Religious Movements, Saints& Lok devtas of Rajasthan.

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Religious Movements in Rajasthan

Rajasthan is blessed with multi-religious Society and all the religions found in the country are practiced in Rajasthan in Harmony to each other. Vedic Religion has been practiced in the state since ancient times and worship of sun has been center of religious practice for several communities.

Religious movements in Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism:-

Ancient vedic religion was rejuvenated by the Sancracharya and sevral cults were developed within the hindu religion which are as follows:-

  1. Jasnathji Cult:-Jat origin,detached people, followers tie black wollen thread in neck and practice undergroung meditation.The cult has code of cunduct with 36 norms.
  2. Vaishnav Cult:-They worship Lord Krishna in his childhood forma and are called Bhaktimargi.Followers worship Vishnu, the Supreme Lord  and his ten avatars, including Rama and Krishna. The adherents of this sect are generally monastic and devoted to meditative practice and ecstatic chanting.
  3. Ramanuj Cult:- They worship Lord Rama,and  believe in the the epistemic and soteriological importance of bhakti, or the devotion to a personal God  as a means to spiritual liberation.
  4. Nimbhark Cult:-  They propogated the Vaishnava Theology of Dvaitadvaita (dvaita-advaita) or “dualistic non-dualism”.They worship Radha-Krishna.
  5. Gauriya Cult:- Special influence in Radha Krishna worship in the region of Jaipur,Sawaimadhopur and Karauli.
  6. Dadupanti Cult:- Dadu Dayal was a brahmin of Ahemdabad who founded the Dadhupant, his sermons of 5000 verses are found in Daduvani.The followers of Dadupant wear saffron clothes and main seat is at narena. The chief goal of the cult is attainment of untainted formless through the blessing of the preceptor by the way of following the path of knowledge and opposition to idolatry and discrimination.
  7. Ram Snehi Cult:- worshiper of lord Rama with main seat at Banswara.
  8. Kabirpanthi Cult:- They worship formless god, The saints belloging to Kabirpant do not marry and make people of all caste as their people.
  9. Bishnoipanth Cult:- Jambaji is the pioneer of the cult and is thought to be incarcination of Lord Vishnu.
  10. Nath Cult:-Prevalent in Jodhpur.

Saints of Rajasthan

Saints of Rajasthan can be Characterized as Bhakti saints and Warior saints.

Famous Bhakti Saints of Rajasthan are:-

  1. Dadu Dayal:-  Daduji belongs to the lineage of Sants and Naths like Kabir-2/”>Kabir and Nanak.  Born in Ahmedabad in 1544, he made Rajasthan his home and attained Samadhi in Naraina in Jaipur district in 1601.  Emperor Akbar is said to have been one of his followers.  The Dadupanth was established in his very lifetime.Part of the legacy of Dadupanth are a wealth of literature and manuscripts, it produced over the centuries.  This wealth includes very ancient manuscripts attributed to Kabir, Namdev and Raidas.
  2. Mira Bai:-Mirabai was a great saint and devotee of Sri Krishna. Despite facing criticism and hostility from her own family, she lived an exemplary saintly life and composed many devotional bhajans.
  3. Lal Das:-Saint of mewar region and rose above the caste barriers.
  4. Charan Das:-Charandas was born in Derha, near Alwar, in Rajasthan.Charandas is the author of around twenty works. Many of these are in verse and deal with aspects of devotion, particularly relating to the worship of Krishna.He wrote commentaries on various Upanishads, particularly the Katha Upanishad, and on specific Yoga/”>Yoga practices, especially Pranayama, control of the breath.
  5. Mavaji:- a highly revered saint considered to be an incarination of Lord Vishnu.Two disciples of Mavji named Aje and Vaje built the Lakshmi- Narain Temple near the confluence of rivers Som and Mahi.

Warrior Saints of Rajasthan took the responsibility to protect the Dharma from the invaders and finally emerged as the protector of Brahmans,Women, Cows and poor people from the invaders particularly the Muslims.They emphasized on the Karma.

Lok Devtas and Devis of Rajasthan

  1. Tejaji:-Tejaji was legendary Rajasthani folk hero. He is considered one of the major eleven incarinations of Lord Shiva and worshipped as a deity in rural Rajasthan. It is believed that if a person suffering from snakebite goes to samadhi of Teja or puts a chord (tanti) in Tejaji’s name, he is cured.Tejaji, fair takes place on the eleventh lunar day of Bhadrapad Shukla Paksh (Aug.-Sept.) every year in village Parbatsar, District Nagaur in Rajasthan


  1. Pabuji:- Pabuji is a legendary hero who is worshiped by camel herders in Rajasthan.
  2. Ramdeoji:-He was a ruler of the fourteenth century, said to have miraculous powers who devoted his life for the upliftment of downtrodden and poor people of the society. Ramdev is the chief deity of the Meghwal community, worshiped during the Vedwa Punam (August – September).The temple complex housing the resting place of Ramdev is located at Ramdevra, Rajasthan
  3. Gagoji:-He protects his followers from snakes and other evils. Almost every village in Rajasthan has a Than (sacred place,generally a small temple) dedicated to him. Gogaji fair is held annually in the month of Bhadrapada and lasts for 3 days.
  4. Mehaji:-Rajput warrior
  5. Harbhuji:-Discipline of Ramdeoji
  6. Jambheshwarji:-Guru Jambheshwar (born 1451 in a remote Rajasthani village Pipasar) also known as Jambhoji, was the founder of the Bishnoi sect. He preached the worship of Hari(One God). He gave the message that God is a divine power that is everywhere. He also taught to protect Plants and animals as they are important in order to peacefully coexist with nature.
  7. Mallinath:-Rawal Mallinath is a folk idol of Rajasthan. He was the elder lad of Rao Salkhaji, the Mehwanagar ruler in Barmer.  The descendants of Rawal Mallinath’s are the eldest among all abodes of Rathores in the state of Rajasthan. The domiciles of Bikaner, Jodhpur, Sitamau, Ratlam, Idar, Alirajpur and Sailana sketch their roots to Viramdeo.
  8. Mavaji:-Worshiped in Dungarpur and Banswara area,Kalika incarination of God Vishnu
  9. Makadji Devji: worshiped by Gujjars
  10. Eloji:- is a folk divinity and is considered to be the deity of villages. Effigies of Eloji can be instituted roughly in every rural community of Rajasthan. He is revealed as a burly man with moustaches and arrogance on his face. Many folk songs and music are played in honor of sexual power of Eloji.
  11. Mahavir: Protect wells.
  12. Bhomiya: Protects village boundries
  13. Khetla Ji :-was a folk divinity who subsisted in Rajasthan state. His one of the temples is situated in Sonana Village, Rajasthan. The place of worship is the spot of a 2 day fair, held annually during the months of May and June in respect of Khetla ji. The fair draws a hefty number of followers who gather together here during the fair to summon the blessing of the divinity. There are number of temples of Khetla Ji in Marwar, for example Sayala, Sewari etc. Kataria society of Rajasthan regards him as their Kul Devta. They also perform some ceremonies after birth and marriage which is known as ‘Juar’.Mahamayas
  14. Sheetla Mata:-Shitala Mata is mentioned in many scriptures, especially in Skanda Purana as the goddess of smallpox. She is both the cause of the disease and the cure.Shitala Devi rides on a donkey, and she has four arms. In her hands she carries a silver broom, a fan, a small bowl, and a pot of water. She uses these items to rid a house of disease–she sweeps up the germs with her broom, uses the fan to collect them, and dumps them into the bowl. She then sprinkles water from the pot (which is water from the river Ganges) to purify the house.Sacret Shrines are located in Chaksu and Baghor.
  15. Kaila Devi:-Kaila Devi is considered as the deity of wealth. The shrine of Kaila Devi is a Hindu place of worship to be found 23 kilometers from Karauli, Rajasthan. The holy place is situated on the bank of River Kalisil, a stream of River Banas in Trikut hills. The place of worship is devoted to Tutelary divinity, Goddess Kaila Devi, of the former princely rulers of Jadaun Rajput of Karauli state. Kaila Devi is a marble construction with a hefty patio of a plaid floor.
  16. Shila Mata:- Headed towards the end of 16th century, Maharaja Mansingh carried the effigy of Shila Mata from the Eastern area of Bengal. In Pratapaditya’s Sovereignty, Maharaja Mansingh faced trounce at the hands of Kedar king. Mortified and dejected, the Maharaja prayed Goddess Kali to gratify her and obtain her blessings in order to amend his defeat into conquest. Kali emerged in a dream to sanctify him. The goddess also acquired a pledge from the Maharaja that he would institute her place of pilgrimage in his capital. The statue of goddess was recuperated from sea in the form of slab (Shila) and it was fetched to Amer when cleaned and sluiced, the present idol emerged. This is why the deity was recognized as Shila Mata. Her shrine is situated in Amber Fort.
  17. Aaiji:- Rajput , Incarination of Sakti, worshiped by Aai Panth.
  18. Jeen Mata:- is an embodiment of Goddess Durga. Her domicile is snuggled in the quaint Aravalli hills in Raiwasa, Rajasthan. The consecrated holy place of Jeen Mata is supposed to be hundreds of years old. Thousands of followers swarm the temple all through the year. The flock of devotees presumes a much multihued gaze during bi-annual Navratri revelry – held two times a year in the stellar calendar months of Ashwin and Chaitra commonly acknowledged as the Navratris.
  19. Karni Mata :-was a Hindu astute born in the Charan class. She is revered as the embodiment of deity Durga by her followers. She is the deity of the imperial family of Bikaner and Jodhpur. She survived an abstemious life and was extensively venerated during her lifetime. At the appeal of Bikaner Maharaja, she laid the underpinning shingles for 2 significant citadels in the area. The most famed of her temples is the shrine in Deshnoke town, near Bikaner, which was formed following her inexplicable desertion from her home.
  20. Sachiya Mata:-The Sachchiya Mata Temple is located in Osian, near Jodhpur city in Rajasthan.Shri Sachchiyay Mataji also called Shri Osiya Mataji is kuldevi of Oswals.
  21. Sakambhari Mata:-In Hindu tradition, Shakambari is an embodiment of Ishwari, ensemble to Shiva. She is the celestial mother, entitled “Bearer of the Greens”. In Hindu tradition, any Vegetarian ARTICLE is measured as Shakambari Devi’s Prasad. The prehistoric place of reverence of the Diety Shakambari is located at Sakarai, Rajasthan.
  22. Sakariya Mata: Worshiped in the sekhawati region and is appeased by sweet offerings.
  23. Holika Mata:- Regarded by Rajasthani ladies as mother and ashes of Holi are considered sacret.


Rajasthan is a state in northwestern India. It is the largest state in India by area and the seventh-largest by Population. The state is known for its desert landscape, forts, palaces, and temples. Rajasthan is also home to a number of religious movements and saints.

One of the most important religious movements in Rajasthan is the Bhakti Movement. The Bhakti movement was a devotional movement that emphasized the importance of personal faith and devotion to God. The Bhakti movement began in the 12th century and spread throughout India. It had a major impact on the religious landscape of Rajasthan.

One of the most important saints of the Bhakti movement was Kabir. Kabir was a 15th-century poet and saint who is considered to be one of the founders of the Bhakti movement. Kabir was born into a Muslim family, but he rejected the religious and social conventions of his time. He taught that all people are equal in the eyes of God and that true religion is based on love and devotion.

Another important saint of the Bhakti movement was Mirabai. Mirabai was a 16th-century Rajput princess who is considered to be one of the greatest female poets in Indian history. Mirabai was a devotee of Krishna, and her poems are full of love and devotion to him. She was often persecuted for her religious beliefs, but she never wavered in her faith.

The Bhakti movement had a major impact on the religious landscape of Rajasthan. It helped to spread the message of love and devotion to God, and it also helped to break down the barriers between different religious groups.

In addition to the Bhakti movement, there are a number of other religious movements that have been important in Rajasthan. One of these is the Arya Samaj. The Arya Samaj was founded in the 19th century by Swami Dayanand Saraswati. The Arya Samaj is a Hindu reform movement that emphasizes the importance of Education, social reform, and monotheism.

Another important religious movement in Rajasthan is Jainism. Jainism is an ancient Indian religion that emphasizes non-violence, vegetarianism, and asceticism. Jains believe that the soul is trapped in a cycle of rebirth and that the only way to escape this cycle is to achieve liberation (moksha).

Rajasthan is also home to a number of saints. One of the most important saints of Rajasthan is Dadu Dayal. Dadu Dayal was a 16th-century saint who is considered to be the founder of the Dadu Panth. The Dadu Panth is a Hindu sect that emphasizes the importance of love, devotion, and simplicity.

Another important saint of Rajasthan is Devnarayan. Devnarayan was a 17th-century saint who is considered to be the founder of the Devnarayan Panth. The Devnarayan Panth is a Hindu sect that emphasizes the importance of love, devotion, and social Justice.

Rajasthan is a state with a rich religious history. It is home to a number of religious movements and saints. These movements and saints have had a major impact on the religious landscape of Rajasthan.

What is the history of Rajasthan?

Rajasthan is a state in northwestern India. It is the largest state in India by area, covering 342,239 square kilometers (132,139 sq mi). The state is bordered by Punjab to the north, Haryana to the northeast, Uttar Pradesh to the east, Madhya Pradesh to the southeast, Gujarat to the southwest, and Pakistan to the west. The state capital and largest city is Jaipur.

Rajasthan was formed on 30 March 1949, when the princely states of Rajputana were merged into the Indian Union. The state is named after the Rajputs, a warrior caste who ruled the region for centuries.

Rajasthan is a land of forts, palaces, and temples. The state is home to some of the most iconic landmarks in India, including the Hawa Mahal (Palace of the Winds) in Jaipur, the Amber Fort in Jaipur, and the Ranakpur Jain Temple in Ranakpur.

Rajasthan is also a land of culture and tradition. The state is home to a number of different ethnic groups, each with its own unique customs and traditions. The state is also home to a number of different religions, including Hinduism, Islam, and Jainism.

What are the major religions in Rajasthan?

The major religions in Rajasthan are Hinduism, Islam, and Jainism. Hinduism is the majority religion in the state, followed by Islam and Jainism.

Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world, and it is the majority Religion in India. Hinduism is a polytheistic religion, which means that it has many gods and goddesses. The most important Hindu gods are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva.

Islam is a monotheistic religion, which means that it has only one god. The most important Muslim god is Allah. Islam is the second largest religion in the world, and it is the majority religion in many countries in the Middle East and North Africa.

Jainism is a religion that emphasizes non-violence and vegetarianism. The most important Jain god is Mahavira. Jainism is the third largest religion in India, and it is the majority religion in the state of Gujarat.

What are the major festivals in Rajasthan?

The major festivals in Rajasthan are Holi, Diwali, and Janmashtami. Holi is a festival of colors that is celebrated in the spring. Diwali is a festival of lights that is celebrated in the fall. Janmashtami is a festival that celebrates the birth of Krishna.

Holi is a major Hindu festival that is celebrated in the spring. The festival is known for its colors, as people throw colored powder and water at each other. Holi is a time for people to forget their differences and come together in celebration.

Diwali is a major Hindu festival that is celebrated in the fall. The festival is known for its lights, as people decorate their homes and businesses with lights and candles. Diwali is a time for people to celebrate the victory of good over evil.

Janmashtami is a major Hindu festival that is celebrated in the fall. The festival celebrates the birth of Krishna, who is one of the most important Hindu gods. Janmashtami is a time for people to pray to Krishna and to celebrate his life.

What are the major tourist attractions in Rajasthan?

The major tourist attractions in Rajasthan are the Hawa Mahal (Palace of the Winds) in Jaipur, the Amber Fort in Jaipur, and the Ranakpur Jain Temple in Ranakpur.

The Hawa Mahal is a palace in Jaipur that was built in the 18th century. The palace is known for its intricate facade, which is made up of over 900 small windows. The Hawa Mahal is a popular tourist destination, and it offers stunning views of the city of Jaipur.

The Amber Fort is a fort in Jaipur that was built in the 16th century. The fort is known for its beautiful architecture, which is a mix of Hindu and Muslim styles. The Amber Fort is a popular tourist destination, and it offers stunning views of the city of Jaipur.

The Ranakpur Jain Temple is a temple in Ranakpur that was built in the 15th century. The temple is known for its intricate architecture, which is made up of over 1,400 pillars. The Ranakpur Jain Temple is a popular tourist destination, and it is considered to be one of the most important Jain temples in the world.

Sure, here are some MCQs about Rajasthan:

  1. Which of the following is not a state of India?
    (A) Rajasthan
    (B) Gujarat
    (C) Maharashtra
    (D) Madhya Pradesh

  2. The capital of Rajasthan is:
    (A) Jaipur
    (B) Jodhpur
    (C) Udaipur
    (D) Bikaner

  3. The population of Rajasthan is about:
    (A) 60 million
    (B) 70 million
    (C) 80 million
    (D) 90 million

  4. The Official Language of Rajasthan is:
    (A) Hindi
    (B) Rajasthani
    (C) English
    (D) Punjabi

  5. The main religion of Rajasthan is:
    (A) Hinduism
    (B) Islam
    (C) Christianity
    (D) Sikhism

  6. The main crops of Rajasthan are:
    (A) Wheat
    (B) Rice
    (C) Cotton
    (D) Sugarcane

  7. The main tourist attractions of Rajasthan are:
    (A) The Taj Mahal
    (B) The Red Fort
    (C) The Hawa Mahal
    (D) The Amber Fort

  8. The famous desert of Rajasthan is:
    (A) The Thar Desert
    (B) The Rann of Kutch
    (C) The Great Indian Desert
    (D) The Desert of Death

  9. The famous wildlife sanctuary of Rajasthan is:
    (A) The Ranthambore National Park
    (B) The Sariska Tiger Reserve
    (C) The Keoladeo National Park
    (D) The Desert National Park

  10. The famous festival of Rajasthan is:
    (A) The Teej Festival
    (B) The Holi Festival
    (C) The Diwali Festival
    (D) The Gangaur Festival

I hope these MCQs were helpful!