Rio +20

The following are the subtopics of Rio +20:

  • Sustainable development
  • Green economy
  • Institutional framework for sustainable development
  • Means of implementation
  • Non-state actors
  • Science and technology
  • South-South cooperation
  • Capacity building
  • Education and public awareness
  • Communication and information
  • Follow-up and review
  • Implementation of the outcomes of the Millennium Summit
  • Strengthening of the United Nations system
  • Other matters
    Rio+20, officially the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, was a United Nations conference held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 20 to 22 June 2012. The conference was the follow-up to the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the Earth Summit, which was held in Rio de Janeiro.

The main objective of Rio+20 was to promote sustainable development and to ensure that it is at the heart of the international agenda. The conference adopted a declaration, a set of sustainable development goals, and a plan of action.

The declaration, entitled “The Future We Want”, reaffirms the commitment of the international community to sustainable development. It sets out a number of principles and objectives for sustainable development, including poverty eradication, environmental protection, and social inclusion.

The sustainable development goals, known as the SDGs, are a set of 17 goals that were adopted by the United Nations in 2015. The SDGs are designed to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all.

The plan of action, entitled “The Future We Want: A New Era of Sustainable Development”, outlines the steps that need to be taken to achieve sustainable development. It includes a number of commitments, such as increasing investment in sustainable development, promoting sustainable consumption and production, and strengthening the institutional framework for sustainable development.

Rio+20 was a significant event in the history of sustainable development. It provided a platform for governments, businesses, and civil society to come together and discuss how to achieve sustainable development. The conference also adopted a number of important documents, including the declaration, the SDGs, and the plan of action. These documents will provide guidance for the international community in the years to come.

Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It is a complex concept that encompasses economic, social, and environmental dimensions.

The green economy is an economy that is low in carbon emissions and resource use, and that provides opportunities for economic growth and development while ensuring environmental sustainability.

The institutional framework for sustainable development is the set of institutions that are responsible for promoting and implementing sustainable development. These institutions include governments, international organizations, businesses, and civil society organizations.

Means of implementation are the resources that are needed to achieve sustainable development. These resources include financial resources, technology, and capacity building.

Non-state actors are actors that are not part of governments, such as businesses, civil society organizations, and the media. Non-state actors play an important role in promoting and implementing sustainable development.

Science and technology can be used to promote sustainable development by providing new solutions to environmental problems and by helping to develop more efficient and sustainable technologies.

South-South cooperation is cooperation between developing countries. South-South cooperation can help to promote sustainable development by sharing knowledge and experiences, and by providing financial and technical assistance.

Capacity building is the process of developing the skills and knowledge that are needed to achieve sustainable development. Capacity building can be done through education, training, and technical assistance.

Education and public awareness are essential for promoting sustainable development. Education can help people to understand the importance of sustainable development and to develop the skills that they need to live more sustainably. Public awareness can help to create a demand for sustainable development and to support policies and initiatives that promote sustainable development.

Communication and information are essential for promoting sustainable development. Communication can help to raise awareness of sustainable development and to build support for sustainable development initiatives. Information can help people to make informed decisions about sustainable development.

Follow-up and review are essential for ensuring that the commitments made at Rio+20 are implemented. Follow-up and review can help to identify progress, challenges, and opportunities, and to make recommendations for further action.

Implementation of the outcomes of the Millennium Summit is essential for achieving sustainable development. The Millennium Summit was a United Nations summit that was held in 2000. The summit adopted a set of Millennium Development Goals, which are a set of goals for reducing poverty, improving health, and promoting development.

Strengthening of the United Nations system is essential for promoting sustainable development. The United Nations system is a set of organizations that are working to promote peace and security, development, and human rights. The United Nations system can play a key role in promoting sustainable development by providing coordination and support to countries and organizations that are working to achieve sustainable development.

Other matters are also important for promoting sustainable development. These matters include climate change, biodiversity loss, and poverty eradication.
Sustainable development

  • What is sustainable development?
    Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
  • What are the three pillars of sustainable development?
    The three pillars of sustainable development are economic development, social development, and environmental protection.
  • What are some examples of sustainable development?
    Some examples of sustainable development include using renewable energy sources, conserving water, and reducing waste.

Green economy

  • What is a green economy?
    A green economy is one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities.
  • What are some benefits of a green economy?
    Some benefits of a green economy include job creation, economic growth, and improved health.
  • What are some challenges of a green economy?
    Some challenges of a green economy include the need for investment, the need for technological innovation, and the need for international cooperation.

Institutional framework for sustainable development

  • What is the institutional framework for sustainable development?
    The institutional framework for sustainable development is the set of institutions that are responsible for promoting and implementing sustainable development.
  • What are some examples of institutions that are part of the institutional framework for sustainable development?
    Some examples of institutions that are part of the institutional framework for sustainable development include the United Nations, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization.
  • What are some challenges facing the institutional framework for sustainable development?
    Some challenges facing the institutional framework for sustainable development include the lack of coordination between institutions, the lack of funding, and the lack of political will.

Means of implementation

  • What are the means of implementation for sustainable development?
    The means of implementation for sustainable development are the resources, policies, and institutions that are needed to achieve sustainable development.
  • What are some examples of means of implementation?
    Some examples of means of implementation include financial resources, technology transfer, and capacity building.
  • What are some challenges facing the means of implementation?
    Some challenges facing the means of implementation include the lack of funding, the lack of technology transfer, and the lack of capacity building.

Non-state actors

  • What are non-state actors?
    Non-state actors are actors that are not part of the government or the private sector.
  • What are some examples of non-state actors?
    Some examples of non-state actors include civil society organizations, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector.
  • What are some roles that non-state actors can play in sustainable development?
    Some roles that non-state actors can play in sustainable development include advocacy, service delivery, and research.

Science and technology

  • What is the role of science and technology in sustainable development?
    The role of science and technology in sustainable development is to provide the knowledge and tools that are needed to achieve sustainable development.
  • What are some examples of how science and technology can be used to promote sustainable development?
    Some examples of how science and technology can be used to promote sustainable development include renewable energy, energy efficiency, and waste management.
  • What are some challenges facing the use of science and technology for sustainable development?
    Some challenges facing the use of science and technology for sustainable development include the lack of funding, the lack of access to technology, and the lack of capacity to use technology.

South-South cooperation

  • What is South-South cooperation?
    South-South cooperation is cooperation between developing countries.
  • What are some benefits of South-South cooperation?
    Some benefits of South-South cooperation include the sharing of knowledge and experience, the transfer of technology, and the development of new partnerships.
  • What are some challenges facing South-South cooperation?
    Some challenges facing South-South cooperation include the lack of funding, the lack of coordination, and the lack of political will.

Capacity building

  • What is capacity building?
    Capacity building is the process of strengthening the ability of individuals, organizations, and institutions to achieve their goals.
  • What are some examples of capacity building?
    Some examples of capacity building include training, technical assistance, and institutional development.
  • What are some challenges facing capacity building?
    Some challenges facing capacity building include the lack of funding, the lack of expertise, and the lack of political will.

Education and public awareness

  • What is the role of education and public awareness in sustainable development?
    The role of education and public awareness in sustainable development is to raise awareness of the importance of sustainable development and to equip people with the knowledge and skills they need to live sustainably.
  • What are some examples of how education and public awareness can be used to promote sustainable development?
    Some examples of how education and public awareness can be used to promote sustainable development include school curricula, public awareness campaigns, and media coverage.
    Question 1

The 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, also known as Rio+20, was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 20 to 22 June 2012. The conference was attended by over 190 heads of state and government, as well as representatives from civil society, business, and other non-governmental organizations.

The main objective of Rio+20 was to promote sustainable development and to address the challenges of climate change, poverty, and inequality. The conference adopted a declaration and a set of sustainable development goals.

Which of the following is NOT a subtopic of Rio+20?

(A) Sustainable development
(B) Green economy
(C) Institutional framework for sustainable development
(D) Means of implementation
(E) Non-state actors


(E) Non-state actors


The subtopics of Rio+20 are:

  • Sustainable development
  • Green economy
  • Institutional framework for sustainable development
  • Means of implementation
  • Science and technology
  • South-South cooperation
  • Capacity building
  • Education and public awareness
  • Communication and information
  • Follow-up and review
  • Implementation of the outcomes of the Millennium Summit
  • Strengthening of the United Nations system
  • Other matters

Non-state actors are not a subtopic of Rio+20.

Question 2

The green economy is an economy that aims to achieve sustainable development by meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The green economy is based on the principles of environmental sustainability, social equity, and economic efficiency.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the green economy?

(A) Environmental sustainability
(B) Social equity
(C) Economic efficiency
(D) Economic growth
(E) Technological innovation


(D) Economic growth


Economic growth is not a characteristic of the green economy. The green economy is not about economic growth for its own sake, but about economic growth that is sustainable and equitable.

Question 3

The institutional framework for sustainable development is the set of institutions that are responsible for promoting and implementing sustainable development. These institutions include governments, international organizations, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector.

Which of the following is NOT an institution that is responsible for promoting and implementing sustainable development?

(A) The United Nations
(B) The World Bank
(C) The International Monetary Fund
(D) The World Trade Organization
(E) The World Wildlife Fund


(C) The International Monetary Fund


The International Monetary Fund is not an institution that is responsible for promoting and implementing sustainable development. The International Monetary Fund is an international financial institution that provides loans to countries that are experiencing financial difficulties.

Question 4

Means of implementation are the resources that are needed to achieve sustainable development. These resources include financial resources, technological resources, and human resources.

Which of the following is NOT a means of implementation?

(A) Financial resources
(B) Technological resources
(C) Human resources
(D) Political will
(E) Public awareness


(D) Political will


Political will is not a means of implementation. Political will is the commitment of governments to take action on sustainable development. However, political will is not a resource that can be used to achieve sustainable development.

Question 5

Science and technology are essential for achieving sustainable development. Science can help us to understand the challenges of sustainable development, and technology can help us to find solutions to these challenges.

Which of the following is NOT an example of how science and technology can be used to achieve sustainable development?

(A) Developing renewable energy sources
(B) Designing more efficient buildings
(C) Creating new agricultural practices
(D) Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
(E) Increasing economic growth


(E) Increasing economic growth


Increasing economic growth is not an example of how science and technology can be used to achieve sustainable development. Economic growth is not a goal of sustainable development, but rather a means to achieve sustainable development.