Responsible Government

Responsible Government

Responsible government is a system of government in which the elected representatives of the people hold the power to make and carry out laws. This system is based on the principle of accountability, which means that the government must answer to the people for its actions.

Responsible government is a key feature of democracy, and it is essential for ensuring that the government is responsive to the needs of the people. In a system of responsible government, the people have the power to choose their representatives, and the representatives have the power to make and carry out laws. This system of checks and balances helps to ensure that the government is accountable to the people.

There are a number of benefits to responsible government. First, it helps to ensure that the government is responsive to the needs of the people. When the people have the power to choose their representatives, they can ensure that their representatives are working in their best interests. Second, responsible government helps to prevent tyranny. When the government is accountable to the people, it is less likely to abuse its power. Third, responsible government helps to promote stability and order. When the government is accountable to the people, it is less likely to be overthrown or to engage in civil unrest.

However, there are also some challenges associated with responsible government. One challenge is that it can be difficult to ensure that the government is truly accountable to the people. This is because the people may not always be informed about the government’s actions, and they may not always have the opportunity to hold the government accountable. Another challenge is that responsible government can lead to gridlock, as the government may be unable to pass laws if there is no consensus among the representatives.

Despite these challenges, responsible government remains an important system of government. It is a key feature of democracy, and it helps to ensure that the government is responsive to the needs of the people.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is responsible government?

Responsible government is a system of government in which the elected representatives of the people hold the power to make and carry out laws. This system is based on the principle of accountability, which means that the government must answer to the people for its actions.

What are the benefits of responsible government?

There are a number of benefits to responsible government. First, it helps to ensure that the government is responsive to the needs of the people. When the people have the power to choose their representatives, they can ensure that their representatives are working in their best interests. Second, responsible government helps to prevent tyranny. When the government is accountable to the people, it is less likely to abuse its power. Third, responsible government helps to promote stability and order. When the government is accountable to the people, it is less likely to be overthrown or to engage in civil unrest.

What are the challenges of responsible government?

One challenge is that it can be difficult to ensure that the government is truly accountable to the people. This is because the people may not always be informed about the government’s actions, and they may not always have the opportunity to hold the government accountable. Another challenge is that responsible government can lead to gridlock, as the government may be unable to pass laws if there is no consensus among the representatives.

What are some examples of responsible government?

Some examples of responsible government include the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. These countries all have systems of government in which the elected representatives of the people hold the power to make and carry out laws.

What is the future of responsible government?

The future of responsible government is uncertain. Some experts believe that responsible government is under threat from a number of factors, including the rise of populism and the decline of trust in institutions. However, others believe that responsible government remains an important system of government and that it will continue to be used in many countries around the world.


  1. Responsible government is a system of government in which:
    (a) The elected representatives of the people hold the power to make and carry out laws.
    (b) The unelected representatives of the people hold the power to make and carry out laws.
    (c) The military holds the power to make and carry out laws.
    (d) The religious leaders hold the power to make and carry out laws.

  2. One of the benefits of responsible government is that it helps to ensure that the government is:
    (a) Responsive to the needs of the people.
    (b) Accountable to the people.
    (c) Stable and orderly.
    (d) All of the above.

  3. One of the challenges of responsible government is that it can be difficult to ensure that the government is truly:
    (a) Responsive to the needs of the people.
    (b) Accountable to the people.
    (c) Stable and orderly.
