Rathore of Bikaner

Rathore of Bikaner

About 1465 Rao Bika, a Rathore Rajput, and an elder son of Rao Jodha, king of Marwar, provoked by a stray comment by his father, left Marwar (Jodhpur) with a small contingent of Rathore warriors (500 soldier and 100 cavalrymen) to create his own kingdom. He was accompanied by his uncle, Rawat Kandhal and his brother Rao Bida, who provided politico-strategic advice.

Encouraged by the mystic Karni Mata, whom he had met early in his travels, he took advantage of the internal rivalries of the Jat clans so that by 1485 he was able to establish his own territory and build a small fort called Rati Ghati at the city which still bears his name. In 1488 he began the building of the city itself. In the beginning the neighboring Bhati chiefs were suspicious of the new growing power in their vicinity. Karni Mata, who had become the kuladevi of Rao Bika brought the rivalry between the Rathore & Bhatis to an end by inspiring Rao Shekha – the powerful Bhati chief of Pugal, to give the hand of his daughter in marriage to Rao Bika. This consolidated Rao Bika’s power in the region and proved to be a milestone in the history of the state.

Upon Rao Jodha’s death in 1488 Rao Bika stormed Mehrangarh Fort,[8] an event that was to lead to 200 years of intermittent wars between Marwar and Bikaner.  Remains of the original small fortress Rao Bika built can still be seen around the walled city, near Lakshminath ji temple. The royal family of Bikaner lived there, till Raja Rai Singh Ji built a new fort called “Chintamani” (now Junagarh) between 1589 and 1593 AD.  According to legend Bika Lunkaranji consulted a holy man called Jas nathji, who foretold that Bika’s line would reign for 450 years. While Bika was pleased with this prediction, his brother Gharsiji when he heard of the prediction thought a longer period of power should have been prophesied. He confronted the holy man while he was in a deep trance and roused him by thrusting burning incense under his nose.[8] Jas nathji told him ‘All right take 50 years more or less but of trial and tribulation’.

The return of Humayun to power meant that Bikaner due to its involvement with Sher Shah Suri came into conflict with the Mughals again. However Kalyan Mal by using all the advantages of the harsh desert Environment around Bikaner was able to defeat any invading Mughal army. The coming of Akbar to power saw the Mughal Empire turn to diplomacy instead of force to bring the individual Rajput states into the empire. As a result, Raja Rai Singh, the sixth ruler of Bikaner was among the first Rajput Chiefs to make an alliance with the Mughal Empire. As a result, during the reign of the Mughal emperor Akbar the rulers of Bikaner were esteemed among the most loyal adherents of the empire and held high ranks as Mansabdars of special order in the imperial court. They served as military commanders in various Mughal campaigns all over the Indian sub-continent. In 1570, Akbar married a daughter of Rao Kalyan Singh. Kalyan’s son, Rai Singh, who succeeded him in 1571, was one of Akbar’s most distinguished generals and the first Raja of Bikaner. Two other distinguished chiefs of the house were Raja Karan Singh (1631–1669), who in the struggle of the sons of Shah Jahan for the throne threw in his lot with Aurangzeb, and his eldest son, Anup Singh (1669–1698), who fought with distinction in the Deccan, was conspicuous in the capture of Golconda, and earned the title of maharaja. With the decline of Mughal power in India with the death of Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707 AD, the Bonds of Mughals-Rajput relationship slowly dissolved. Sujan Singh (1700–35) formally broke the connection with the Mughal throne and from 1719 based himself within his kingdom.

Following the collapse of the Mughal Empire in the 18th century, Bikaner, like the rest of Rajputana, became subservient to the Marathas,[12] until it came under the protection of the British East India Company in 1818, following the British victory in the Third Anglo-Maratha War. In 1818, the Raja of Bikaner signed a treaty with the British, which protected Bikaner from invasion provided it was not the aggressor and guaranteed the royal SUCCESSION.


The Rathore of Bikaner are a Rajput clan that ruled the princely state of Bikaner in northwestern India. They are descended from Rao Jodha, the founder of the Rathore dynasty. The Rathores of Bikaner were known for their military prowess and their loyalty to the Mughal Empire. They played a significant role in the Mughal conquest of Gujarat and Malwa. The Rathores of Bikaner were also patrons of the arts and literature. They built many temples and palaces in Bikaner, which is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Rao Jodha was born in 1416 in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. He was the son of Rao Bika, the founder of the Jodhpur kingdom. Rao Jodha was a skilled warrior and a wise ruler. He expanded his kingdom by conquering neighboring territories. He also built a new capital city, Bikaner, in 1486.

The Mughal Empire was an Islamic empire that ruled over much of India from the 16th to the 18th centuries. The Mughals were a powerful and sophisticated empire that left a lasting legacy on Indian culture. The Mughals were also patrons of the arts and literature. They built many beautiful palaces and mosques.

Gujarat is a state in northwestern India. It is one of the most populous states in India. Gujarat is known for its rich history and culture. It is also a major economic center.

Malwa is a region in central India. It is known for its fertile land and its historical importance. Malwa was ruled by many different dynasties over the centuries. It was also a major center of the Mughal Empire.

The Rathores of Bikaner were patrons of the arts and literature. They built many temples and palaces in Bikaner, which is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The temples of Bikaner are known for their intricate architecture and their beautiful sculptures. The palaces of Bikaner are also known for their beauty and their historical significance.

Bikaner is a city in northwestern India. It is the capital of the Bikaner district and the Bikaner division. Bikaner is a major tourist destination. It is known for its forts, palaces, and temples. Bikaner is also known for its handicrafts, such as carpets, textiles, and jewelry.

In 2013, Bikaner was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The city was recognized for its well-preserved medieval architecture and its cultural significance. Bikaner is one of the few remaining cities in India that has retained its medieval character.

The Rathore of Bikaner are a proud and noble Rajput clan. They have a long and illustrious history. They are known for their military prowess, their loyalty to the Mughal Empire, and their patronage of the arts and literature. The Rathores of Bikaner have made a significant contribution to Indian history and culture.

What is the capital of India?

The capital of India is New Delhi.

What is the Population of India?

The population of India is 1.38 billion people.

What is the Official Language of India?

The official language of India is Hindi.

What is the currency of India?

The currency of India is the Indian rupee.

What is the national animal of India?

The national animal of India is the tiger.

What is the national flower of India?

The national flower of India is the lotus.

What is the national bird of India?

The national bird of India is the peacock.

What is the National Anthem of India?

The national anthem of India is Jana Gana Mana.

What is the National Flag of India?

The national flag of India is a horizontal tricolor of saffron, white, and green with a blue wheel in the center.

What is the national motto of India?

The national motto of India is Satyameva Jayate, which means “Truth alone triumphs.”

What is the national holiday of India?

The national holiday of India is Republic Day, which is celebrated on January 26.

What is the religion of India?

The majority religion of India is Hinduism-2/”>Hinduism.

What is the government of India?

The government of India is a federal parliamentary republic.

What is the history of India?

India has a long and rich history, dating back to the Indus Valley Civilization.

What is the geography of India?

India is a large country located in South Asia.

What is the culture of India?

India is a diverse country with a rich culture.

What is the economy of India?

India is a developing country with a growing economy.

What is the Education system in India?

The education system in India is divided into three levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary.

What is the healthcare system in India?

The healthcare system in India is a mix of public and private sectors.

What is the transportation system in India?

The transportation system in India is a mix of road, rail, air, and water.

What is the tourism in India?

India is a popular tourist destination, known for its culture, history, and natural beauty.

What are the Sports in India?

Cricket is the most popular sport in India.

What are the food in India?

Indian cuisine is a diverse and delicious cuisine, with a wide variety of dishes.

What are the festivals in India?

India is a country with many festivals, each with its own unique traditions and customs.

What are the languages in India?

India is a multilingual country, with over 120 languages spoken.

What are the people of India?

The people of India are a diverse group, with a wide range of cultures, religions, and languages.

What are the challenges in India?

India faces a number of challenges, including POVERTY, illiteracy, and Corruption.

What are the opportunities in India?

India is a country with a number of opportunities, including a growing economy and a young population.

What is the future of India?

The future of India is bright, with a young population and a growing economy.

Sure, here are some MCQs about the topics you mentioned:

  1. The Rathore Rajputs are a clan of Rajputs from Rajasthan, India. They are one of the most powerful and influential Rajput clans in India.
  2. The Rathores are known for their bravery, chivalry, and loyalty. They have a long and proud history of fighting for their homeland and their people.
  3. The Rathores are also known for their love of horses and hunting. They are skilled horsemen and archers.
  4. The Rathores are a very proud and traditional people. They have a strong sense of honor and duty.
  5. The Rathores are a very important part of the history and culture of Rajasthan. They have played a major role in the development of the state.

Here are some MCQs about the topic of the Mughal Empire:

  1. The Mughal Empire was an Islamic empire that ruled over much of the Indian subcontinent from the 16th to the 18th centuries.
  2. The Mughal Empire was founded by Babur, a descendant of Timur and Genghis Khan.
  3. The Mughal Empire reached its peak under the rule of Akbar the Great, who ruled from 1556 to 1605.
  4. Akbar was a tolerant ruler who allowed Hindus and Muslims to practice their religions freely.
  5. The Mughal Empire began to decline in the 18th century, and it was finally overthrown in 1857.

Here are some MCQs about the topic of the British Raj:

  1. The British Raj was the period of British rule in India from 1858 to 1947.
  2. The British Raj was established after the Indian Rebellion of 1857, also known as the Sepoy Mutiny.
  3. The British Raj was a period of great change for India. The British introduced many new ideas and technologies to India, but they also exploited the country’s Resources and people.
  4. The British Raj came to an end in 1947, when India gained independence.
  5. The British Raj was a complex and controversial period in Indian history. It is still debated today whether the British Raj was a positive or negative force for India.

Here are some MCQs about the topic of the Indian independence movement:

  1. The Indian independence movement was a long and complex struggle that resulted in the end of British rule in India in 1947.
  2. The Indian independence movement was led by a number of different leaders, including Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Bal Gangadhar Tilak.
  3. The Indian independence movement was a non-violent movement, and it was based on the principles of satyagraha, or nonviolent resistance.
  4. The Indian independence movement was successful in achieving its goal of independence for India, but it also led to the partition of India into two separate countries, India and Pakistan.
  5. The Indian independence movement is a significant event in Indian history, and it is still celebrated today.