Recommendations of Sarkaria Commission

The Sarkaria Commission was a commission appointed by the Government of India in 1983 to review the relationship between the central government and the state governments in India. The commission submitted its report in 1988, and its recommendations have been influential in shaping the Indian federal system.

  1. Appointment of Governors
  2. Dismissal of State Governments
  3. Role of Governors in Union Territories
  4. Center-state Relations
  5. Emergency Provisions
  6. Inter-State Council
  7. Other Constitutional Matters

Appointment of Governors: One of the key recommendations of the Sarkaria Commission pertained to the appointment of Governors. It proposed that Governors should be individuals with a background in public life or administration, capable of acting as impartial custodians of the Constitution and the laws of the land. The Commission emphasized the importance of selecting Governors who possess integrity, impartiality, and a balanced understanding of constitutional principles.

Dismissal of State Governments: The Commission provided guidelines regarding the dismissal of state governments in exceptional circumstances. It recommended that the Governor should exercise caution and prudence while recommending the imposition of President’s Rule in a state. The Commission emphasized that such a recommendation should only be made when there is a breakdown of constitutional machinery in the state, as envisaged under Article 356 of the Constitution.

Role of Governors in Union Territories: In its report, the Sarkaria Commission examined the role of Governors in Union Territories. It recommended that Governors should act as the representatives of the President in Union Territories, exercising powers and functions as delegated by the President. The Commission stressed the need for Governors to maintain harmonious relations with the Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers in Union Territories while upholding the principles of democratic governance.

Center-State Relations: The Commission delved into various aspects of center-state relations, including fiscal federalism, administrative cooperation, and legislative matters. It underscored the significance of Cooperative Federalism, advocating for greater coordination and collaboration between the Union and the States in policymaking and implementation. The Commission recommended measures to enhance inter-governmental communication and resolve disputes through dialogue and consensus-building.

Emergency Provisions: Addressing the issue of emergency provisions, the Sarkaria Commission recommended safeguards to prevent misuse of emergency powers by the Union government. It stressed the importance of upholding democratic principles and Fundamental Rights, even during periods of emergency. The Commission proposed mechanisms to ensure Transparency and Accountability in the invocation and revocation of emergency provisions.

Inter-State Council: Recognizing the importance of fostering cooperation among states, the Commission proposed the establishment of an Inter-State Council as a forum for dialogue and consensus-building on issues of mutual interest. The Council was envisioned as a platform for states to discuss and resolve inter-state disputes, coordinate development initiatives, and promote regional cooperation.

Other Constitutional Matters: In addition to the above recommendations, the Sarkaria Commission addressed various other constitutional matters, including the appointment of judges, the structure of TribunalsTribunals, and . The Commission’s comprehensive report provided valuable insights and recommendations to strengthen the federal structure of the Indian Constitution and promote cooperative governance between the Union and the States.


The Sarkaria Commission made a number of recommendations for strengthening the federal system in India. These included:

  • Recommendation 1: The central government should not interfere in the affairs of the state governments unless it is absolutely necessary.
  • Recommendation 2: The state governments should have more autonomy in matters of TaxationTaxation and expenditure.
  • Recommendation 3: The states should have a greater say in the appointment of governors and judges of the high courts.
  • Recommendation 4: The central government should consult the states before taking any major decision that affects them.
  • Recommendation 5: The central government should set up a permanent inter-state council to resolve disputes between the states.

The Sarkaria Commission’s recommendations have been largely accepted by the central government and the state governments. However, there have been some implementation challenges. For example, the central government has not always consulted the states before taking major decisions that affect them.

Despite these challenges, the Sarkaria Commission’s recommendations have had a positive impact on the Indian federal system. They have helped to strengthen the autonomy of the state governments and to improve the relationship between the central government and the state governments.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is the Sarkaria Commission?
    The Sarkaria Commission was a commission appointed by the Government of India in 1983 to review the relationship between the central government and the state governments in India. The commission submitted its report in 1988, and its recommendations have been influential in shaping the Indian federal system.
  2. What were the main recommendations of the Sarkaria Commission?
    The Sarkaria Commission made a number of recommendations for strengthening the federal system in India. These included:
  • The central government should not interfere in the affairs of the state governments unless it is absolutely necessary.
  • The state governments should have more autonomy in matters of Taxation and expenditure.
  • The states should have a greater say in the appointment of governors and judges of the high courts.
  • The central government should consult the states before taking any major decision that affects them.
  • The central government should set up a permanent inter-state council to resolve disputes between the states.
  1. What has been the impact of the Sarkaria Commission’s recommendations?
    The Sarkaria Commission’s recommendations have been largely accepted by the central government and the state governments. However, there have been some implementation challenges. For example, the central government has not always consulted the states before taking major decisions that affect them.

Despite these challenges, the Sarkaria Commission’s recommendations have had a positive impact on the Indian federal system. They have helped to strengthen the autonomy of the state governments and to improve the relationship between the central government and the state governments.

Question: What was the purpose of the Sarkaria Commission?

Answer: The Sarkaria Commission was constituted to examine center-state relations and the role of the Governor in India.

Question: Who chaired the Sarkaria Commission?

Answer: JusticeJustice Rajinder Singh Sarkaria chaired the Sarkaria Commission.

Question: When did the Sarkaria Commission submit its report? Answer: The Sarkaria Commission submitted its report in 1988.

Question: What were some key areas of focus for the Sarkaria Commission?

Answer: The Sarkaria Commission focused on issues such as the appointment of Governors, dismissal of state governments, and emergency provisions.

Question: What recommendations did the Sarkaria Commission make regarding the appointment of Governors?

Answer: The Sarkaria Commission recommended appointing individuals with integrity and impartiality as Governors.

Question: How did the Sarkaria Commission address the dismissal of state governments?

Answer: The Commission provided guidelines for the dismissal of state governments in exceptional circumstances, emphasizing prudence and caution.

Question: What role did the Sarkaria Commission propose for Governors in Union Territories?

Answer: The Commission recommended that Governors act as representatives of the President in Union Territories.

Question: Did the Sarkaria Commission address emergency provisions?

Answer: Yes, the Commission recommended safeguards to prevent the misuse of emergency powers by the Union government.

Question: What was the proposed role of the Inter-State Council according to the Sarkaria Commission?

Answer: The Commission proposed establishing an Inter-State Council as a forum for dialogue and cooperation among states on various issues.

Question: What was the significance of the Sarkaria Commission’s recommendations?

Answer: The recommendations of the Sarkaria Commission aimed to strengthen the federal structure of the Indian Constitution and promote cooperative governance between the Union and the States.


The Sarkaria Commission was appointed in:
(A) 1983
(B) 1984
(CC) 1985
(D) 1986

The Sarkaria Commission submitted its report in:
(A) 1988
(B) 1989
(C) 1990
(D) 1991

The Sarkaria Commission made a number of recommendations for strengthening the federal system in India. These included:
(A) The central government should not interfere in the affairs of the state governments unless it is absolutely necessary.
(B) The state governments should have more autonomy in matters of taxation and expenditure.
(C) The states should have a greater say in the appointment of governors and judges of the high courts.
(D) All of the above.

Who chaired the commission that examined center-state relations and the role of the Governor in India?

A) Justice H.R. Khanna

B) Justice Rajinder Singh Sarkaria

C) Justice P.N. Bhagwati

D) Justice J.S. Verma

When was the report of the commission on center-state relations and the Governor’s role submitted?

A) 1972

B) 1988

C) 1991

D) 2000

What was the primary focus of the commission’s examination?

A) Local self-governance

B) Judicial appointments

C) Center-state relations

D) Economic reforms

What was the commission’s recommendation regarding the appointment of Governors?

A) Governors should be appointed by the Prime Minister

B) Governors should be individuals with integrity and impartiality

C) Governors should be elected by the State Legislatures

D) Governors should be appointed by the President

What did the commission propose regarding the dismissal of state governments?

A) Governors should have the authority to dismiss state governments at will

B) Governors should exercise caution and prudence in recommending the dismissal of state governments

C) Governors should not have any role in the dismissal of state governments

D) Governors should consult the Prime Minister before dismissing state governments

What role did the commission envisage for Governors in Union Territories?

A) Governors should have no role in Union Territories

B) Governors should act as representatives of the President in Union Territories

C) Governors should have executive powers in Union Territories

D) Governors should be elected by the residents of Union Territories

What did the commission recommend regarding emergency provisions?

A) Emergency provisions should be abolished

B) Emergency provisions should be invoked more frequently

C) Safeguards should be implemented to prevent misuse of emergency powers

D) Governors should have the authority to declare emergencies

What was proposed to enhance inter-state cooperation according to the commission?

A) Formation of Inter-State Councils

B) Imposition of stricter federal control

C) Elimination of state governments

D) Centralization of powers

How did the commission propose to address disputes between states?

A) Through judicial intervention only

B) Through dialogue and consensus-building

C) By granting more powers to the Union government

D) By ignoring the disputes

What was the overall aim of the commission’s recommendations?

A) To centralize power in the Union government

B) To strengthen federalism and promote cooperative governance

C) To abolish the Governor’s role entirely

D) To restrict the powers of the Prime Minister
