Remote Sensing GIS And Its Application

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Remote sensing- GIS and its application


Remote Sensing

Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object and thus in contrast to on-site observation.

In current usage, the term “remote sensing” generally refers to the use of satellite- or aircraft-based sensor technologies to detect and classify objects on Earth, including on the surface and in the Atmosphere and Oceans, based on propagated signals.

Remote sensing is used in numerous fields, including geography, land surveying and most Earth Science disciplines for example, hydrology, ECOLOGY, Oceanography, glaciology, geology. It also has military, intelligence, commercial, economic, planning, and humanitarian applications.


Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer based application of technology involving spatial and attributes information to act as a decision support tool.

 It keeps information in different layers and generates various combinations pertaining to the requirement of the decision-making. In the recent times, GIS has emerged as an effective tool in management of disasters since, geo-spatial data and socio-economic information need to be amalgamated for the better DECISION MAKING in handling a disaster or to plan for tackling a disaster in a better way.


Disaster Management

The different line departments and agencies who are stakeholders in the disaster management process could utilize GIS. Some basic hardware like computer system, printer, Network systems, along with GIS Software is required to set up the GIS in any organisation.


            The prime objectives of developing the GIS Database are to help disaster managers at State, District and Block level for:

i)                    Pre-disaster planning and preparedness

ii)                   Prediction and early warning

iii)                 Damage assessment and relief management

GIS combines layers of information on various themes to enable the managers to take the most appropriate decisions under the given circumstances. For disaster management, a GIS database could be a useful managerial tool for various reasons, some of which are as under:

 • Disaster Managers could generate maps both at micro and macro level indicating vulnerability to different extents under different threat perceptions.

• Locations likely to remain unaffected or remain comparatively safe could be identified.

• Alternate routes to shelters, camps, and important locations in the event of disruption of normal surface Communication could be worked out.

• Smooth rescue and evacuation operations could be properly planned.

• Rehabilitation and post-disaster reconstruction works could be properly organized.

• Locations suitable for construction of shelters, godowns, housing colonies, etc. can be scientifically identified.

• Areas where no construction should be taken up or existing habitations require relocation could be identified.


Remote sensing of hydrologic processes can provide information on locations where in situ sensors may be unavailable or sparse. It also enables observations over large spatial extents. Many of the variables constituting the terrestrial water balance, for example surface water storage, Soil moisture, Precipitation, evapotranspiration, and snow and ice, are measurable using remote sensing at various spatial-temporal resolutions and accuracies. Sources of remote sensing include land-based sensors, airborne sensors and satellite sensors, which can capture microwave, thermal and near-infrared data or use LIDAR.

Weather forecasting and Ecology

Many ecological research projects would benefit from the creation of a GIS to explore spatial relationships within and between the data.  In particular, while some projects can be done without using a GIS, many will be greatly enhanced by using it (click here for some examples of research projects which have used GIS).

The very act of creating a GIS will make you think about the spatial relationships within your data, and will help you formulate hypotheses to test or suggest new ones to explore.  In addition, thinking about your data in a spatial manner will help you identify potential spatial issues and/or biases with your data.

GIS can also be used to make measurements and carry out calculations which would otherwise be very difficult.  For example, a GIS can be used to work out how much of your study area consists of a specific habitat type, or how much of it is over 1,000m high, or has a gradient greater than 5º, and so on.  Similarly, a GIS can be used to calculate the size of the home range of an individual or the total area occupied by a specific species or how long your survey tracks are, or how much survey effort was put into different parts of your study area.

GIS can also be used to link data together in the way that is needed for statistical analysis.  For example, many statistical packages require all your data to be in a single table, with one line per sample and then information about that sample and the location where it came from in different columns or fields.  A GIS provides you with a way to easily create such tables and populate it with information, such as the altitude at each location, the gradient of slope and the direction it faces, from other data sets.  This makes preparing your data for statistical analysis much simpler.



Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object. In other words, it is the science of obtaining information about an object or area from a distance. Remote sensing is used in a wide variety of applications, including environmental monitoring, land use planning, and natural resource management.

The principles of remote sensing are based on the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter. Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy that travels in waves. The waves can have different wavelengths, and each wavelength corresponds to a different type of radiation. For example, visible Light has a wavelength of about 0.4 to 0.7 micrometers, while infrared radiation has a wavelength of about 0.7 to 10 micrometers.

When electromagnetic radiation interacts with matter, it can be absorbed, reflected, or scattered. The amount of absorption, reflection, or scattering depends on the properties of the matter, such as its composition, texture, and moisture content. Remote sensing sensors are designed to measure the amount of electromagnetic radiation that is reflected or scattered from the Earth’s surface.

There are many different types of remote sensing sensors, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Some common types of sensors include optical sensors, radar sensors, and lidar sensors. Optical sensors measure the reflected light from the Earth’s surface. Radar sensors measure the reflected microwave radiation from the Earth’s surface. Lidar sensors measure the reflected laser light from the Earth’s surface.

The data collected by remote sensing sensors can be processed and analyzed to extract information about the Earth’s surface. This information can be used for a variety of purposes, such as environmental monitoring, land use planning, and natural resource management.

GIS, or geographic information system, is a computer system that stores, manages, and analyzes spatial data. Spatial data is data that has a geographic location. For example, the location of a house, the boundaries of a city, or the elevation of a mountain are all examples of spatial data.

GIS can be used to create maps, charts, and other visualizations of spatial data. It can also be used to analyze spatial data to answer questions about the Earth’s surface. For example, GIS can be used to determine the best location for a new shopping mall, to track the spread of a disease, or to monitor the effects of Climate change.

Remote sensing and GIS are two powerful tools that can be used to understand the Earth’s surface. When used together, they can provide a wealth of information about the Environment. Remote sensing sensors can collect data about the Earth’s surface, and GIS can be used to process and analyze that data. This information can be used for a variety of purposes, such as environmental monitoring, land use planning, and natural resource management.

One example of the application of remote sensing and GIS is in the field of environmental monitoring. Remote sensing sensors can be used to collect data about the Earth’s atmosphere, land, and water. This data can be used to track changes in the environment, such as the effects of Climate Change or the spread of pollution. GIS can be used to analyze this data and to create maps and charts that show the changes that are occurring.

Another example of the application of remote sensing and GIS is in the field of land use planning. Remote sensing sensors can be used to collect data about the land cover and land use in a particular area. This data can be used to create maps that show the current land use in the area. GIS can be used to analyze this data and to create plans for future land use.

Remote sensing and GIS are two powerful tools that can be used to understand the Earth’s surface. When used together, they can provide a wealth of information about the environment. This information can be used for a variety of purposes, such as environmental monitoring, land use planning, and natural resource management.

Remote Sensing

  • What is remote sensing?
    Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon, without making physical contact with the object.

  • What are the different types of remote sensing?
    There are two main types of remote sensing: active and passive. Active remote sensing systems emit their own energy, such as radar or lidar, and then measure the reflected or backscattered energy. Passive remote sensing systems measure energy that is emitted by the object being observed, such as sunlight or thermal radiation.

  • What are the advantages of remote sensing?
    Remote sensing has several advantages over traditional ground-based methods, including:

    • It can be used to collect data over large areas quickly and easily.
    • It can be used to collect data in areas that are difficult or dangerous to access.
    • It can provide data that is not available from ground-based methods, such as data on the atmosphere or ocean.
  • What are the disadvantages of remote sensing?
    Remote sensing also has some disadvantages, including:

    • The data can be difficult to interpret.
    • The data can be expensive to collect.
    • The data can be affected by atmospheric conditions.


  • What is GIS?
    GIS stands for Geographic Information System. A GIS is a computer system that stores, manages, and analyzes spatial data.

  • What are the different types of GIS?
    There are two main types of GIS: desktop GIS and web GIS. Desktop GIS is software that is installed on a computer and used by a single user. Web GIS is software that is accessed over the Internet and can be used by multiple users.

  • What are the advantages of GIS?
    GIS has several advantages, including:

    • It can be used to visualize data in a way that is easy to understand.
    • It can be used to analyze data and identify patterns.
    • It can be used to make decisions about how to manage Resources.
  • What are the disadvantages of GIS?
    GIS also has some disadvantages, including:

    • The data can be difficult to collect and manage.
    • The software can be expensive.
    • The data can be difficult to interpret.

Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS

Remote sensing and GIS are used in a wide variety of applications, including:

  • Environmental monitoring: Remote sensing and GIS can be used to monitor environmental changes, such as deforestation, Desertification, and climate change.
  • Natural resource management: Remote sensing and GIS can be used to manage Natural Resources, such as forests, Water Resources, and Fisheries-2/”>Fisheries.
  • Urban planning: Remote sensing and GIS can be used to plan and develop cities and towns.
  • Emergency response: Remote sensing and GIS can be used to respond to emergencies, such as floods, Earthquakes, and wildfires.
  • agriculture: Remote sensing and GIS can be used to manage agricultural land, such as crop planning and Irrigation.
  • Transportation: Remote sensing and GIS can be used to plan and develop transportation systems, such as roads, railways, and Airports.
  • Public safety: Remote sensing and GIS can be used to improve public safety, such as crime prevention and traffic management.
  • Business: Remote sensing and GIS can be used to improve business operations, such as site selection and Marketing.

These are just a few of the many applications of remote sensing and GIS. These technologies are constantly evolving, and new applications are being developed all the time.

  1. Remote sensing is the science and technology of acquiring and interpreting data from a distance.
  2. Remote sensing data can be used to create maps, identify objects, and monitor changes over time.
  3. GIS is a computer system that stores, analyzes, and displays spatial data.
  4. GIS can be used to plan and manage resources, track the spread of diseases, and monitor environmental changes.
  5. Remote sensing and GIS are often used together to create powerful tools for understanding and managing the environment.

Here are some multiple choice questions about remote sensing and GIS:

  1. Which of the following is not a type of remote sensing data?
    (A) Satellite imagery
    (B) Aerial photography
    (C) LiDAR data
    (D) Ground-based measurements

  2. Which of the following is not a use of remote sensing data?
    (A) Creating maps
    (B) Identifying objects
    (C) Monitoring changes over time
    (D) Predicting the weather

  3. Which of the following is not a use of GIS?
    (A) Planning and managing resources
    (B) Tracking the spread of diseases
    (C) Monitoring environmental changes
    (D) Predicting the weather

  4. Which of the following is a benefit of using remote sensing and GIS together?
    (A) They can be used to create powerful tools for understanding and managing the environment.
    (B) They can be used to collect data that would be difficult or impossible to collect using other methods.
    (C) They can be used to analyze data in new and innovative ways.
    (D) All of the above.

  5. Which of the following is a limitation of using remote sensing and GIS?
    (A) They can be expensive to use.
    (B) They can be difficult to use.
    (C) They can be time-consuming to use.
    (D) All of the above.