 by a group of educated Indians who were concerned about the growing economic and social problems in India. The INC initially sought to work within the British system to achieve reforms, but it gradually became more radical in its demands.

In the early 20th century, the Indian National Movement began to gain momentum. This was due in part to the growing influence of Mahatma Gandhi, who led a number of nonviolent protests against British rule. Gandhi’s methods of nonviolent resistance, known as satyagraha, were highly effective in mobilizing Indian public opinion against British rule.

In the 1930s, the Indian National Movement reached a new peak with the launch of the Civil Disobedience Movement. The movement was led by Gandhi and called for Indians to boycott British goods and institutions. The Civil Disobedience Movement was met with severe repression by the British, but it ultimately succeeded in forcing the British government to negotiate with the INC.

In 1942, the INC launched the Quit India Movement, calling for the British to leave India immediately. The movement was met with even harsher repression than the Civil Disobedience Movement, but it also helped to bring about the end of British rule.

In 1947, the British government granted India independence. However, the independence of India was accompanied by the partition of the country into two separate states, India and Pakistan. The partition was a violent and chaotic process that led to the deaths of millions of people.

Despite the violence and chaos of partition, the independence of India was a momentous event in world history. It marked the end of centuries of British rule and the beginning of a new era for India. The Indian National Movement had played a vital role in achieving independence, and it would continue to play a major role in shaping the future of India.

The Republic of India was established on January 26, 1950. The new constitution of India declared India to be a secular, democratic republic. The first president of India was Dr. Rajendra Prasad.

The Republic of India has faced many challenges since its independence. However, it has also made great progress in Economic Development, social welfare, and education. India is now a major player on the world stage, and it is poised to play an even greater role in the 21st century.

Here are some frequently asked questions and short answers about the rise of the Indian national movement:

  • What was the Indian National Congress?
    The Indian National Congress (INC) was a political party in India that was founded in 1885. It was the main organization that led the Indian independence movement.

  • Who were the leaders of the Indian National Congress?
    Some of the most important leaders of the Indian National Congress included Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Bal Gangadhar Tilak.

  • What were the goals of the Indian National Congress?
    The goals of the Indian National Congress were to achieve independence for India from British rule and to establish a democratic government in India.

  • What were the methods used by the Indian National Congress to achieve its goals?
    The Indian National Congress used a variety of methods to achieve its goals, including nonviolent protests, boycotts, and strikes.

  • What was the impact of the Indian National Congress on Indian history?
    The Indian National Congress had a profound impact on Indian history. It was the main organization that led the Indian independence movement, and it played a major role in the establishment of the Republic of India in 1947.

  • What were the challenges faced by the Indian National Congress?
    The Indian National Congress faced a number of challenges, including British rule, religious and ethnic divisions, and POVERTY.

  • What were the successes of the Indian National Congress?
    The Indian National Congress achieved a number of successes, including independence for India, the establishment of a democratic government in India, and the improvement of the lives of millions of Indians.

  • What were the failures of the Indian National Congress?
    The Indian National Congress failed to prevent the partition of India in 1947, and it was unable to address the problems of poverty and inequality in India.

  • What is the legacy of the Indian National Congress?
    The Indian National Congress is a legacy of the Indian independence movement. It is a reminder of the sacrifices made by millions of Indians to achieve independence, and it is a symbol of the hope and aspirations of the Indian people.

  1. The Indian National Congress was founded in:
    (A) 1885
    (B) 1895
    (C) 1905
    (D) 1915

  2. The first President of the Indian National Congress was:
    (A) Dadabhai Naoroji
    (B) Gopal Krishna Gokhale
    (C) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
    (D) Mahatma Gandhi

  3. The Swadeshi Movement was started in:
    (A) 1905
    (B) 1906
    (C) 1907
    (D) 1908

  4. The Partition of Bengal was announced in:
    (A) 1905
    (B) 1906
    (C) 1907
    (D) 1908

  5. The Non-Cooperation Movement was launched in:
    (A) 1919
    (B) 1920
    (C) 1921
    (D) 1922

  6. The Salt March was started in:
    (A) 1930
    (B) 1931
    (C) 1932
    (D) 1933

  7. The Poona Pact was signed in:
    (A) 1932
    (B) 1933
    (C) 1934
    (D) 1935

  8. The Indian National Army was formed in:
    (A) 1942
    (B) 1943
    (C) 1944
    (D) 1945

  9. The Quit India Movement was launched in:
    (A) 1942
    (B) 1943
    (C) 1944
    (D) 1945

  10. India gained independence from British rule on:
    (A) August 15, 1947
    (B) August 16, 1947
    (C) August 17, 1947
    (D) August 18, 1947