Remedial measures for Soil erosion and Coastal erosion

<<2/”>a >b>Remedial measures for Soil erosion and Coastal erosion

Soil erosion

Using trees to control erosion

Trees are often considered to be the universal answer to control soil erosion. Tree roots help prevent landslides on steep slopes and stream bank erosion but they don’t stop erosion on moderately sloping hillslopes.  In forests, the soil surface is usually protected by a layer of mulch from decaying vegetation as well as a variety of surface growing Plants. If the soil is bare under the tree canopy from over grazing, vehicles or pedestrians, soil erosion will still occur.

Contour banks and strip Cropping

Runoff concentration is managed by structural measures such as contour banks in upland areas, or strip cropping on floodplains. These systems involve a total change in the way a farm is managed.  Runoff systems must be carefully planned. Flow between properties and across roads and railway lines must be coordinated and suit those affected by the changes.

When runoff water can impact neighbouring properties or Infrastructure-2/”>INFRASTRUCTURE, land owners are encouraged to discuss with their neighbours and seek professional advice.

Approximately 80% of soil lost as a result of poor cover can be trapped in the paddock by contour banks. The banks channel the runoff at low speed into grassed waterways. Good surface cover between contour banks and in waterways will ensure their stability and dramatically reduce the amount of soil deposited in waterways.

On flood plains, strip cropping is used to spread flood flows rather than allowing it to concentrate.

Green cane harvesting

Another measure that maintains soil cover is green cane harvesting or ‘trash blanketing’. When a cane crop is harvested, the leaves and tops of the cane are left on the ground as a ‘trash blanket’. This protects the soil from erosion by raindrop impact. This practice has been widely adopted in many Queensland cane growing districts.

Coastal erosion


creation for shore erosion control can be accomplished by planting the appropriate species, typically Grasses, sedges, or rushes, in the existing substrate and addressing the original cause(s) of marsh loss (e.g., altered hydrology, low water clarity, invasive species, erosion from boat wakes, or shading from overhanging tree branches on the bank). Planting of marsh grass to stabilize the shoreline has been used successfully for many years.


Submerged vegetation such as seagrass stabilizes the sediment and may contribute to wave attenuation at low tide. The value of seagrass beds for shore protection is limited by their seasonality. During the winter months, seagrasses in temperate areas become less dense or may even disappear, providing less protection during the season when increased storm activity may bring increased wave activity. The highest degree of wave attenuation, and hence potential shore protection, occurs when seagrass occupies the full height of the water column.

Replanting of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) is typically undertaken to restore habitat after these plants have been lost in the sub-tidal area.

Vegetated Dunes

Dune creation can provide a system to create or maintain a beach because it adds sand that will nourish the area, with or without structural control. Dunes are established along the backshore.

region of nourished beach by planting the appropriate species of dune grasses. Sand fencing, in Conjunction with dune grass plantings, helps induce baffling and settlement of wind-blown sands.


Perhaps the most widely applied shoreline technique is to harden the shore or bluff with some type of fixed structure such as a bulkhead, seawall, or revetment. The primary goal of hardening the shore is to protect the coast from wave attack by creating a barrier to the erosive forces.  Traditional shoreline hardening design involves methods applied at a local or regional scale, often utilizing local materials such as stone, wood, and concrete, and built using techniques familiar to local marine contractors and property.


Seawalls differ from bulkheads in that they are designed to withstand greater Wave energy and are more likely to be constructed on open coasts to protect against ocean wave climates. They are most often constructed with castin-place concrete; other materials such as timber are rarely used. These structures can be vertical, curved or stepped to help divert or redirect wave energy. A sloped face may reduce the effect of toe scour but conversion of habitat will still occur if erosive forces continue to remove sand.


Breakwaters consist of a single structure or a series of units placed offshore of the project site to reduce wave action on the shoreline. The structures are composed of various types of materials but usually employ what is “locally” available. Rock is typically used for construction and has been shown to be very durable when properly designed and installed.


Sills are generally semicontinuous structures built to reduce wave action and thereby preserve, enhance, or create a marsh grass fringe for shore erosion control. The sill is often built along an existing marsh fringe to maintain its Integrity and enhance the protection afforded by the marsh in controlling erosion on the adjacent upland. The addition of sand with marsh grass plantings provides a stable marsh fringe system in low to moderate wave energy environments. Breaks or windows in the sills are recommended to allow the ingress and egress of marine Fauna.

Building a sill system requires encroachment bayward or riverward, usually beyond Normal High Water or Mean High Water (MHW), constituting the property limit in most states and complicating the process for obtaining permits for installation. There is often a trade-off of habitats in constructing a sill system. The eroding bank, narrow beach and nearshore are converted to a stable bank, marsh and stone sill. In addition, the sill system may reduce the sediment supply to adjacent shores.


Soil erosion is the process of soil being removed from the land by the action of wind or water. It is a natural process that has been occurring for millions of years, but human activities have accelerated the rate of erosion in recent years.

There are many factors that can contribute to soil erosion, including:

  • Rainfall: Heavy rains can cause soil to be washed away, especially if the land is not properly protected.
  • Wind: Strong winds can blow away loose soil, especially if the land is not covered with vegetation.
  • agriculture: Farming practices such as Tillage and Irrigation can loosen the soil and make it more susceptible to erosion.
  • Development: Construction activities such as clearing land and building roads can also lead to soil erosion.

Soil erosion can have a number of negative impacts, including:

  • Loss of topsoil: Topsoil is the most fertile layer of soil and is essential for growing crops. When topsoil is eroded, it can take many years to replace.
  • Reduced crop yields: Erosion can reduce crop yields by making it difficult for plants to get the nutrients they need.
  • Increased flooding: Erosion can cause flooding by filling up rivers and streams with sediment.
  • Degradation of water quality: Erosion can also degrade water quality by adding sediment and pollutants to waterways.

There are a number of things that can be done to prevent soil erosion, including:

  • Terracing: Terracing is a method of farming that involves creating a series of raised beds on a slope. This helps to slow down the flow of water and prevent soil from being washed away.
  • Contour plowing: Contour plowing is a method of plowing that follows the contours of the land. This helps to prevent soil from being washed away by rain or wind.
  • Strip cropping: Strip cropping is a method of farming that involves planting different crops in strips across a slope. This helps to break up the flow of water and prevent soil from being washed away.
  • Windbreaks: Windbreaks are rows of trees or shrubs that are planted to protect land from wind erosion.
  • Cover crops: Cover crops are plants that are grown between rows of crops or in the winter when crops are not growing. Cover crops help to protect the soil from erosion and improve its fertility.
  • No-till farming: No-till farming is a method of farming that does not involve tilling the soil. This helps to keep the soil in place and prevent erosion.
  • Crop Rotation: Crop rotation is a method of farming that involves planting different crops in the same field each year. This helps to prevent the soil from becoming depleted of nutrients and makes it less susceptible to erosion.
  • Forest management: Forest management is the practice of managing forests in a sustainable way. This includes practices such as planting trees, thinning forests, and controlling pests and diseases. Forest management helps to protect the soil from erosion and improve its overall Health.
  • Watershed Management: Watershed management is the practice of managing water Resources in a watershed. This includes practices such as preventing flooding, improving water quality, and conserving water. Watershed management helps to protect the soil from erosion and improve its overall health.

Coastal erosion is the process of land being lost along the coast due to the action of waves, tides, and currents. It is a natural process that has been occurring for millions of years, but human activities have accelerated the rate of erosion in recent years.

There are many factors that can contribute to coastal erosion, including:

  • Sea level rise: Sea level rise is caused by a number of factors, including Climate change. As sea levels rise, the coastline becomes more exposed to wave action, which can lead to erosion.
  • Storms: Storms, such as hurricanes and typhoons, can cause severe erosion along the coast. Strong winds and waves can erode beaches, dunes, and cliffs.
  • Development: Human activities such as building seawalls and jetties can also contribute to coastal erosion. These structures can interfere with the natural processes that protect the coast from erosion.

Coastal erosion can have a number of negative impacts, including:

  • Loss of land: Coastal erosion can lead to the loss of land, including beaches, dunes, and cliffs. This can have a significant impact on coastal communities, as well as on the Environment.
  • Damage to infrastructure: Coastal erosion can damage infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and buildings. This can be costly to repair or replace.
  • Loss of habitat: Coastal erosion can lead to the loss of habitat for plants and animals. This can have a significant impact on the environment.

There are a number of things that can be done to prevent coastal erosion, including:

  • Beach nourishment: Beach nourishment is a process of replenishing sand on beaches that have been eroded.

Soil Erosion

  • What is soil erosion?
    Soil erosion is the process of soil being removed from the land by natural or human-caused agents.

  • What are the causes of soil erosion?
    The main causes of soil erosion are water, wind, and human activities.

  • What are the effects of soil erosion?
    Soil erosion can lead to a loss of topsoil, which is the most fertile layer of soil. This can make it difficult to grow crops and can also lead to Water Pollution.

  • What are the solutions to soil erosion?
    There are a number of things that can be done to prevent soil erosion, including:

    • Planting trees and other vegetation: Vegetation helps to hold soil in place and prevents it from being washed away by water or blown away by wind.
    • Using cover crops: Cover crops are plants that are grown between rows of other crops. They help to protect the soil from erosion and also improve Soil fertility.
    • Conservation tillage: Conservation tillage is a method of farming that minimizes soil disturbance. This helps to prevent soil erosion and also conserve water.
    • Terracing: Terracing is a method of farming that involves creating a series of steps on a slope. This helps to slow down the flow of water and prevents soil erosion.
    • Watershed management: Watershed management is a process of managing the land and Water Resources in a watershed. This helps to prevent soil erosion and also protect water quality.

Coastal Erosion

  • What is coastal erosion?
    Coastal erosion is the process of land being lost from the coast due to the action of waves, tides, and currents.

  • What are the causes of coastal erosion?
    The main causes of coastal erosion are natural processes, such as storms and rising sea levels, and human activities, such as development and construction.

  • What are the effects of coastal erosion?
    Coastal erosion can lead to a loss of land, which can damage property and infrastructure. It can also lead to a loss of habitat for plants and animals.

  • What are the solutions to coastal erosion?
    There are a number of things that can be done to prevent coastal erosion, including:

    • Building seawalls and breakwaters: Seawalls and breakwaters are structures that are built to protect the coast from erosion.
    • Restoring wetlands: Wetlands help to protect the coast from erosion by absorbing wave energy.
    • Managing development: Development can damage the coast and make it more vulnerable to erosion. It is important to manage development in a way that protects the coast.
    • Educating the public: It is important to educate the public about the causes and effects of coastal erosion. This can help people to make choices that will help to protect the coast.

Soil Erosion

Soil erosion is the process of soil being removed from the Earth’s surface by the action of wind, water, or ice. It is a natural process that has been occurring for millions of years, but it can be accelerated by human activities such as deforestation, agriculture, and mining.

Soil erosion can have a number of negative impacts, including:

  • Loss of topsoil, which is the most fertile layer of soil.
  • Reduced crop yields.
  • Increased flooding and sedimentation.
  • Damage to infrastructure such as roads and bridges.
  • Loss of Biodiversity-2/”>Biodiversity.

There are a number of things that can be done to prevent or reduce soil erosion, including:

  • Planting trees and other vegetation.
  • Using cover crops.
  • Terrace farming.
  • Contour farming.
  • No-till farming.
  • Reducing tillage.
  • Applying mulch.
  • Building erosion control structures.

Coastal Erosion

Coastal erosion is the process of land being lost from the coast, usually due to the action of waves and tides. It is a natural process that has been occurring for millions of years, but it can be accelerated by human activities such as development, agriculture, and Climate Change.

Coastal erosion can have a number of negative impacts, including:

  • Loss of land.
  • Damage to infrastructure such as roads and buildings.
  • Loss of habitat for plants and animals.
  • Increased risk of flooding.
  • Increased risk of sea level rise.

There are a number of things that can be done to prevent or reduce coastal erosion, including:

  • Building seawalls and other coastal defenses.
  • Planting trees and other vegetation.
  • Restoring wetlands.
  • Reducing development in coastal areas.
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


  1. Which of the following is not a natural cause of soil erosion?
    (A) Wind
    (B) Water
    (C) Ice
    (D) Human activities

  2. Which of the following is not a negative impact of soil erosion?
    (A) Loss of topsoil
    (B) Reduced crop yields
    (C) Increased flooding
    (D) Increased biodiversity

  3. Which of the following is not a way to prevent or reduce soil erosion?
    (A) Planting trees
    (B) Using cover crops
    (C) Terrace farming
    (D) No-till farming

  4. Which of the following is not a negative impact of coastal erosion?
    (A) Loss of land
    (B) Damage to infrastructure
    (C) Loss of habitat
    (D) Increased risk of sea level rise

  5. Which of the following is not a way to prevent or reduce coastal erosion?
    (A) Building seawalls
    (B) Planting trees
    (C) Restoring wetlands
    (D) Reducing greenhouse gas emissions